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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. I rarely speak about such things to friends or family either unless asked. 99.99% online more effective I think + the ability share much more info + walk away. I have experienced similar when eating a dish that didn't contain meat a person become somewhat hostile... very strange to see. Many identify strongly with eating animal flesh and see it as an attack on their person. Some of my examples may be harsh/ graphic, an attempt for others to see another perspective (which is uncomfortable) I have found overtime many actually lack this ability, being psychopathic/ narcissistic in nature. They will mimic the behaviors of the masses unable to experience true emotion. It is pointless making an appeal to them, if they see it as something more popular though in which they will gain popularity/ power also they will make a change. Most empathic people will immediately start to make changes once they are aware of what is really happening.
  2. That is why India for example can be such a hellish place. A friend was traveling in India and saw a person hit by a car, no Indians stopped to help... as either "it was their karma to suffer and should suffer" or maybe "suffering is just an illusion" so we will leave the man die a long and painful death in the middle of the road for all to witness with indifference. Perhaps yourself if hit by a car would be more than happy to have people ignore you? That is why these ideologies are so opposite to humanity in its truest sense and should ultimately be discarded.
  3. Saying Krishna ate meat (once?) therefore it is ok is equal to people using the Old Testament/ Torah to justify slavery. Krishna is typically portrayed as such As opposed to
  4. Mad cow disease etc started because humans were feeding cows to cows, a huge violation of natural laws.
  5. "I don't think we should force our views upon someone else" What about forcing a knife into the belly of an animal, does that come under "force our views" Or is there some double standard? You would like your choices respected? What about the choices of animals? What gives you the right to take their life? You believe yourself to be more intelligent? more powerful? Many seem to argue that. Following that thought process anyone smarter or stronger than themselves could capture them, strip them of their flesh and find it acceptable. If I was to speak out in favor of your life, welling being/ happiness, some would call that dogmatic (ahaha, sigh)
  6. Whats in a name?

    Maybe we just need to be more precise in our speech/ labels to avoid misunderstandings To say I am a Taoist really isn't say much. Kinda like me saying I live in Australia. Good luck finding me (generally speaking) Labels are like a map perhaps, giving an indication of where but itself not the destination?
  7. The Longevity Diet: Secrets to living a healthy and long-lasting life

    The link above is worth a read too, the mint was just an appetizer
  8. Is it customary for Mods to pick fights with regular members?

    I was reading about them considering destroying the Heathen Great Pyramids too haha ... another 2000 years of darkness?
  9. One of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on this forum, congrats.
  10. http://www.eco-friendly-africa-travel.com/longevity-diet.html# ^ Really good read The Longevity Diet: Secrets to living a healthy and long-lasting life
  11. Is it customary for Mods to pick fights with regular members?

    Hm, WTF? People will say oh it is about the oil etc... that may be one small part of it... these Mid East Wars seem to have a re-write or bury historical artifacts/ knowledge aspect too? Nothing new, considering the destruction of all Pagan/Gnostic elements (Sacred Trees, Temples, Libraries) ... Library of Alexandria itself was est to have around 1 million scrolls. When you destroy a peoples roots/ cultural identity etc they are easier to control/enslave... in a generation or so they forget who they are. Replacing an organic culture with consumerism etc Didnt they raid Iraqi museums in one of the desert storm ops? I recall something with ancient humanoid reptilians figurines/ statues. Maybe another psy-op though, who can say
  12. Ebola coming to the USA

  13. Is it customary for Mods to pick fights with regular members?

    Tomb of Jonah?
  14. Is it customary for Mods to pick fights with regular members?

    As above so below? haha
  15. I agree with Spotless. A guide to good nutrition is - can you find it in nature? There are no olive oil trees, there are olive trees though that have oil/fat and a lot of other good things. Nature works in holistic ways not so much in methods of extraction and isolation. You can get plenty of good fats in holistic ways / plants. Everything natural contains some % of fats and protein Banana for example = 93% Carbs, 3% Fats, 4% Protein http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/1846/2 This is close to a ratio some practice that is known as 801010 and some 9055 Being 80% Carbs, 10% Fat, 10% protein or 90% Carbs, 5% Fat, 5% protein (you don't really need to think about this though as the foods ideal for human consumption are basically already this) A lot of this goes against the grain, so you can be confident you are on the right path in this upside-down world More info @ https://www.facebook.com/notes/sexy-raw-food-and-fitness/the-raw-facts-of-the-80-10-10-diet/424452744295741
  16. Is it customary for Mods to pick fights with regular members?

    Tao Bees is more than moderators Onwards to Victory Buttercup It will be a good practice, letting go of the accusations/ insults or just general disagreements
  17. Whats in a name?

    Yes we are our thoughts and the awareness it arises from What school of thought are you coming from?
  18. Ebola coming to the USA

    Potential global consequences, not something to play around with.
  19. Whats in a name?

    why do you even bother to communicate? it is all labels
  20. Whats in a name?

    Why try so hard to be nothing?
  21. How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?

    BBC.Horizon.2014.Sugar.v.Fat.720p.HDTV http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1mpbt3_bbc-horizon-2014-sugar-v-fat-720p-hdtv-x264-aac-mvgroup-org_news
  22. + this guy Alexey Voevoda aka ''Force of Nature''
  23. Spiritual career

  24. I live in Australia. I have worked construction jobs with this diet. I recall 1/2 a day breaking up concrete, removal by hand / wheelbarrow. I made about 2 wheelbarrow trips for everyone else's 1, to the point that the supervisor actually told me to stop working and have a break so the others could share the load. I did for a moment but was eager to keep going. This guy is Vegan/ Fruitarian he won the 2013 Strava Base Mile Challenge with 6190km cycled (in 1 month - about 200km per day)