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Everything posted by whitesilk

  1. T`ai Chi Tu and Fish

    nungali: if wikipedia is correct, 'The cuneiform script was developed from pictographic proto-writing in the late 4th millennium BC, stemming from the near eastern token system used for accounting.' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuneiform_script How far east is near east?
  2. T`ai Chi Tu and Fish

    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1712578/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 jessup2, The above movie is about a witch in ww2. It's heavy in the dark arts. It might be your thing, yet it freaked me out!
  3. T`ai Chi Tu and Fish

    I guess I have a theory that we westerners are actually of oriental descent, at least culturally. Why are we called westerners, perhaps because we are west of the yellow river? The main basis for my theory is that Huang Ti wrote the first book around 2500 B.C.; From Wen-Tzu 172, we have: "In high antiquity, real people breathed yin and yang, and all living beings looked up to their virtue, thus harmonizing peacefully.... Coming to the times when Shen-nung and Huang Ti governed the land and made calendars to harmonize with yin and yang, now all the people stood straight up and thinkingly bore the burden of looking and listening. Therefore they were orderly but not harmonious." Perhaps ~800 B.C. Homer is attributed to the Illiad, Oddesey and such. Even then it is a spoken lineage. In my opinion, Culture would follow knowledge; knowledge would stem from the written word.
  4. Naivety and Tact

    I'm impulsive sometimes... An event ocured a few days ago, that I would like advice to help cure. I live in a small town in the MidWest and I went to a local chinese resaurant for a meal. I am a fan of the group Sun Zoo. I've read in a sutra (buddhist) that there is a drum sounding in every sentient being. I asked to lady who took my order if she knew who sun zoo was. She said yes; then I replied, do you know what country they are from? There are three singers in the group, one identifies with the Phillipeens, and another is named yoon maire. I had the hidden intent of asking the lady if she would translate the words in this song: She seemed offended, or didn't understand me, and then I raised back both my arms and exclaimed that I did not mean to offend. I am unsure of what I had also spoken. I sat to wait for my food. Before my question, I said that I would like to dine in. When the food arrived, It was in a carry out box. While the lady was bringing me my food, I mentioned yoon marie's name and thats when I realized she thought that I was thinking about Sun Tzu. I am unsure of whether she hated at that moment or did not speak English, so I embarrassed myself and started saying things like sound not writing while gesturing with my hands. I managed to say music. I finished with Lao Tzu over Sun Tzu, and as I left, I glanced back at the cook, and he flashed me a smile. I had a saying "If you lose your tact, you become holy (full of holes in this town)."
  5. Naivety and Tact

    I forgot about my mistake dustybeijing. I am focusing on amends now. After a few nights sleep, this is what I have decided to do. I printed out the lyrics to Sun Zoo's song "Get Down," and I plan on giving the lady those lyrics, along with a song which I have written about Abram and Sarai and Hagar and Issac. I am a Christian, and I hope to remain a Christian. I cannot predict the future. I am only able to live moment by moment. I studied East Asian Civ in a class at University, and I took affinity with their philosophy more than western philosophy. I live my life by the values I've learned from the Huainanzi, Chuangzi, Tao-Te-Ching, and Wen-Tzu so far. I have ordered from Amazon a Thomas Cleary Translation, and I am taking my time with it, that is the reason I am very concerned with proper behavior: https://www.amazon.com/Taoist-Classics-Collected-Translations-Shambhala/dp/1570629056 One observance I've made with life is that we are all connected. When there is discord among two parties, the best pursuit for reconciliation between them is to first find the cause. Then work to relive the cause. I was presuming and impulsive. If I become patient and simple, then I hopefully I would be able to enjoy a good meal.
  6. era or jiayin?

