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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Horse stance

    Tried horse stance for the first time just before... intense stuff haha Seems promising
  2. Horse stance

  3. Interesting blog... read a number of posts. Number of coinciding things... Funnily enough at the same time reading your work Graham Hancock makes a post regarding shamanic warfare of a kinda. The above link... first paragraph discusses terrible events in human history + the seeing of spirits who have suffered these things... I also read your interview post + the Matrix one, very interesting stuff there, cheers. Tesla said he had the power / knowledge to split the earth in 2... @_@ haha Ah also Dennis M. The techno - spiritual / alien computer / artificial thing really put me off TM's work too... as an "evolution" of "humanity" I think it is the destruction of humanity and our true potential. + mention of shamanic warfare... I have read a few accounts about this... one reading Iboga, they advised western students not to travel to Africa for shamanic practices / taking of entheogens ... hostile environment physically but also spiritually. Very unfamiliar territory. I think most have read of the benefits / insights... + a few "bad trips" ... but I think most largely attribute this to that persons own mind rather than external forces.. it could be either I guess. I find it strange to read about the wonderful/ loving / profound experiences people have with plant teachers... and then read about shamanic warfare etc with the use of these substances + others. For one, G. Hancock was talking a shaman using DMT to break into their groups Aya experience and attack them? In the east (thought) it seems that "demons", "angels" can have human bodies? So human... maybe is seeing things too surface level? Are these beings aware of what they are? The ref to the Taoist aim of uniting heaven and earth and the other groups seeking to separate heaven and earth... very interesting and I think it sums things up pretty nicely. What benefit would they get from such a thing? I guess like the matrix movie... enslave humanity? / what creatures are these? GH says that Aya teacher showed him + the group.../ allowed this spirit in for a moment to show what "she" was up against... this wicked spirit corrupting + destroying humanity and that she needed our assistance to help fight it off (more or less)? The groups shaman, very experienced had seen nothing like it before and using all he knew was barely able to combat it ... or so it goes. This wicked spirit was manifesting through a person (I think this person had at some level allowed this) was participating in the group, an infiltrator. What is your experience with such things? I read also recently from meditationexpert and the Tibetan Monks gathering around and protecting a certain event. How does SFQ combat such things? Strange days...
  4. What are they listening to?

    ^ Very enjoyable, old time fav. Would be a blast to play it some day
  5. Spiritual Eye (Blue Pearl) in Taoist literature

    Where attention goes energy flows?
  6. FBI, local police conducting massive sweep in Oakland

    Thanks I am not talking about the people who follow... every man and his dog and what he personally believes/ or doesnt when signing up. When I was younger and signing up for union stuff I was told that it would help me out etc... sounded good to me, didn't know much else. When was the last time you had a discussion about anarcho-sindicalism on your lunch break? haha I am talking about the ideas / the philosophy behind these 3 things... Ah well. sidenote: Its a link to a 300+ page PDF thesis regarding topic... for anyone interested haha
  7. A list of sages / saints / mystics / philosophers that have helped on your quest? I think any names repeated is a good thing... giving more credit to that particular influence.
  8. Any movie about daoism ?

    I'll 4th Jeon Woochi ... watched it last night! very good! Thanks for the heads up Protector.
  9. FBI, local police conducting massive sweep in Oakland

    The Communist Party of Australia, Politics and the Trade Union Movement, 1945 - 1960 Douglas Jordan School of Social Sciences and Psychology Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development, Victoria University January 2011 http://vuir.vu.edu.au/16065/1/Douglas_Jordan_PhD.pdf
  10. FBI, local police conducting massive sweep in Oakland

    Arn't communists / socialists / trade unionist... kinda the same thing?
  11. Notable sages / saints / mystics / philosophers

    Yes haha I had a similar thought also after the post... pondering my own // Much bigger question than I had first imagined. Maybe I should have said rather than helped... most resonated / in agreement with or the like. Ah well... good stuff so far! My idea originally was that folks starting on the path could have a nice list of people / thoughts etc to look into if they so wished. It takes some time to sort out what is good and what is not (but then who is to say...+ as you say above) Hopefully I nice little kickstart for some... or even potential new sources for the more traveled
  12. How do you calculate Karma astrologically

    I'd say that to be true. Things are generally more complex.
  13. How do you calculate Karma astrologically

