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Everything posted by gatito

  1. Standing Rock

    It's a sweet irony that he was Secretary of State for the Colonies
  2. Standing Rock

    A well regulated <peaceful> Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. True, This! — Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold The arch-enchanters wand! — itself is nothing! — But taking sorcery from the master-hand To paralyse the Cæsars, and to strike The loud earth breathless! — Take away the sword — States can be saved without it! Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton. Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy
  3. Standing Rock

    The victory at Standing Rock could mark a turning point The defeat of an energy company by indigenous activists shows what nonviolent unity can accomplish. There are lessons here as we enter a challenging new age
  4. What are you listening to?
  5. War, Peace, and Putin
  6. Standing Rock

    Sunday 4 December 2016 16.25 GMT Standing Rock: authorities will retreat from bridge if protesters agree to terms Officials will move from the north of the Backwater Bridge if Dakota Access pipeline protesters stay south and go there only if there is a prearranged meeting
  7. Brexit

    Far right concedes defeat in Austrian presidential election The far-right Austrian presidential candidate Norbert Hofer’s campaign manager, Herbert Kickl, has conceded his candidate’s defeat to former Greens leader Alexander Van der Bellen, Reuters reports.
  8. Standing Rock

    Cannon Ball, North Dakota, US Cat Bigney, part of the Oglala Native American tribe, waits on the shore of the Cannon Ball river for travellers to arrive by canoe at the Oceti Sakowin camp where people have gathered to protest the Dakota Access oil pipeline. Despite state and federal evacuation orders, a government roadblock, escalating police violence and aggressive prosecutions that attorneys say lack basic evidence, thousands of veterans are preparing to travel to Cannon Ball this weekend to support the growing movement to stop the pipeline Photograph: David Goldman/AP
  9. Some people might find f.lux helpful. Links:
  10. Standing Rock

    Interesting to note that now "a well regulated <peaceful><and unarmed> militia" is arriving at Standing Rock the Justice Department has been forced to deploy "mediators" to "maintain the peace".
  11. Standing Rock

  12. Standing Rock

    The more I see of the continent of North America, the happier I am to live in Europe.
  13. War, Peace, and Putin

    I'm certainly not conflating Soviet with Russian (nor am I conflating Prawo i Sprawiedliwość with Polish). _/\_
  14. Sunrise, Sunset, Night.

    Sunrise @ Standing Rock
  15. Standing Rock

    Friday 2 December 2016 17.33 GMT Trump supports Dakota pipeline – but claims it's not due to his investment in it Transition team says that the president-elect’s endorsement of the controversial Dakota Access pipeline ‘has nothing to do with his personal investments’
  16. War, Peace, and Putin

    And why are the Poles so concerned about their next-door neighbours? Here's one of many reasons: Katyn
  17. War, Peace, and Putin

    UK will not block closer EU defence ties, says Boris Johnson L'Angleterre, ah, la perfide Angleterre, que le rempart de ses mers rendoit inaccessible aux Romains, la foi du Sauveur y est abordée.
  18. Brexit

    Davis backs soft Brexit in blow to hardliners Minister wants migrants for low-skilled jobs
  19. Brexit

    New Richmond Park MP Sarah Olney dragged off air by PR after grilling by Julia
  20. Brexit

    Brexit is bigger than any single party – Richmond Park has taught us that This volcanic byelection is a taste of how Brexit threatens to overturn all old certainties and render Labour increasingly irrelevant in post-referendum Britain
  21. Standing Rock

    Standing Rock is the civil rights issue of our time – let's act accordingly
  22. Bernie Sanders

    I guess that, under the present circumstances, he'd be lucky to land-up in either of those two jurisdictions.
  23. War, Peace, and Putin

    Still, the good thing is that NATO's finished and we can now get on with making our own arrangements (which don't involve an American-driven war in our backyard).