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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. Tonal & Nagual

    Emptiness is the word, really, which is better to use than God, because with God we start feeling there is some person. So Buddha never used "God" he always used sunyata -- emptiness, nothingness. In the center you are a nonbeing, nothingness, just a vast space, eternally cool, silent, blissful. - Osho
  2. Emptiness

    There is nothing there to grasp onto. I fell like I'm falling now. Good bye, I am finished.
  3. Dynamic vs still...

    So how do you know that you're meditating or not? Do you have to think in your mind 'Now I am meditating'? I'm interested how you break this down on a mind level.
  4. Do you want to cross the abyss Mike134? If not, stop with these spiritual practices. My friend ended up in a mental institution due to full blown psychosis. If you are not prepared to give everything up, then stop.
  5. Tonal & Nagual

    impeccable ally - awareness separated from thought
  6. why are you into this stuff?

    Why am I here? Where am I going? Where have I come from?
  7. Dynamic vs still...

    Can anyone comment on the Outer Rushen practice in terms of dynamic meditation?
  8. Bodhisattva

    Vmarco, does phenomenon exist on a non-conceptual level?
  9. loss of emotion? WTF

    Maybe you are just older and more wise now? Take up a new hobby that you can develop a passion for. Maybe passion is lacking from your life.
  10. Entering the Void

    Very nice post, thank you.
  11. loss of emotion? WTF

    Can you see that if you do have kundalini syndrome, you have activated it yourself with this practice?
  12. loss of emotion? WTF

    Relax, there is no need to worry. You're blessed. You need to be very careful now, very careful. You need to be mindful to not hold a negative stance on what is happening to you. Practice compassion. Make a list of who you think you are, and also what goals you have and what you're doing to get there. Then believe in them completely. Stay off the drugs if you have used them before.
  13. Entering the Void

    Going behind 'the void' or 'awareness'. Although we can only converse with language, seeing that 'awareness' and 'the void' are just placeholders in the mind, or mental labels, can greatly deepen the meditation.
  14. Are planets chakras?

    Exoterically there were originally seven planets. Sometimes called planetary governors. Esoterically relating to the 7 chakras in the human body. Microcosm inside, and the macrocosm being outside.
  15. How hard are you? :)

    A concept can be put forward that when one has been through adversity and hardships, they're ripe for the secret teachings.
  16. Tonal & Nagual

    It would be interesting to see what definition don Juan Matus had of clairvoyance.
  17. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Death to the fiction and illusion maybe.
  18. Tibetan Buddhist Deity Energetics/visualization---wow!

    So what exactly is given? Vital energy?
  19. Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

    Knowledge/intelligence is a blessing and a curse. Leaving the Garden of Eden to know good and evil. Moving into duality.
  20. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    'Emptiness', 'No Self' and 'Impermanence' are extremely powerful antidotes. When the emptiness of self, and the emptiness of phenomenon is seen as an illusion, merely a mental projection, the duality of subject and object dissolves.
  21. The 'now', 'doing an activity', 'walking the stairs', are an illusion. When you were born and took your first breath, these above things did not exist. All things exist only as a concept, merely a mental projection.
  22. Esoterically the four elements could be. Fire - Desire/Impulse Wind - Thoughts Water - Emotions Earth - Manifestations Therefore, non-grasping the above could take on a new meaning.