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Posts posted by daoist_doctor

  1. I've heard that there is a point on the side-ribs... a few inches below the axila, where astral vampires suck energy sometimes at night...


    anyone heard of it?


    Once I was very good.. strong energy...


    suddently I got like shit... it really felt as if something had gotten me...


    when I went to sleep, I had a dream with my father.. we was screaming at me and punching me repeatedly right on the sides of my rib cage, below axilas... it really hurt alot, it was repeated times, until I woke up with the pain... so I think it was a vampire - parasite sucking energy from me...


    some people even stick little stones at the point before going to sleep...


    sometimes I feel pain on the points during the day also..







    Can you be more specific?

  2. Can anybody explain the character "WU" å·«?

    I know there are two men working, but i would love to have more depth.










    *** topic title changed to Witch Doctor ****