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Posts posted by HandsInTime

  1. The big red Chinese character means " Longevity" , all other characters at the background also meas " longevity" , but are the various styles /old forms of the same character .


    hahaha definitely sounds taoist! Thank you very much for your help, I had no idea that Chinese characters could be written in so many different ways.

  2. Hello all, I recently bought a scroll wall hanging and am wondering if anyone here could help me to understand what the writing says. There is a red character in the corner, as well as a lot of background writing, and then a picture of what I imagine is a taoist sage. There is a picture of the scroll here. http://i43.tinypic.com/i6mnw5.jpg Thank you for your help, as I am quite curious about this scroll...I enjoy it either way though :)

  3. I truly did enjoy reading about your experiences. Consider posting them on erowid! As for the chop wood, carry fire...where do you place these experiences? How do you organize them, and use them in your daily life? How do you take what happened to you and show it to the world? These are not easy questions, but important ones. Take a break from the ceremonies, take a break from routine, and take a break from altered consciousness. What you've experienced is very powerful and something that will take a long time to process. In my experience, as you reflect on your process and your experiences, in a gentle and not pressing manner, the insights you are looking for will appear to you in your daily life. Just as you talked about how the feeling faded, not so much the memory, one of these days while you are chopping wood and carrying water, the feeling will return. ^_^ Remember the feedback loop of the mind...and be wary of it.

  4. My knowledge on this is rudimentary at best, but I've read that there are three dan tiens, the second of which is located around the center of the chest (I make sense of it by comparing it to the heart chakra). Perhaps this tree noticed a blockage in this region and applied its' own energy to help you? The region of the body seems to be a very powerful one, and a boost of life there could help your entire body! In terms of the dan tien, I have also read that they rotate like wheels that move down the back side and up the front. The second dan tien converts qi (energy) to shen (consciousness). Again, most of this I read in a book, but perhaps this will allow you to organize or conceptualize part of your (extremely interesting and intriguing) experience! Cheers :)

  5. That...seems like a lot of people! No, I will be contributing what I can and slowly sharing my experiences. For the first time in my life I'm moving into my own place (I'm so freaking excited), and I plan on really diving into my meditation pratice, and starting to regularly practice qiqong. I think this forum will also play a part in discussing my experiences...so yes! I will be talking. :P

  6. Hello. I'm new to these parts, but have been looking around them for a few weeks. Uncertainty fouls me, but only if I let it. I come to this place at an odd time in my journey, but I do see myself sharing much about myself and my path on these light-up scrolls we read. I think I might stay here a while...yes, this will do me quite well. ^_^