    Three texts to reference from the Huainanzi, then a commentary. Huainanzi 3.8 Huainanzi 3.9 Huainanzi 3.26 Huainanzi 3.15 I have KDE, kStars. In the solar system viewer, there is a mode of viewing the movement of the planets. It seems that there is a mars eclipse coming on the summer solstice of 2018. Any Thoughts Would Be Appreciated!
  7. era or jiayin?

    Zhongyongdaoist I just bought an american bass guitar. I wrote this to try to help me write some songs. code for code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huygens%E2%80%93Fresnel_principle #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <math.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <cairo/cairo.h> #define WAV_HEADER_OFFSET (44 * 4) #define CHANNEL_INP_REAL 0 #define CHANNEL_INP_IMAG 1 #define NCHANNELS 2 #define SAMPLE_RATE 48000 #define FRAME_RATE 6 #define FRAME_SIZE 8192 #define OCTAVE_SHIFT 32 #define FREQ_IND(q) (int)(((float)(q) * (float)FRAME_SIZE) / ((float)SAMPLE_RATE / (float)OCTAVE_SHIFT)) #define IND_FREQ(ind) (float)(((float)(ind) / (float)FRAME_SIZE) * ((float)SAMPLE_RATE / (float)OCTAVE_SHIFT)) #define STRING_LENGTH 8192 #define HALFTONE (float)pow(2.0,1.0/12.0) #define NTONES 40 #define FREQ_LO 30.86770632850774f #define THETADELTA 100 #define DIST 0.329631f #define RMAGN 1000 #define IMG_WIDTH 1280 #define IMG_HEIGHT 720 #define Y_DELTA pow(2,27) #define BKG_R 0.45f #define BKG_G 0.45f #define BKG_B 0.45f typedef enum { COMPLEX_REAL, COMPLEX_IMAG, COMPLEX_TOTAL } COMPLEX; char outimgdir[sTRING_LENGTH]; char inwavpath[sTRING_LENGTH]; float sig[COMPLEX_TOTAL][FRAME_SIZE]; float emp[2][COMPLEX_TOTAL][FRAME_SIZE]; float fft[COMPLEX_TOTAL][FRAME_SIZE]; float magn[FRAME_SIZE]; int inwavfd; float mmagn[NTONES]; int mnd[NTONES]; float Up[COMPLEX_TOTAL][RMAGN]; void sample_wav(int frameitr) { int itr; short buf[NCHANNELS * FRAME_SIZE * OCTAVE_SHIFT]; lseek(inwavfd, (44 * 4) + (4 * FRAME_SIZE) * frameitr, 0); read(inwavfd, buf, NCHANNELS * FRAME_SIZE * OCTAVE_SHIFT * sizeof(short)); for (itr = 0; itr < FRAME_SIZE; itr += 1) { sig[COMPLEX_REAL][itr] = (float)buf[NCHANNELS * itr * OCTAVE_SHIFT + CHANNEL_INP_REAL]; sig[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] = (float)buf[NCHANNELS * itr * OCTAVE_SHIFT + CHANNEL_INP_IMAG]; } return; } int bit_reversal(int m, int n) { int itr; int ret = 0; for (itr = 0; itr < m; itr += 1) { ret <<= 1; if ((n >> itr) & 0x1) ret |= 1; } return ret; } void dif_fft() { float f, o, i, l, theta; int itr, aitr, litr, lit, ind, e; memset(emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL], 0, FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(float)); memset(emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG], 0, FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(float)); for (itr = 0; itr < FRAME_SIZE; itr += 1) { emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][itr] = sig[COMPLEX_REAL][itr]; emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] = sig[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr]; } e = (int)(log(FRAME_SIZE) / log(2)); for (lit = e - 1; lit >= 0; lit -= 1) { litr = (int)pow(2,lit); for (aitr = 0; aitr < FRAME_SIZE; aitr += 2 * litr) { for (itr = aitr; itr < aitr + litr; itr += 1) { emp[1][COMPLEX_REAL][itr] = emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][itr] + emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][itr + litr]; emp[1][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] = emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] + emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr + litr]; theta = (M_PI * (float)itr) / (float)litr; f = 1.0f * (emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][itr] - emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][itr + litr]) * cos(theta); o = 1.0f * (emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][itr] - emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][itr + litr]) * sin(theta); i = 1.0f * (emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] - emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr + litr]) * cos(theta); l = -1.0f * (emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] - emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr + litr]) * sin(theta); emp[1][COMPLEX_REAL][itr + litr] = f + l; emp[1][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr + litr] = o + i; } } for (itr = 0; itr < FRAME_SIZE; itr += 1) { if (isnan(emp[1][COMPLEX_REAL][itr])) emp[1][COMPLEX_REAL][itr] = 0.0f; if (isinf(emp[1][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr])) emp[1][COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] = 0.0f; } memcpy(emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL], emp[1][COMPLEX_REAL], FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(float)); memcpy(emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG], emp[1][COMPLEX_IMAG], FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(float)); } for (itr = 0; itr < FRAME_SIZE; itr += 1) { ind = bit_reversal(e, itr); fft[COMPLEX_REAL][itr] = emp[0][COMPLEX_REAL][ind]; fft[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] = emp[0][COMPLEX_IMAG][ind]; magn[itr] = sqrt(fft[COMPLEX_REAL][itr] * fft[COMPLEX_REAL][itr] + fft[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] * fft[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr]); } return; } void find_levels(void) { float q, m; int ind_lo, ind_hi, itr, aitr, mind, titr; q = FREQ_LO; for (itr = 0; itr < NTONES; itr += 1) { ind_lo = FREQ_IND(q - (q - q / HALFTONE) / 2.0f); ind_hi = FREQ_IND(q + (q * HALFTONE - q) / 2.0f); if (ind_hi >= FRAME_SIZE / 2) { printf("OVERFLOW\n"); break; } m = 0.0f; mind = -1; for (aitr = ind_lo; aitr < ind_hi; aitr += 1) { if (m < magn[aitr]) { m = magn[aitr]; mind = aitr; } } if (mind > - 1) { mmagn[itr] = m; mnd[itr] = mind; } titr += 1; q *= HALFTONE; } return; } void huygens_fresnel_transform(int titr) { float Ur0[COMPLEX_TOTAL]; float s[COMPLEX_TOTAL]; float q, p, f, o, i, l, k, smagn, theta, P0a, aP, aQ, is, b, c, r; int r0, thetaitr; q = IND_FREQ(mnd[titr]); p = 1.0 / q; k = (2.0f * M_PI) / p; for (r0 = 1; r0 < RMAGN; r0 += 1) { r = ((float)r0 / (float)RMAGN)* (float)DIST; f = 1.0f * fft[COMPLEX_REAL][mnd[titr]] * cos(k * (float)r); o = 1.0f * fft[COMPLEX_REAL][mnd[titr]] * sin(k * (float)r); i = 1.0f * fft[COMPLEX_IMAG][mnd[titr]] * cos(k * (float)r); l = -1.0f * fft[COMPLEX_IMAG][mnd[titr]] * sin(k * (float)r); Ur0[COMPLEX_IMAG] = (f + l) / ((float)r * p); Ur0[COMPLEX_REAL] = -1.0f * (o + i) / ((float)r * p); memset(s, 0, COMPLEX_TOTAL * sizeof(float)); for (thetaitr = 0; thetaitr < THETADELTA; thetaitr += 1) { theta = ((float)thetaitr / (float)THETADELTA) * (2.0f * M_PI); P0a = (float)r0 * sin(theta); aP = DIST - P0a; aQ = (P0a * sin(theta)) / sin((M_PI / 2.0f) - theta); smagn = sqrt(aQ * aQ + aP * aP); b = asin(P0a / (float)r0); c = asin(aP / (float)smagn); is = (1.0 / 2.0) * (sqrt(1.0f + cos(M_PI - (b + c))) / (float)THETADELTA); s[COMPLEX_IMAG] += (is * cos(k * smagn)) / smagn; s[COMPLEX_REAL] += -1.0f * (is * sin(k * smagn)) / smagn; } f = 1.0f * Ur0[COMPLEX_REAL] * s[COMPLEX_REAL]; o = 1.0f * Ur0[COMPLEX_REAL] * s[COMPLEX_IMAG]; i = 1.0f * Ur0[COMPLEX_IMAG] * s[COMPLEX_REAL]; l = -1.0f * Ur0[COMPLEX_IMAG] * s[COMPLEX_IMAG]; Up[COMPLEX_REAL][r0] = f + l; Up[COMPLEX_IMAG][r0] = o + i; //printf("%f %f\n", s[0], s[1]); } return; } void cairo_box(cairo_t *cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { