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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. Spiritual Light

    What does it mean when people ask to receive more light, or experience spiritual light? Any pointers would be appreciated.
  2. Milarepa's advice to Gampopa

  3. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Sounds like my type of school!
  4. The Tao Bums Chatroom

    Going in now
  5. Jhana in Taoism?

    Thank you. This is obviously different from what the Buddhists refer to as the 'Clear Light'. The inner light seems to be more light a psychic vision?
  6. Spiritual Light

    Is this astral light?
  7. And we are back again :)

    Did the site get hacked? Another forum I visit also went down around the same time.
  8. Jhana in Taoism?

    Are you able to explain to me what you mean by inner light?
  9. Spiritual Light

  10. Spiritual Light

    Thank you very much for your replies. Very informative. What about the light you see as halos around Saints heads? Is this the same light that is also called the Spiritual Fire/Kundalini that is raised up the spinal column? I'm currently reading a book about Gopi Krishna would raised the Kundalini kundalini the evolutionary energy in man - gopi krishna pg4
  11. Anatta (no-self)

  12. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Different paths, different people.
  13. Does Anyone Have Power?

    Your Zen meditation is a great tool then.
  14. Longchenpa's Treasury

    Maybe through the simplicity of direct looking, it will just dawn on you that the nature of phenomena is indistinguishable from the nature of awareness, after seeing it for yourself. Is seeing it different from reasoning and analyzing it?
  15. Right Mind/Left Mind

    What is the difference between thoughts and the space in between thoughts? If everything at its deepest has the same taste, can there actually be any difference?
  16. Right Mind/Left Mind

    Unify the left and right.
  17. Who can remember past lifes?

    Interesting thread
  18. The folly of self annihilation.

    Some interesting posts.
  19. Cursing out of Weakness

    Maybe they don't know what they are doing as they are acting out of ignorance?
  20. The Tao Bums Chatroom

    In chat now
  21. Tuna ethics, dolphins etc. Discussion

    Why is the poor tuna's life less valued than that of a dolphin?