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Everything posted by Flolfolil

  1. My Little Pony

    they are MY little ponies. None of you can have them. i will fight to the death to defend MY little ponies. you can have rarity though
  2. Temporal Alternate Reality Displacer

    i started watching doctor who just a few days ago, and i knew what you were talking about almost instantly
  3. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    ^truth currently sitting here in headphones listening to techno, getting high from the frisson (google it)
  4. What are they listening to?

    i -want- to post in this thread, but i am extremely sensitive to people disliking the music i listen to. if someone doesn't feel the same way about it, i get super self conscious and it diminishes the buzz i feel from the music :/ good thread though
  5. Another OBE...

    idk, for me it has something to do with blood raising to my brain. do some grounding if you want it to stop, and stop thinking about spirituality so much
  6. Another OBE...

    are you retreating into your head, avoiding society?
  7. Recycling Anger.

  8. FBI, local police conducting massive sweep in Oakland

    okay so i looked at the news and this is supposedly about the takedown of a violent drug gang....what the hell does that have to do with the illuminati?
  9. ...

  10. Feminist thread

    a lot of the time, i actually feel oppressed by females. lol
  11. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    i never claimed to be curious, i have definitely been there and got the vagina t-shirt
  12. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    i feel more energetic just by talking to females. If i am around one i am attracted to it becomes particularly problematic
  13. All Men Must Die

    i thought this was another tulku thread when i saw it i thought, "what the hell? make up your mind!"
  14. Feminist thread

    THIS THIS THIS A THOUSAND TIMES THIS well, this and the estrogen in our food
  15. Feminist thread

    a feminist friend of mine once said that the happy housewife was an illusion that no woman would ever be unless forced to by a man
  16. getting rid of the hiccups

    i move my attention TO the diaphragm and breathe mindfully and my hiccups go away
  17. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    i always feel more energetic after sex when i embrace my feminine and submissive sides
  18. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    do you feel like you are running from your sexuality or avoiding human contact?
  19. Interesting review video of The Last Airbender

    i loved this review, though i have to disagree with him when he says that zuko's part was good. i thought it was the worst out of everyone. Terribly funny i have tried watching this movie 3 times. The first two times i got fed up with it and turned it off and the third time i fell asleep
  20. My Little Pony

    woah wait, can anyone find a closeup of the stained glass window in the back of the "find fluttershy" pic? i don't remember this one o.o
  21. My Little Pony

    OMGOODNESS my mom got me a MLP cup for my birthday. It is made from one of the safer varieties of plastic and has all the mane six except it doesn't have rarity on it. i hate rarity she totally knows me <3 edit: poor fluttershy, i didn't even notice she wasn't on it :'( and she and pinkie pie are my faves!