cairo_move_to(cr,x1,y1); cairo_line_to(cr,x1,y2); cairo_line_to(cr,x2,y2); cairo_line_to(cr,x2,y1); cairo_fill(cr); return; } void write_img(int frameitr, int titr) { cairo_surface_t *img; cairo_t *cr; double x1,y1,x2,y2,d,c; float xp, t, ht, et; int itr, ind, oitr, tind, aitr, sitr, fitr; char text[sTRING_LENGTH]; char imgname[sTRING_LENGTH]; char indetect; img = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, IMG_WIDTH, IMG_HEIGHT); cr = cairo_create(img); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 4.0); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr,BKG_R,BKG_G,BKG_; x1 = 0.0; y1 = 0.0; x2 = (double)IMG_WIDTH; y2 = (double)IMG_HEIGHT; cairo_box(cr,x1,y1,x2,y2); d = ((double)IMG_WIDTH / (double)RMAGN) * (double)OCTAVE_SHIFT; for (itr = 1; itr < FRAME_SIZE; itr += 1) { cairo_set_source_rgb(cr,1.0,0.0,0.0); x1 = (double)(itr - 1) * d; y1 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 4) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * sig[COMPLEX_REAL][itr - 1] / pow(2,15); x2 = (double)itr * d; y2 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 4) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * sig[COMPLEX_REAL][itr] / pow(2,15); cairo_move_to(cr,x1,y1); cairo_line_to(cr,x2,y2); cairo_stroke(cr); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr,0.0,1.0,0.0); x1 = (double)(itr - 1) * d; y1 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 4) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * sig[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr - 1] / pow(2,15); x2 = (double)itr * d; y2 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 4) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * sig[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] / pow(2,15); cairo_move_to(cr,x1,y1); cairo_line_to(cr,x2,y2); cairo_stroke(cr); } for (itr = 1; itr < RMAGN; itr += 1) { cairo_set_source_rgb(cr,1.0,0.0,0.0); x1 = (double)(itr - 1) * d; y1 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT * (3.0 / 4.0)) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * Up[COMPLEX_REAL][itr - 1] / Y_DELTA; x2 = (double)itr * d; y2 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT * (3.0 / 4.0)) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * Up[COMPLEX_REAL][itr] / Y_DELTA; cairo_move_to(cr,x1,y1); cairo_line_to(cr,x2,y2); cairo_stroke(cr); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr,0.0,1.0,0.0); x1 = (double)(itr - 1) * d; y1 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT * (3.0 / 4.0)) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * Up[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr - 1] / Y_DELTA; x2 = (double)itr * d; y2 = (double)(IMG_HEIGHT * (3.0 / 4.0)) + (double)(IMG_HEIGHT / 8) * Up[COMPLEX_IMAG][itr] / Y_DELTA; cairo_move_to(cr,x1,y1); cairo_line_to(cr,x2,y2); cairo_stroke(cr); } memset(imgname, 0, STRING_LENGTH); sprintf(imgname, "%s/%08d_%04d.png", outimgdir, frameitr, titr); cairo_surface_write_to_png(img, imgname); cairo_destroy(cr); cairo_surface_destroy(img); return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { printf("USAGE:./test <inwavpath> <outimgdir>\n"); return 0; } long e, b, s; int nframes, itr, aitr; memset(inwavpath, 0, STRING_LENGTH); strcpy(inwavpath, argv[1]); memset(outimgdir, 0, STRING_LENGTH); strcpy(outimgdir, argv[2]); inwavfd = open(inwavpath, O_RDONLY, 0600); e = lseek(inwavfd, 0, 2); b = lseek(inwavfd, 44 * 4, 0); s = e - b; nframes = (s / 4) / FRAME_SIZE; for (itr = 0; itr < nframes; itr += 1) { sample_wav(itr); dif_fft(); find_levels(); for (aitr = 0; aitr < NTONES; aitr += 1) { huygens_fresnel_transform(aitr); write_img(itr,aitr); } printf("%d\n", itr); } close(inwavfd); return 0; }
  8. era or jiayin?

