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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. Clairvoyance vs Immediate Knowledge

    I heard in Zen, searching for and obtaining mystical states of consciousness is not the point.
  2. Mooiji - Anthony Paul Moo-Young

  3. ---

  4. depersonalization
  5. depersonalization

    You don't feel like you, as the you you thought you were was just an idea.
  6. Get a Haircut & Get a Real Job - OK! Will Do!

    He actually is a barber and has been doing this work over the years. Look on youtube, other tourists have visited him and had the cosmic massage.
  7. What exactly is "grasping"?

    RE: Dead Tree Zen - Like resting in the space of meditation, and divorcing yourself from experiencing physical sensations.
  8. Relying On No-one But Yourself

    What does nothing depend on
  9. I would like to know how to hypnotize myself...

    Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
  10. I would like to know how to hypnotize myself...

    Implanting suggestions conditions the mind stream. The ease of living life comes from being free of mind conditioning. There are no thoughts or beliefs that are unconditional. Remain in the unconditional and be free.
  11. Apparent Reality VS Reality

    The characteristics of space - beautiful
  12. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Hi Under, in terms of feeling your emotions switched off, have a read of the pdf that was posted in the thread that I linked to in my previous post. It talks about people on a sliding scale and that people were able to successfully remove themselves from what you may be experiencing.
  13. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Hi, I think it would do you well to read the PDF file in the following link. I think it could answer a lot of your questions.
  14. Actually they're quite enjoyable if everyone acts in a balanced manner.
  15. "unity in diversity" ?

    Is diversity just a perception?
  16. What exactly is "grasping"?

    I certainly don't think this forum is about fighting.
  17. Visions

    In my view, whether it be conscious or unconscious, it is still from the same medium of the imagination. Maybe you could interchange imagination with vision. Experiencing a consciously created vision or experiencing a unconsciously created vision by just remaining as you are. In my view, both are visions, but one is consciously controlled and the other isn't.
  18. What exactly is "grasping"?

    What is there to fight for? Isn't TTB's forum about sharing?
  19. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    Is your personal suffering increased in this state or decreased compared to before?
  20. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    What if the end goal is depersonalization? Maybe some people have not gotten what they bargained for.
  21. Visions

    I enjoyed that one. For me, these things are noise created by an out of control imagination. I believe the more you tame it, the slower they will become and then stop.