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Posts posted by grace3

  1. faith is what makes you do a good job. it's trust in yourself, mainly.

    you could say it's trust in others or something else, but basically it's just you.


    hope is faith's death, is when you hope something else will save you.

    and hope is also the beginning of doubt, you dont really know if you can be saved or not.


    doubt is what makes you do a lousy job, whatever you do

    until doubt is cleared out, you'd better just stay put and just quiet down

    these are really just basic prerequisites of the training i've learned on my path,

    i wonder why nobody talks about this


    EDIT: trust is when you and your work is aligned with nature's way, and you are sustained from within by it



    Greetings - faith is what keeps us humming.

  2. Greetings - many years ago I viewed the movie The Deerhunter, a movie I'm sure you are all familiar with. Robert DeNiro's character's response in one of the conversations was "this is that". At the time - I thought what a foolish statement and went on my merry way. Well, I wish it had been merry...the past few years, after letting mood altering substances and such out of my life, I have become a little conscious and wow - anyways I'm real grateful that I have found this forum and this is that. Thanks for the listen.