    Zhongyongdaoist, Very Helpful, I am in thanks.
  9. era or jiayin?

    Thanks Zhongyongdaoist I'm a linux user, so I do not think that I will be able to use the software, although I am interested in the book! I'm also a computer developer, I have an app on the play store... check out my research: facebook dot com forward slash tabscribe Zhongyongdaoist: Would you provide me with a reference date? For example, October 9th, 2016 is jiazi?
  10. era or jiayin?

    Thanks Taoist Texts! Does anybody know what the day jiayin is?
  11. era or jiayin?

    What is a Chinese degree?
  12. era or jiayin?

    Which state corresponds to the asterism dipper? found my own answer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipper_(Chinese_constellation) re: Huainanzi 3.9 On the day jiayin, in the first year of the Epoch, Saturn is in [the lunar lodge] Dipper. Each year Saturn move through one lunar lodge. If Saturn should be [in a particular lunar lodge] but is not there, the state [corresponding to that lodge] will lose its land. If Saturn ought not yet to be [in a particular lunar lodge] but [already] occupies it, the state corresponding to that lodge] will increase its land and [its] crops will ripen. The [average] daily motion [of Saturn] is one-twenty-eighth of a ]Chinese] degree. Its annual motion is 13 5/112 (degrees). In twenty-eight years it completes a circuit [of the heavens].
  13. Mawangdui texts

    From page 105 of the Taoist Classics, volume one, the collected translations of Thomas Cleary, "The oldest known written versions of texts in the Tao Te Ching tradition are the two manuscripts on silk discovered in 1973 at Mawangdui. The scripts used, as well as the format of the book, suggest that these were versions of the classic as studied in the Legalist tradition. The are entitled Te Tao Ching, "Courses in Virtue and the Way," reversing the generally known order of the courses, and are not divided into chapters." It struck me that Lao-Tzu or Lao Tan, living in either the Shang dynasty (1766-1122 B.C.) or the Chou dynasty (1122-256 B.C.), would be the author of a text, generally unknown for some 3,000 years. Looking back over the notes, I noticed that on page 104 of the above mentioned volume this is written, "The attempt to trace different elements of the roots of Taoism leads to question of date and authorship of its texts. At the outset, it should be noted that there are many difficulties in establishing precise dates and authorship in early Chinese literature, for a number of reasons. One reason is that much of the early literature was destroyed long ago by the ravages of censorship, war, and time. Another is that date and authorship in ancient Chinese religious and philosophical literature are traditionally regarded as more important symbolically than literally." The gap in time concerns me. 3,000 years is a long time for a text to survive unnoticed. I just read the wikipedia article on Mawangdui, and it seems I am just misinterpreting the notes, and the Tao Te Ching and other taoist texts existed before 1973. It's just that the oldest version was found in 1973. Any insight?
  14. Mawangdui texts

