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About multiarms

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Hey multi, hope your doing well.Ā Cheers.Ā 

  2. What are your favorite practices?

    I do some vocalizations as part of my red phoenix practice. There's also a certain droning nasal tone that I use to resonate inside the niwan and through the 9 palaces. That's a very weird sound when you hear someone make it. And when I make it myself it is rather trance-inducing. My cat loves it. And I occasionally use 3 other vocal sounds to activate/harmonize the 3 dantiens. Very basic practice, that. But my favorite vocalization is laughter. Usually spontaneous, although sometimes it's fun to force yourself to start laughing, especially with other people because then you start laughing for reals.
  3. What are your favorite practices?

    I've done prostrations in the past. My teacher told us to first visualize the whole lineage tree of that particular tibetan sect and then prostrate to it. There was a nice little lineage prayer/chant as well that could be done beforehand. Ultimately, just like many other forms of sadhana or practice, I found it too restricting. So now I'm happy with my kunlun and red phoenix practices since they are more spontaneous (and kunlun is really very much like the shaking we've been discussing). I also really like practicing a completely objective-less form of contemplation where I just sit down (or stand or lie down) and literally do nothing. But it's not really something I practice, more like something that just happens to me on occasion. Some of my most profound transformative moments have come from those sessions. I never plan them or set timers or anything. But every now and then it's like I'm just called to stillness and silence and I think of it as a fun vacation and complete relaxation of identity, purpose, and responsibility. And it's great.
  4. To OP: It's an interesting post, and good research. It's helpful to disrupt the romanticized cultural picture of Lao as either a godlike figure or a wise little old man. So for a change you can picture him as a chinese Machiavelli twirling his fu manchu moustache. I prefer to think of "him" as not a discrete person at all with a plan for how his writings will guide others, wether they be in the palace, or disciples in future generations. I am quite content to admit that the daodejing was cobbled together by multiple people over a period of time, and is more like semi-connected musings on ancient life, happiness, spirituality, politics, etc. As far as the political character of the work as a whole, I read it rather more as metaphor, rather than a manual for ancient warlords. I mean, this is a book which talks all about the miraculous charactersitics of water, ancient sages, valley spirits, nourishing from the mother, the "mysterious pass" (whatever you think that might be, haha), etc. Presumably we all understand this as mostly metaphorical, or at the very least not 100% literal. So why should we consider all of the talk about rulership, war, and the people to be 100% literal? Couldn't it be that the advice to a king on the ruling of the people is meant as advice for any individual's personal, moral, and/or spiritual conduct? Or even providing clues as to a specifc method of introspection or meditation? Aren't we all fighting a war within, and attempting to bring our own internal kingdom into a state of peace and harmony? Just a thought.
  5. Insights from a Christian monk. Esoteric Christianity as a legit Path

    Very interesting post, thanks for sharing this interview, OP. I found some surprising similarities between the esoteric Christian practices he described and my own taoist-based practices (KUNLUN System, specifically). - "just surrender and let go and you as Awareness will merge with the Source." (during his discussion of grace and baptism). Excellent instructions for spontaneous neigong... - The place to focus on is a few inches to the right of the heart (during his discussion of Jesus Prayer)... this seems to me to be the same location described by Max for the practice of kunlun method. Max specifically says just a little to the right from the middle of the chest. - The downward flow of energy from the crown... this certainly seems akin to the "water path". The christian monk even contrasts his own practice with kundalini (the epitome of the "fire path" traditions). - "there is a completion stage of perfection where even the body is transformed and filled with light flowing through all the opened channels." Sounds a lot like the "Gold Dragon Body" to me. Just some thoughts for all my fellow bums.
  6. Internet mysticism

    don't mock that basement-dwelling neckbeard... he has authentic Dzogchen transmission via Skype.
  7. i prefer standing or sitting on a chair with the feet on the floor. I have done half and full lotus in the past, but I find that those postures tend to raise too much energy upwards (for me). So I keep the bubbling wells pointing down in to the earth, crown pointing UP, and then I can modulate the flow of energy a bit based on the position of my hands (palms up, palms down, or one up/one down).
  8. A Wild Clown Ninja Appears

    does BKA keep dossiers on all the bums with detail s of their lives and interests??
  9. Taijiquan action movie ?

    I aslo recommend "Tai Chi Master". As I recall it's a mythological version of the story of Chang San Feng inventing Tai Chi. You might also find it on DVD or on the web under the alternate title "Twin Warriors"
  10. Mo Pai Discussion and Vote

    i feel like TTB should have nothing to do with Mo Pai. If we create an official MoPai subforum then it lends it credibility and keeps those same people circulating through the rest of TTB forums.
  11. I miss rain

    I live in the desert too, in Southern Nevada. We get 1 oe 2 thunderstorms a year if we are lucky. I miss it terribly. I used to love to watch the storms roll in from off the Great Lakes. You could enjoy their approach from miles away, tons of thunder and lightning, and the air so charged with negative ions your whole body felt so alive!! And the smell....
  12. Best source for info about Kuji-Kiri?

    I remember one of the books by Stephen Hayes had some info on ninja kujikiri. Not sure which one though. If you can find a local ninjutsu group affiliated with Masaaki Hastumi and his "Bujinkan" organizaiton, they could probably fill you in.
  13. Our own Taomeow has consented to do an interview. Q's..

    question for Taomeow: you mentioned some interesting things about "dual cultivation of man and woman" in your previous Q&A thread. Can you tell us some more of your thoughts on bedroom alchemy? Did you learn from a teacher or a particular text? Is there any book or other source in English which you find useful? thanks