chi 2012

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Everything posted by chi 2012

  1. 7 Days of Free Qigong Healing Energy

    Bump. 7 days of free healing energy.
  2. Bird people

    An author named Gary Renard has written a couple of books on A Course in Miracles. He wrote these books after being contacted by two "beings". These beings gave him info on how to help people better understand the Course. Anyway these beings told him that human beings didn't evolve on earth but migrated here from Mars. Some evidence was given - such that human DNA and Chimp DNA are only 97% identical.....I don't know if it's true - but Gary has a lot of followers in the Course community - and most say he isn't making anything up.
  3. Pure sources of Kabbalah

    Could be masturbation. I'm picking a lack of horse stance.
  4. Pure sources of Kabbalah

    Yawn. Sinfest is in a slump. Need to practice more horse stance.
  5. Power, true power

    99% of the population don't seem to have the discipline to commit to a practice to build up their chi. I've tried to get friends and family members to practice Qigong many times - so they can heal themselves. The few that were interested never followed through.
  6. Any Veteran Bums?

    How many bums been in the military? I spent 4 years in the Air Force as an Active Duty firefighter after high school. After that did a total of 9 years in the Air National Guard. Been deployed to the middle east 3 times but never Iraq....Had orders to Iraq in 2004 - but a week before I was deployed they changed the orders Qatar. Did a year remote in the middle of nowhere Alaska for a year. Spent a year on orders as an Augmentee cop - while our cops were deployed for a year. Worked different civil service and contractor jobs on military bases. I'm out of the Guard now - but will probably go back in the future for 7 more years so I can get the retirement when I'm 60. I think I read where TurtleShell was in the Army and did a year in Iraq....I know there's probably a lot more on here.
  7. Studying some of Neville Goddard works and reading The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy - is a good way to get a better read on what Jesus was really trying to say. "Christ" is your imagination.
  8. Mo Pai obsession?

    Are the people who train for super powers really doing anything different than somebody who goes to the gym and tries to build himself up? Or the guy who is feeling down - and decides to take martial arts? It seems to me - these are all good things that gives people confidence, discipline, and structure.
  9. Any Veteran Bums?

    Mostly agree. In 98/99 I did 4 months in Kuwait - 26 miles from Iraq. This is when Saddam kicked the inspectors out - and we started bombing. Before we started bombing we were preparing for the Scud Chemical missiles and all that stuff. Once we started bombing - what happened? Nothing. There only defense was to occasionally try and shoot down some of our planes. Fast forward to when the war started in March 2003. I got sent over to Bahrain - and I was telling people on the way there that I seriously doubt Saddam has chemical weapons or nukes. I only mentioned this a few times - because some of the guys were so brainwashed - it would of ended up in a fist fight. Turns out I was right. Saddam had nothing. I knew more than Bush.
  10. Movies that make you LOL

    Ted was awesome.
  11. Bum Creations

    You should play a joke on somebody next time - and give them a Gary Clyman tattoo....That would be cool.
  12. Life imitates pro wrestling. I joined this forum as a tweener. Haven't decided whether to go heel or babyface. I'm leaning toward going babyface - but if it doesn't work out I can always make my heel turn. I've seen some pretty good heel turns lately.
  13. If your doing the Spring Forest Qigong MCO - I would continue with it - untill the blockage leaves.....I've gotten rid of some nasty blockages in my heart and stomach with this.....When the pain gets worse - that is a good sign - the blockage is being worked on - though it can be a little scary. I would just lay down on a bed and do the SFQ MCO for many hours......Also if you have the money I would recomend a distance healing from Chunyi Lin.....He will look inside your body and tell you what is going on.
  14. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    How TheTaoisEasy....have another question I notice some Qigong systems have questions about weather the teacher had permission or whatever to bring these teachings to the public. So lets say the teacher did some sketchy stuff - but the Qigong works good. Is the energy effected by the teachers sin? Or, is as someone said recently "Qigong is Qigong"....How does this work?
  15. To my fellow brothers and sisters

    Do Ron Hoffman students learn to become healers also?
  16. The Art of Memory

    About 8 years ago I went to a Learning Annex class where a guy named Dave Farrow was teaching creative visualization and how to have a good memory....Dave is in the Guiness Book of world records for memory. He said when he was a kid he wasn't smart at all and was always in the remedial classes.....So basically he just worked on his mind like crazy to develop his memory powers.....There were probably 30 people in the class....At the beginning of the class we introduced ourselves and said why we were there....The class was only like 90 minutes - and at the end of the class he went through each person one by one and had memorized our names and the reason we were there....I thought that was pretty impressive......I bought his memory course too...but I have never used it.....i think I'll try and find it and use it......My memory is pretty terrible.
  17. the SEX chakra

    I would try Clyman's Condensing breathing. I didn't write about it in my practice journal - but for about 4 weeks I experimented with Gary Clymans condensing breathing from his youtube videos - in addition to my regular Qigong practice. I would do the Condensing breathing till leg tolerance everyday - and for the rest of the day I would do condensing breathing as much as I could. This is some powerful stuff....After a few days it felt like I was taking a libido supplement....And if you've taken those supplements - you should be familiar with how it makes your dick feel bigger - and have better hang to it....That's what the condensing breathing did to my dick. You don't have to quit your regular practice either with the condensing breathing......I didn't.
  18. Spring Forest Qigong

    I'm no expert - but I'd talk to Dorian Black on this forum about Gary Clyman.
  19. Spring Forest Qigong

    It's a medical/spiritual obviously if you want martial power or something else it's not the right system....But if you put the time in - you can heal people, open the third eye, develop intuitive powers, see auras etc......
  20. Spring Forest Qigong

    Level 2 - $35. Level 3 - $27. You don't need the retreats and all the other stuff. If somebody puts in the time and effort with the home courses - they will more than likely be at a higher level than many people who don't practice much - but instead take a lot of high cost trips. I think your wrong about this one. It's common knowledge that SFQ is one of the cheapest systems around for all that it offers. You can even download 4 levels for free....That could be bad karma though................
  21. Spring Forest Qigong

    The level one course only cost $40 bucks on the SFQ website. Learning Strategies sells the same thing with some extra info - for a lot more. But the $40 course is all you need. To build up a lot of chi and to heal any illness - all you need is Level one. Chunyi Lin mentions this a lot. A psychologist named Patrick Dougherty says the same thing. He has been practicing for 17 years - and has so much chi - that when people walk by him they can feel warm heat coming off him. You can even open the third eye from level one. Over the summer I was practicing a lot of level one and had some strange reactions - so I emailed the SFQ website with a bunch of questions. One of Chunyi Lin's Qigong Masters emailed me back. One thing that was said in the reply was that my third eye is open - but to what degree - the person couldn't say. The person also said that the third eye can open from level one practice. I don't think my third eye is open that much though - because when it is open all the way - you supposedly see bright colors everywhere. I think mine is just like 10% open....I have a long way to go. So, in conclusion - I would say just try and save up the $40 for the Level one.
  22. Bird people

    David Icke might have it wrong....It's not reptiles that are trying to take over - it's Bird People. Did you see the way Romney went after Big Bird? He knows something.