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About eye_of_the_storm

  • Rank
    Empire Of The Sun

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  1. Commodity Fetish of Folk Taoism as Late Capitalist apocalypse

    Published on 8 Feb 2015 Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars marketing drugs to doctors.
  2. Let's rename the Like button the Noteworthy button

    I like thank you also, I guess outstanding becomes apparent with the more thanks given.
  3. Commodity Fetish of Folk Taoism as Late Capitalist apocalypse

    Yeh, hm, people spend 100$+ on alcohol on a night they can't often remember most weekends etc I think it is worth a try (SFQ energetic healing) Fasting before seems like a good idea, + pure diet.. itself opening energy channels.
  4. Commodity Fetish of Folk Taoism as Late Capitalist apocalypse

    Do you think over the phone/ international is as effective? I believe for a skilled person things like distance in some aspects becomes meaninglessness... Maybe along the lines of 'All is Menta'l?
  5. Piercing/ Body Modifications and Subtle Energy Effects

    I'll broaden the topic by changing the title to Piercing/ Body Modifications and Subtle Energy Effects?
  6. Commodity Fetish of Folk Taoism as Late Capitalist apocalypse

    I had a look at the SFQ site... I am considering, maybe some months from now... is there a wait list of a kind? 3 months etc appointment advance.
  7. 混沌

    Hùn Dùn - 混沌 - Primordial Chaos Posts sent to a nebulous state of TDB before heaven and earth. It is chaos for some and returning home for others. Found this funny, I like it... just wanted to say.
  8. Piercing/ Body Modifications and Subtle Energy Effects

    Hm interesting stuff... Now I wonder at circumcision and it's energetic effects?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOC_cKXvh0Q
  10. Piercing ears disrupts meridians? Implications?
  11. Commodity Fetish of Folk Taoism as Late Capitalist apocalypse

    What would you suggest for a male today ISQ? Alternatives to 9 years of silence etc? Living in this current society. I am practicing celibacy and also fasting on occasion... considering making it much more regular though after my last 3 day fast and seeing the overall benefits. Considering maybe every 2nd day. Could squats also be an alternative to horse stance? Have you encountered much of Hesiod's work? What are you thoughts on I don't think a wheat diet changed skin, eye, hair and skeletal structure. Many around the world are now eating wheat... and have for a long time and there are no changes happening as above. The Irish never cultivated wheat either and have a high % adverse reaction to it. They are among the fairest people on the planet. I do see wheat as part of the conspiracy though "bread and circuses" ... bigu and Taoist though confirm this. Interesting Chinese accounts too... they make a distinction between "barbarians" who didn't cook their food... and were uncontrollable and another group who did, who were docile/ domesticated humans easy to control. // I don't consider the Sun to be male or female either. In Norse mythology the Sun is a Goddess. Neither the Earth to be male or female. I see the Sun as Light and Light as Knowledge/ Consciousness Isn't there mythologies that say originally was no moon? this foreign body caused the Earth axis to tilt? and the seasons to occur? and general chaos. How would the Taoist system work without a moon?
  12. Chemtrails Mark Beginning of Hopi End Times Prophecy/ Purification?

    There are many people involved in vaccines, they all think it is good for them and their families. That is generally the best way to achieve these diabolical things... make people want it, generally through fear. Poison your family it is good for you, it will stop global warming... or something Deception, money, safety, threats With agriculture for example in South America around 1500 activists (protecting rainforest etc) have been killed. How is it so many people are involved in a fraudulent banking system? GMO crops? etc Why is it that every congress person makes pledges to Israel and so few know about it? It's a strange world.
  13. Chemtrails Mark Beginning of Hopi End Times Prophecy/ Purification?

    One comment: Its MASSIVE IN AUSTRALIA they are dumping tons & tons of it down upon us especially in fact almost exclusively 2-3 days before & during any weather front that promises to bring the parched lands & starving wildlife & farm animal stock Relief of RAIN. Monsanto is hot on the heels of drought & roll in scooping up 1000s of hectares of drought stricken land from desperate broken bankrupt family farmers for pennies on the dollar.