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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. I would contest that there are not billions of people practicing meditation. Other than through the internet, I only know of one other person who practices Zazen to calm their mind. There are many different types of meditation, what works for one personality will not bare the same fruit as another. I would suggest that its not the awakened energy that's messing you up. Its your own internal issues that needs to be sorted out that are causing the issue. Sort out your own problems, and I think you will find it will help you greatly. If you're depressed you need to get to the reason 'why', then work through it and let it go. Sometimes you can't get what you want and you have to just accept it. With that acceptance comes a massive relief.
  2. Struggling and Seeking the Truth

    I think you know the truth. But you can't bare to see it. The question is, are you hoping to use spiritual practices for material gain that is only temporary? Are you hoping to use God for your own ends? If you just want to be happy, why condition yourself, saying you need this, this and this to be happy? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could be happy for the sake of being happy and not needing any other reason? Its no different from someone saying they will only be happy when they have a certain house, a certain job, a certain wife. Why put your happiness into the future, why not just allow yourself to be happy now needing no reason? You don't need anything to be happy right now, unless you say you do.
  3. damn kundalini at it again

    Got any problems you need to deal with at the moment that are on your mind?
  4. Colors of Dragons

    Also drawn to Amoghasiddhi who is the Buddha of the North.
  5. Is Goetia now 'popular' ?

    Very interesting thank you. If its about balancing the psych, are there more simple and quicker methods? For instance, Zazen meditation?
  6. Thought this was quite interesting.
  7. Is there a Jesuit connection between Tony Abbot and Bill Shorten?
  8. Is Goetia now 'popular' ?

    So for the most part, contacting them is about getting things?
  9. Is Goetia now 'popular' ?

    What is the motivation behind contacting such entities? For what gain is it for?
  10. The Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

    I've seen some spiritual arguments fester pretty badly with people resorting to all sorts of attacks on the others character.
  11. The Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

    Is this why Buddhist love arguing?
  12. rocks purify energy

    I tend to shy away from things like this, as I like to depend on nothing outside myself. A friend bought a rock for a lot of money and said it had weird affects on him when he wore it.
  13. What did meditation do to me? Please read...

    The more you fight it, the more it will fight you, the more you will suffer. It is not separate from you, its yourself fighting yourself. Stop fighting within yourself.
  14. Have you ever explored the possibility that the mobilized energy is causing the body to clear things up? Kind of working through your karma at a rapid rate? It sounds like classic kundalini. The awakened sexual energy instead of travelling downwards and out of the system, travels upwards, up the spine into the brain where you're said to be illuminated.
  15. Colors of Dragons

    drawn to the black dragon of the North
  16. 400 Words on the Gold Elixir

  17. I have the power

    haha sinansencer
  18. Hypothetically

    Remember the more you think its possible, the more power you give to it.
  19. Hypothetically

    What if the memories are a manifestation of a negative entity? You are unsure yourself if the memories are real. Treating the manifestations as you would a dream, you regain your own power. This is a very good webpage with information.
  20. Psychotic break

    What does it mean to have a psychotic break? What is actually being broken and what is flowing through the break? I'm interested in what causes this as this happened to a good friend of mine.
  21. Intense pressure at forehead

    I can also vouch for the popping. In my own experience its almost as if its pressure that causes certain channels to open. They open and sound like a chiropractic pop, except its in your head, not your joints.
  22. Psychotic break

    Repressed really stood out
  23. Dead Tree Zen This article talks about harnessing the full life force energy, which I assume is centered in the sexual organs and is also know as kundalini, or serpent fire. Is it possible to neglect the bodies transformation when just concentrating only on mind yoga? If the mind and body are inseparable, wouldn't the transformation of the mind also lead to the transformation of the body?