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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. My Little Pony

    How has ponies changed your life?
  2. Occult corruption/creation english + language + world?

    hmm true I have dabble with the Russian + German languages Seems to be more movement in the pronunciation... more bounce English seems kind of flat? maybe because I am not use to certain sounds... but there does seem to be better flow..more organic rhythm... to the old languages I suppose those languages are more organic really.. whereas english today was apparently constructed by a few occultist? hmm why? so artificial language
  3. My Little Pony

  4. Occult corruption/creation english + language + world?

    Ah hmm I was reading some of P F L... blog too seems to tie in with this... And the squaring the circle thing seems to be a trap? So if the language has been created around that the language would be a trap... ... how does Swedish feel to you in comparison ? I have played around with a few older languages... seems to be more of a spirit in them... I don't know maybe I am just imagining things.. ha yes..spelling words... or wryd? = fate.... creation etc spells and a lot of our language has lost its meanings... and knowledge is power... like a number of the old words have vast meaning... / concepts... take wryd again for example. So there is a suppression of sorts regarding the understanding of words (spells)
  5. Occult corruption/creation english + language + world?

    Any people here with English as a second language? What does it feel like you energetically? Maybe I am onto something new here... I dont know// I can't seem to find much about it. Don't really trust Dee Francis and friends etc to create a new language? whats the deal?
  6. Occult corruption/creation english + language + world?

    hahah ok ok A Bond for all the Ages ( to bind the ages?) hmm)): Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee - The Original Illuminati 007 by Leo Zagami, Dec 16, 2006 Background: Leo Lyon Zagami was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was the "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati "king", Licio Gelli. He is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood. < SNIP > The friendship between John Dee and Walsingham chief officer of Queen Elisabeth was a very special one indeed, as these two were working for Elisabeth's Intelligence Service. The intelligence community of the British illuminati yesterday as today still use the espionage technique's of illustrius illuminati John Dee the first agent in history to use 007 as his personal cypher. Dee was the man whom Ian Fleming modeled his 007 James Bond character on, the first and perhaps the best secret agent of the crown. childhood. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi/noframes/read/98384 hmmm What is this aboout From Taoist China to John Dee and Francis Bacon in England Aug 27, 2012 by Gavriel Updates today inside the Success-Matrix… Taoism, founded way earlier than academics teach, originates at least as far back as Fu Hsi who lived in China some 4,800 years ago. Possibly the originator of the I-Ching system (the 64 sacred geometry hexagrams). Connected with Huangi who lived shortly after Fu Hsi and then Lao Tzu lived some 2500 years later, who simplified the Taoism teachings in Lao Te Ching. John Dee, the original James Bond agent of Queen Elizabeth in the 1500s, the Queen’s astrologer and a great adept of ancient Hermetic teachings. John Dee passed on the torch to Francis Bacon, who wrote The New Atlantis, translated the King James Bible and constructed the modern English language. Francis Bacon is thought to be the actual author of Shakespeare’s writings. What’s the important connection between Francis Bacon and Taoism? http://www.success-matrix.com/zon/taoist-china-john-dee-francis-bacon-england/ Wha? /// 8. English has the unconditional “it,” as in “It’s raining.” What does “it” mean? No one knows. It’s just a fact of life hjahaha http://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/1999/09/17/our-lives/ten-reasons-why-english-is-an-evil-language/#.UZmsvG0zd0Q
  7. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    hahahahah.... god
  8. Work Virtue V Corruption

    Unconscious World V Conscious World (Morality / Ethics and Principle ) The virtuous are outcast in a corrupt society. "Just do it" + "A means to an end" Everything/ anything for profit When does it end? I am coming toward the end of my university studies (architecture) ... there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel All ones dreams seem unrealistic The system isn't really geared toward idealism, empathy, proper conduct etc The building industry has more or less collapsed in my country / so my degree will be more or less useless. I haven't worked in 6 months, did the typical high-school /uni occupations hospitality, retail, labouring I refuse to be a part of it anymore, this vicious cycle This decadence, this cruelty, this oblivion Nearly everything one does supports wickedness in some fashion What is left? Where to go?
  9. Work Virtue V Corruption

    hmmm maybe meditate on it... our forefathers have left us a fantastic...
  10. My Little Pony

    Dont much believe in coincidence myself... Usually asking what does it mean...
  11. Work Virtue V Corruption

  12. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

  13. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

  14. The Soul Vs Immortal

    What is the difference?
  15. The Soul Vs Immortal

    What did it say?
  16. The Pharmacratic Inquisition

    Interesting read... The above video mainly gets its inspiration from John Allegro though? The video above is pretty interesting... though yeh Irvin has a slight "dig" (materialist wv) ...re Ayahuasca... he says the discovery was probably some kind of accident when they were "making salads".... like wtf man? making salads? hahah
  17. My Little Pony

    kinda related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwJbTmerdqc
  18. The Soul Vs Immortal

    Nationalism is the cure.
  19. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    If the toxins are there cancer will manifest anyway... removing body parts or not. The body must find a way to get rid of the toxic build up... and it will find the most effective way to do that. Cancer is really the bodies last resort in protecting itself... it stores toxic build up / a rubbish bin of sorts... hence why cutting is not a good move... just releases the toxins and they spread around the body further. If you keep feeding the body toxins the cancer grows. If you cut the toxic the cancer will decrease and the body will heal.
  20. The Pharmacratic Inquisition

    Astrotheology + Mushroom Cults
  21. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    I think you missed the point.
  22. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Not when it isn't necessary.
  23. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Ah conflict...
  24. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    hm no good. Some say it was an attack... maybe I'll do a thread on that when I get time.