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Everything posted by SueSu

  1. jade pillow

    hi all , Im Sue. I came across this site while doing a search on jade pillow. Ive been having a very severe pain at the base of the head where the c-spine meets the skull for a year now. It happened suddenly after a chiropractic treatment last year when I felt a rush of energy from base of spine to head a few hrs after the treatment. Since teh next day Ive been having this severe pain at this spot. Hve seen several chiros since then and nobody seems to be able to get rid of it. Im guessing its an energy problem? Can someone pls advice, Im going crazy. thanks
  2. jade pillow

    thank you all for your kind replies. I have been meditating for years, at least 2 hrs a day. Some years ago i suddenly developed a pain in my tail bone. I had xrays and ct-scan done but nothing was wrong. Thts when a friend recommened i see a chiro [never been to one b4, and sometimes i wish i never had!]. They just cudnt get rid of it, but it suddenly vanished of its own. Almost as soon as tht disappeard i started hving pain at a spot betn the shoulder blades. And not long after that went away this pain in the occiput area started after a chiro session which was actually very gentle. I recently came across some books on taoist practice which mentions the 3 energy gates and wondered if my pain had anything to do with tht since my strange pains seem to follow tht pattern. I did an online search on it and came across this site. I wondered if there was block at the spot tht cud be causing the problem esp since I felt a sudden and v forceful gush of energy [energy, not pain] to the head b4 the problem occured. thanks again
  3. *Jade Pillow*

    hi all , Im Sue. I came across this site while doing a search on jade pillow. Ive been having a very severe pain at the base of the head where the c-spine meets the skull for a year now. It happened suddenly after a chiropractic treatment last year when I felt a rush of energy from base of spine to head a few hrs after the treatment. Since teh next day Ive been having this severe pain at this spot. Hve seen several chiros since then and nobody seems to be able to get rid of it. Im guessing its an energy problem? Would you be able to offer some advice with regard to Taoist medicine? thanks
  4. *Jade Pillow*

    HI could you tell me where I can find the neck movements you mentioned? thanks