    Karma is a funny thing... Something bad happens to someone and they say... oh well karma will get them... But it never seems to occur to them that maybe they are paying a debt? If we look at Spanish conquest of South America... at the time the Aztec were ritual sacrificing the surrounding tribal communities? hot beating hearts cut from live bodies etc? If we look at Africa...+ the history of slave trading African kings + cannabilism + witchcraft ... people are still to this day being killed and used in such practices. More Africa... According to a Human Rights Commission report submitted to the TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) in 1997 the number of blacks that died during Apartheid (1948 to 1989) was 7 000. Compared to 14 000 for the period 1990 to 1994. Compared to 174 220 for the period 1994 to 2000 (under Nelson Mandela) The report also states that about 92% of deaths were caused by 'black-on-black' violence. (1990 to 1994) (For some perspective... world wide there are 125,000 abortions per day. http://www.worldometers.info/abortions/ ... // also 150 billion animals are slaughtered every year globally http://www.adaptt.org/killcounter.html... what type of karma do you think this generates?) I was watching a documentary about shamanism in one of the remaining remote Amazon tribes (from memory) ... still cutting off each others heads... shrinking them and stitching up the openings (eyes, mouth etc) to trap the spirit? By your reasoning all these beings ^ deserved such. (karma is the only driving force) What I am saying is the world isn't a James Cameron "Avatar" hollywood flick. Though that is what they want you to believe. The world is a brutal place and few could claim total innocence (as collective groups) > I don't believe karma is true... not from what I have seen of this world. It seems evil goes unchecked and justice rarely done... all peoples, all times.
  14. Notable sages / saints / mystics / philosophers

    I realised after I made the post... I can't really endorse anyone having never studied anyone entirely... lots of bits and pieces from many things. + Films, Art, Music I think I could say Epictetus Alan Watts
  15. Feminist thread

    Women can be equally cruel ... Apparently she would bath in their blood... to maintain a youthful appearance... /// I don't ascribe love, compassion etc to be a female energy. Nor male... I think it is neutral. As good and evil is. /// Many fathers love their children dearly and would die for them in an instant. I don't get all this male, female ... who has what emotional capacity nonsense. Are all women loving and totally devoted mothers? There are many pro murder women around today... in NYC 40% of pregnancies end in abortion... charming. Since the 1970s USA 50 million legal abortions. (this is just in the USA) To put things into perspective... ? Similar to the Countess... it wasn't religious, it wasn't politcal... no other reason than vanity. Infanticide? The dark side of the feminist movement ?
  16. Meat or Not-For chi development

    I dont know if cave dwelling automatically = wisdom.
  17. Feminist thread

    Suninmyeyes... intense post, horrible stuff. How to change? Attempts to "Civilize" things... always seem to end badly. civ·i·lize /ˈsivəˌlīz/ Verb Bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced: "a civilized society". Polite and well-mannered. Synonyms domesticate ...domesticate? ha Would this be a form of supremacism?
  18. How do you calculate Karma astrologically

    You could try numerology? http://cafeastrology.com/numerology2/
  19. Communism is the greatest evil this planet has ever witnessed.
  20. Upper abdominal area in spasm, prevents me from breathing.

    Ah yes that is good news.
  21. Astral projection troubles/blues

    Not all can afford a teacher... nor has methods of transport, if one is young support from the family may be difficult too. Plus... how to find a good teacher? many have searched for years for such? waste of time... as they say when the student is ready the teacher will appear? ... so no point in looking for teachers (middle man/women between you and the Divine) Better to read I think... With the internet you have all the teachers/ teachings you need... + free basically (there is a difference..between what I was trying to say above haha) Reading goes a long way... find the works of notable sages / saints / mystics There is no quick fix... enjoy the unfolding and trust your instincts. Empower yourself... // I am 24, I started young also. My advice I would say is brotherly Not sure if it is Guru approved but it is my experience and what has helped me. All the best
  22. Astral projection troubles/blues

    Life can be hard, no doubt. I have one practice when troubled... at night before I go to sleep I say... I surrender all my woes/ worries and problems to the Universe to reconcile / bring harmony... and feel them all slip away. I think having faith in the Universe / the Absolute / God is significant . Really everything in life is based on faith... even people who say they have no faith... have faith... otherwise why take the next breath? Life doesnt always give us what we want... maybe life gives us something we need... key is in trying to understand why / how it fits... I think mastery is being able to change + realize before events occur... so one is constantly moving in harmony + and not getting stuck in patterns / poor habits. Also to give your life to a greater cause / something greater than yourself so to speak. But in doing something you enjoy. If you enjoy playing music for example do that and use that to help make the world a more beautiful place. You will soon forget about you and your problems and be more focused on what needs doing... the duty/ task you have set yourself. So the small things dont matter... if its music the only thing that really matters is you and the music, the learning and sharing. Don't worry about society... society doesnt know what it wants or what it is. Try not to take things personally. A lot of people in this world are hurting. When they are hurting inside they (some) want to hurt other people (express their pain)... who it doesnt really matter... So don't take things personally. So there is a forgiveness of sorts happening. But not a forgetting... you have to be smart, change the environment or situation. Forgiving isnt passive. It's a transcending. Another way is to express those feelings... I myself find music good for this... just listening / singing along or playing There will come a point when you have a greater understanding of the world / people and yourself... understanding of emotions / reactions ... things will have much less of a grip on you. Emotions are fine... though as I said recently in another thread...we have to be wise about what we love and why we love it + to be sure our emotions are not used against us. I think this applies. I hope this is of some help
  23. Feminist thread

    And Charioteering! ahhh damn I miss the good ole days...