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Everything posted by gatito

  1. Or do you mean like the certain individuals being targeted by other individuals threads..?
  2. Like the MoPai pile-ons..?
  3. Great. Will it be like a lynching mob?
  4. It was a lot worse before dawei and the rest of the Chaturbate team got the sack. Things are just shaking themelves out.
  5. As I said, just ignore it. Think of it as a spiritual practice (i.e. ignoring it). Perhaps that will help you to get over it yourself?
  6. Just ignore it. It's merely the Chaturbators reaping their whirlwind. I'm sure it will settle back down soon.
  7. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    As you're (@EmeraldHead) possibly about to discover with both @Earl Grey and @Nungali on your case now... Take it easy on him guys, he claims he's already a victim...
  8. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    With your attitude and your gob you need all the luck you can get, so keep it.
  9. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You're an ill-mannered victim, so, as far as I'm concerned, you can fuck off and speak to someone else instead.
  10. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    No. Just fuck off back to the hole from which you crawled along with the rest of your Chaturbate group, you total, utter and complete wanker.
  11. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    Of course. Even so, the meditative path to enlightment lasts only 6 - 24 months if you dedicate yourself to it properly.
  12. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    Nor does it mean that there are no quantifiable results.
  13. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    Again, there is no evidence that consciousness disappears at the point of death. What do you imagine happened to our ancestors before someone invented your religion?
  14. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    As I said, he's merely a low-level incarnate parasite who's been leading people seriously astray...
  15. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    They're opening themselves up to some serious negative consequences by associating with this narcissist and by following his instructions. You have been lucky to have recovered from it, although, having said that fortune favours the innocent and those who respect what the Hindus label yamas and niyamas.
  16. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    A professional bullshiiter... That explains a lot...
  17. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Have you considered (for example) the possibility that you accidentally opened yourself to a low level dis-incarnate parasitic entity, which your mind interpreted as Jeff's hand because you were interacting with that incarnate narcissistic parasite at the time? There are some belief systems that hold that this is entirely possible.
  18. Mo Pai Alternatives?

    There's no evidence whatsoever that consciousness ceases at the point of death. If you want to experience the reality of that yourself first-hand, a time-tested way is via learning to meditate and by practicing diligently for a few years.
  19. Haiku Unchained

    The river flows past, The scammers have perished. Outed by their chat.
  20. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Good to see you back!
  21. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Except in your case because you sank like a stone.
  22. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Maybe it wasn't Sun Tzu but some Hollywood script writer?