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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. Full Lotus is a state of being.

    I didn't realize you're the pythagoreanfulllotus himself!! Welcome back.
  2. I make an appearance
  3. Full Lotus is a state of being.

    When I saw this title I thought, 'Is Drew Hemple Back'.
  4. Stop Deleting Your Posts!

    Most of the stuff deleted is not worth reading, and is probably the main reason why it was deleted by the owner. I take the view that if the post is deleted then I was never meant to see the contents anyway.
  5. Yeshe Lama Thogal book?

    I have no idea who my ancestors or main deities even are.
  6. Yeshe Lama Thogal book?

    Some books I buy and can't bring myself to read. I had been rejected by the protector gods.
  7. Yeshe Lama Thogal teachings

    Welcome back
  8. Yeshe Lama Thogal book?

    Have you got a link, I can't find it.
  9. Questioning a supposed "master"

    No, there must be something deeper, what do you really want??
  10. Questioning a supposed "master"

    Firstly what is your motivation and what do you really want from all of this? What is your end game goal?
  11. I know of a true story that there was a group of people who were trying to pitch the idea of microchipped babies in the name of safety. Whereby, if a baby or child was abducted then they could be easily found.
  12. Golden Immortal

    Thank you for sharing.
  13. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    To say you cannot be programmed is false. We all rely on programming to communicate with each other. Language and its use is programming. When you're born no language had been learnt. This has further implications, being, if no language had been learnt could there be a voice in their head that thinks in language. Most people I have asked this question, refuse to answer it.
  14. Something on my mind..

    Be well everyone
  15. Something on my mind..

  16. The polarizing fronts of egotism vs. altruism

    I only wish you well.
  17. The polarizing fronts of egotism vs. altruism

    I can't comprehend your perspective, I can only see from mine. Thats my input, take what you want from it. I can't see how I have deceived you. But if I have, I am sorry.
  18. The polarizing fronts of egotism vs. altruism

    So your motivation is not to give to charity, but to buy some 'thing' at auction? This is not Altruism, it is a normal everyday purchase, like buying something off ebay. I would have thought $750 is cheap for someone to make you a song too, considering the amount of hours that must go into something like that. Professional jingle creators get from $1500-$15000 per jingle I have read by a quick search on google.
  19. The polarizing fronts of egotism vs. altruism

    I don't understand. You gave the money for charity??? Or did you give the money for a song??? In my mind if your motivation was to truly give to the charity then why care so much for the song, its an added bonus whatever they produce?
  20. Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

    Being doesn't actually need anything. It is effortless for you to be right now. And if it is effortless to be right now, why continue to search for something you already effortlessly have?
  21. I've had some serious insight into Time

    I see you understand, please disregard my last post
  22. I've had some serious insight into Time

    This moment is the same moment that I was born. Nikolai there is no difference between heaven and earth. If you find a difference then it is also just an idea or in your words an object of the senses.
  23. Should I Go Buddhist?

    You are going to be disappointed because you will only gain what you already have 'right now'.
  24. There indeed may be a true master...

    'This' is the mystery