Lao Tzu

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Everything posted by Lao Tzu

  1. Achievement doesn/t mean conceptualization or description. Dao is everywhere, you just did not notice or realize it. You are a part of the Dao, and you are a manifestation of Dao. If your mind can keep correspondence with Dao, you are actually "achieving it".
  2. Don't afraid of asking. Ask me whatever you want to ask. The reality is even in China, majority of the people can not grasp the real spirit of the Dao, and doing the meditation. I think the reason is that the sages wrote tons of books to teach people how to get Dao. In order to do that, they used metaphors a lot, just like bible. But meanwhile, it lead to misunderstanding, because lots of readers focus on the superficial meanings of the words. Plus, there are truely some meditations used by some sages, BUT, it must be taught by real immortals, because the laws of Dao in one's body is really "meticulous", it can be easy to result in harm without the instruction of a sage. Fortunately, we can acheive Dao without meditation. The method was mentioned in the books, and was given by me here.
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    1. "Gu", I think it describes the porperty of the spirit(Dao). Its meaning is more like "expansive and empty", yes, the character "Gu" in Chinese means "valley", but I think that only translating it into "valley" can make readers confused.
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, some translation can only make you more confused.
  5. It is a history problem. We can not fix that, so let us focus on the book and the words of the book and the spirit of the words.
  6. It doesn't matter. And it is not the point.
  7. Qing Jing Jing(清静经)原文 老君曰大道无形生育天地大道无情运行日月大道无名 长养万物。 吾不知其名强名曰道。夫道者有清有浊有动有静。天清地浊男清女浊 男动女静。降本流末而生万物。清者浊之源动者静之基。 人能常清静天地悉皆归 。夫人神好清而心扰之人心好静而欲牵之。常能遣其欲而心自静澄其心而神自清自然六欲不生三毒消灭。所以不能者为心未澄欲未遣也。能遣之者内观其心心无其心外观其形形无其形远观其物物无其物。三者既无惟见於空。观空亦空空无所空所空既无无无亦无 无无既无湛然常寂。 寂无所寂 欲岂能生欲既不生即是真静。 真常应物 真常得性 常应常静 常清静矣 。如此清静渐入真道。既入真道名为得道。虽名得道 实无所得 为化众生 名为得道。 能悟之者可传圣道。 上士无争下士好争上德不德下德执德。执着之者不名道德。众生所以不得真道者为有妄心。既有妄心 即惊其神。既惊其神即着万物即生贪求。 既生贪求即是烦恼。烦恼妄想忧苦身心便遭浊辱流浪生死常沉苦海永失真道。真常之道悟者自得。得悟之者常清静矣
  8. No desire, no pain. This is the idea from another LaoZi's book whose name is "Qing Jing Jing"(清静经)
  9. We really need the books before we grasp the spirit of the Dao. And sometimes we need them to remind us of the spirit as well. But yes, when you become a sage(immortal), you can burn them. But wait, you should leave them to the people who hasn't understand the Dao.
  10. Thanks, I just know TTC from here, not DDJ, lol
  11. I will try my best to discuss, and thank you for your comprehension.
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I just did not know where to start with the discussion. So I asked you, If it makes you uncomfortable, I apologize to you for it. 1. Because it doesn't mean "Valley", thus translation can only make readers confused, I think. 2.XuanPin: According to the reference, Xuan means sky, Pin means earth. I didn't think it is necessary to translate like that. I wanted make it simple. 3."root of the world" means the world is based on it, coming from it. It is like a root. 4.Spirit, XuanPin, and "the root of the world" are different words for describing the "Dao" 5.Yes, it is describing the property of the Dao. And you may know more about the Dao from the passage.
  13. dawei: I don't want to just give my view, and I did not just say "you are wrong". I did give my reasons, didn't I? If I don't want to discuss more in depth, I would give my points and just leave, but I am here.
  14. I think you didn't notice what the "theory" is, so I asked you that question above. I agree you point here. But, if I know it will cost me lots of time to bring up a poor translation, and actually I do not know exactly the meaning of many sentences of the book, and my work will bring nothing. Why I do that?
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    What do you want to know?
  16. Do you know what the "theory" is? I think I have mentioned the method gleaned from the books. The Dao and the right method for practice are not so easy to understand, even if one (a native chinese speaker)have read lots of original chinese books. So I do not think that translating only one book can make the guys change their minds(my translation is not good). Yes, I know they will still not change their minds if I don't do that. I just want to show them a different idea, maybe someday they can realize there is something wrong with their practice, and come back to think it over and try to read more chinese books.
  17. a rare chinese character - help?

    Yes, I did see it. Yes, forget about it.
  18. I can understand. And I absolutely agree that the mind affects "energy flow". But it still can be useless or/and harmful.
  19. Because your this "theory" has no grounds. It just comes up from your own mind. There could be some "placbo effect" because of "believe", but not because of "familiar".
  20. I don't think that we have conflict here. The spirit of Dao is constant, will not change while the era changes. The right method has to follow the spirit, so the right method should be the same for ever. The right method could have different manifestations. BUT, if a certain method doesn't follow the spirit, it should be wrong. I think you are talking about "placebo" effect here. But it is not necessarily different between an eastern and a western in this point. It is just "possible".
  21. I think the idea is totally wrong.