thank you all for your kind replies. I have been meditating for years, at least 2 hrs a day. Some years ago i suddenly developed a pain in my tail bone. I had xrays and ct-scan done but nothing was wrong. Thts when a friend recommened i see a chiro [never been to one b4, and sometimes i wish i never had!]. They just cudnt get rid of it, but it suddenly vanished of its own. Almost as soon as tht disappeard i started hving pain at a spot betn the shoulder blades. And not long after that went away this pain in the occiput area started after a chiro session which was actually very gentle. I recently came across some books on taoist practice which mentions the 3 energy gates and wondered if my pain had anything to do with tht since my strange pains seem to follow tht pattern. I did an online search on it and came across this site. I wondered if there was block at the spot tht cud be causing the problem esp since I felt a sudden and v forceful gush of energy [energy, not pain] to the head b4 the problem occured. thanks again