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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. Human ghosts/spirits vs aliens/entities

    I suffer less?
  2. Channeling the Illuminati (after S.R.A) - doing well.

    Edward it is a possibility. I can have two different perspectives on the issue. One is that certain entities could be messing with him inserting false memories, or that it is the egos last ditch effort to stave off its impeding dissolution.
  3. Channeling the Illuminati (after S.R.A) - doing well.

    Unseen_Abilities, if I remember correctly, did one day you thought your father had ritually abused you? Or was that someone else?
  4. Gender Option Change

    None selected is good!
  5. Need help "Transmuting" Chi.

    Have you ever experienced fear, anger, love? If you have experienced these emotions or any other emotions, then you have felt energy. Feeling cloud-like and foggy headed is also feeling energy. What ever you can feel right now is energy. Its all energy.
  6. Fasting

    Fasting and sleep deprivation is a sure way to enter altered states of consciousness.
  7. Gender Option Change

    YES!!! Gender: 'Does it matter?' I am enjoying this discussion.
  8. Gender Option Change

    Well it's a matter of perspective. Of course your own gender is not unknown to you, however it is unknown to everyone else who visits your profile when no information has been added. I don't know what the big deal is, I try not to get attached to this online persona hence why I call myself an idiot. It's very hard to get attached to a username calling yourself an idiot.
  9. Gender Option Change

    If its not unknown, then why don't you fill them in?
  10. How to summon entities?

    I haven't looked into anything like that myself, as I don't see the point in doing it.
  11. How to summon entities?

    That's the answer to every question over on dharmawheel forums and one of the reasons I don't visit there anymore.
  12. Power Ranger

    Are you are Power Ranger?
  13. Bitter Herbs

  14. Bitter Herbs

    Caraway and fennel seeds?
  15. Ethics - binding or liberating?

    What a perfect post Orion, thank you for sharing. Answers and completes the thread with this response.
  16. Gender Option Change

    Seeing the form or the formless? And if the form and the formless are one, how can I label what I am. Not that I am looking from this angle, but I just don't think it would be helpful out beneficial for me to put my gender down. The less personal information I share the better.
  17. Gender Option Change

    How humble of you!
  18. Gender Option Change

    I would say unknown as it has not be given by the person, just as date of birth and age has also not been given.
  19. Gender Option Change

    If I'm a pig, then I must be an idiot pig. Hence why I did a search and found there is something called an idiot pig. It was not directed towards you at all.
  20. Gender Option Change
  21. Gender Option Change

    If you click my profile, you will see that both my age and birthday are both unknown. I'm asking to bring 'gender' inline with these other two data fields.
  22. Gender Option Change

    Nobody needs to know my gender. I would rather be unknown.
  23. Gender Option Change

    Age Unknown Birthday Unknown Gender Unknown
  24. Ethics - binding or liberating?

    Ethics are a good guide. Following the Golden Rule for example.