    Thanks for the good recommendations! Since this post and now, I have lightened my load of books. It would be not logical for me to get more. I came upon the realization that I was being greedy with knowledge. Please feel free to comment on my other topics.
  15. figurative Verse 11

    Sadly, I have a facebook account. I've greated a group called Jargon Jokes, with the idea being to post a bit of wit that you and only you understand. My Topic: Verse Eleven My Jargon Joke: Timepieces are constructed from empty gears, to be efficient they are made hollow; an empty pot made from terra cotta holds many things, and terroists build their own empty rooms, in which they may find shelter; therefore, form is created by fullness, and nonform is more beneficial. I hope that this doesn't offend anyone.
  16. era or jiayin?

    IMAGES I think I made a mistake in era_calc. I just looked at snapshot2 again and Mercury obscurs Saturn, and Earth obscurs Mars, leaving no yin and no yang.
  17. Huainanzi

    "After fifteen more days, [the handle of the Dipper at midnight] points to the binding cord of Returning Accretion, and there is a surplus of yin in the land. Thus it is said that the forty-sixth day form the winter solstice marks the Beginning of Spring [node], when the yang qi dispels the cold. It's sound is like [the pitch pipe] Southern Regulator." Huainanzi 3.18 Twenty Nine years prior my mother had given birth to a son on the spring equinox, a day when "there is a surplus of yin in the land." Had the surplus pervaded this infant? Has all the passive energy fused into his being? Your thoughts?
  18. Huainanzi

    professional plagiarizing?
  19. Huainanzi

    hobo, Care to enlighten me how you have come upon this realization? Or Is your word eternally right? Why would Chinese Astrology base your sign on your birth year, rather than your 'inception' year?
  20. Change the WIND!

    A saying I've learnt states, "You cannot direct the wind, yet you can change the sails!" Taking from the paradigm of internal alchemy, this draws reference to the qi pervading us all. May I offer an answer to the current riots in Hong Kong. Huainanzi 3.8 "Mars normally enters the asterism Grand Enclosure in the tenth month. [The corresponding state thereupon] comes under its control. Then it emerges, passing through the lunar lodges in turn. [Mars] is in charge of states that lack the Way. It causes disorder, causes violence; causes sickness causes death; causes famine, and causes warfare. Its leavings and enterings [of lunar lodges] are irregular. Its color perceptibly varies. [its color] is sometimes visible and sometimes unnoticeable." A bit obscure, and taken from the 2nd Century B.C., the above quote may shed light on the happenings of the world.
  21. Change the WIND!

    DaeluinPlease let me know if I might be more help. I have the John Major Translation of the Huainanzi. I am stuck in the third book, trying to make logical sense of astrology, has proved the contentious within my mind. The chapter describes a cosmograph, and I am still trying to decipher it.
  22. growing lotus

    What are the practical considerations when attempting to plant lotus root? Will the root, bought as food germinate? Should I attempt to find seeds?
  23. growing lotus

    Thanks for the input! I have an indoor pool set up for growing the lotus, with sufficient light and mud. I will plan a trip next week to buy the root. I have bought liquid fertilizer (10-10-10), and haphazardly poured some in already. Going to let the water settle. Water falls, yin is passive. Yang or fire rises.
  24. Classics

    Hi, I've bought this book: http://www.amazon.com/Tai-Chi-Classics-Shambhala/dp/1570627495 at a local bookstore. In it it states that some of the practices should be guided by a professional teacher. I've started them on my own, and kinda feel different. One practice involves circulating one's chi through the spinal column and rotating it around the lower tan'tien. Another practice involves creating jing through pulsating breathes through one's bone marrow. Luckily the Author is about an hour from where I live, and while, I have yet to make the drive, I wonder if I am 'ok' on my own?
  25. Classics

    thanks, I do not post often, the book I'm reading writes something along the lines of chi is built like a skyscraper, one beam at a time, and it's best to learn slowly over time, or like a stack of a thousand papers read one page at a time. Thanks, I should be able to take his course soon.