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Everything posted by gatito

  1. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Perhaps "stuff" and nonsense would have been better..?
  2. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Own your "stuff" Jeff...
  3. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Ah... She is indeed serious... You are now reaping the whirlwind Jeff...
  4. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I very much doubt it myself...
  5. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    So, what's your defence..?
  6. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Trying to bury it now? Too late...
  7. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    ... and entirely reasonable.
  8. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    He is entirely impotent (merely a low-level parasite), unless someone is tricked into relinquishing the True Light. Never feed these trolls (unless you want to keep them as pets)...
  9. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Now be gone - and sin no more.
  10. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You're certainly no type of Christian, classical or otherwise because your preying on vulnerable people demonstrates your utter contempt for everything that the Nazarene embodied. At least you now admit you're not a healer either. That's one small step in the right direction. Well done.
  11. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    "Sharing space" is a bullshit misdirection. He has an established history of actively, selecting, grooming, specifically directing and sexually exploiting vulnerable people on this and other internet forums.
  12. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Bump in the interests on-topic discssion.
  13. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    That's a good example of how someone might select and groom a victim for sexploitation/narcissistic supply purposes, which probably explains why Jeff "Likes" this post.
  14. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups. Use the search function and exercise some discrimination.
  15. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Anyway... To get back on topic. In summary: Jeff used a combination of cold reading and suggestion/autosuggestion to facilitate the sexploitation of some vulnerable people and he certainly managed to create a sordid little online cult. However, he is certainly utterly incapable of "reading chakras" or "looking over fences".
  16. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    I forgot to include suggestion and autosuggestion. Sorry!
  17. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Bump. Shall we keep this on-topic (perhaps start a Trump thread in the Pit)?
  18. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    In fact, several people here consider that you've seriously violated their personal space.
  19. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    In fact, he's actually incapable of looking over anyone's fence. What he does is merely a combination of cold reading and sexploitation.
  20. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Yes. Never a scan - just a scam.
  21. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    In fact, the forum abounds with those who were attacked by you and other members of your expired sexploitation cult. Happily, none of you can get away with it unchallenged now that your minders and enablers have been given the sack by Sean.
  22. Bums I am missing

    I missed @ChiDragon and @idiot_stimpy (as well as a few others). Welcome back gentlemen!