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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    It seems that most of accusers are in fact the perpetrators.
  2. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    I have read a number of comments from the gay community that have similar views as yourself regarding marriage and have no idea where it is coming from. Even to the point of anger... as in who the **** is speaking for us? I have similar views regarding marrigage as yourself. **** the government.
  3. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobia I find this definition by Google... rather odd. ho·mo·pho·bi·a /ˌhōməˈfōbēə/ Noun An extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people. Since when did phobia = aversion. .... When definitions are being distorted ... there is always an agenda. a·rach·no·pho·bi·a /əˌraknəˈfōbēə/ Noun Extreme or irrational fear of spiders. /// Point being homophobia is non existent here / no validity to the claim.
  4. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Seth, I would like to get your opinion on this comment... on page 1 of the LGTB thread konchog uma, on 05 Apr 2012 - 04:40, said: I think the right wing is basically at war with anyone who isn't a white christian american male, or the women who subserviantly gestate and birth their babies (godpleaseletitbeaboy) cept for the closeted ones! hahaaha it is a shame. the problem with the right wing is that people actually associate them with god and jesus and spiritual truth. HAHAHHAHAHA
  5. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    This is a very good question... Why do people do anything? The spiritual path is about overcoming desires... ? To the point where some for example deny sex completely... How do these people overcome such? Why do they choose to conquer such desires... Where does choice come from... Are people born drug addicts for example, or it that a choice? Are people genetically disposed toward murder, or is that a choice? Or love gardening etc...? where does this all come from... It is my belief at present that we ultimately choose. As you think so shall you become - Bruce Lee As we think, so we become - Buddha And for all those lovers of Christ out there... Proverbs 23:7 (King James Version) "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:" ^ I stumbled upon that one looking for the Bruce Lee one Mind over matter. Some believe they are a victim/ without choice Others believe they control their own path (this isn't the easiest path) He who conquers himself is Mighty - Lao Tzu In terms fo genetics... I don't believe at present such is the case... As Homosexuals can not procreate. Genetics is related to woman + man = I believe it may be a result of environmental factors some of which may change biology.
  6. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    Aaron that comment was made in regard to ^^^ Page 1 of the discussion.
  7. Senate Subcommittee Hears Experts on Pornography Toxicity By Jan LaRue, Chief Counsel December 2, 2004 [links updated June 2011] Mental health professionals say porn not only affects the mind and behavior, it alters brain chemistry. On November 18, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) chaired a hearing of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space on "The Science Behind Pornography Addiction." Four experts in the fields of mental health and communication testified: Judith Reisman, Ph.D., President of The Institute for Media Education, Scientific Advisor to the California Protective Parents Association and the Subcommittee on Junk Science for The American Legislative Exchange Council's April 2004 report [testimony]; Jeffrey Satinover, M.S., M.D., Psychiatrist and Professor at Princeton University [testimony]; Mary Anne Layden, Ph.D., Co-Director, Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program, Center for Cognitive Therapy, University of Pennsylvania [testimony]; Dr. James B. Weaver III, Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Communication, Shanks Hall (0311), Blacksburg, Virginia [testimony]. Dr. Reisman specializes in the communication effects of images on the brain, mind and memory; fraud in the human sexuality field; and the addictive properties of sexually explicit images, commonly called pornography. She emphasized how pornography not only influences behavior but also actually alters brain chemistry, making children most vulnerable to its toxic imagery: Thanks to the latest advances in neuroscience, we now know that emotionally arousing images imprint and alter the brain, triggering an instant, involuntary, but lasting, biochemical memory trail. This applies to so-called "soft-core" and "hard-core" pornography, which may, arguably, subvert the First Amendment by overriding the cognitive speech process. Once our neurochemical pathways are established they are difficult or impossible to delete. Erotic images also commonly trigger the viewer's "fight or flight" sex hormones producing intense arousal states that appear to fuse the conscious state of libidinous arousal with unconscious emotions of fear, shame, anger and hostility. These media erotic fantasies become deeply imbedded, commonly coarsening, confusing, motivating and addicting many of those exposed. How does this "brain sabotage" occur? Brain scientists tell us that "in 3/10 of a second a visual image passes from the eye through the brain, and whether or not one wants to, the brain is structurally changed and memories are created'we literally 'grow new brain' with each visual experience." Children and others who cannot read can instantly decode and experience images ... . In fact, erotic (any highly arousing) images commonly subvert left hemisphere cognition. [Emphasis in original.] Dr. Satinover emphasized that modern science debunks the dangerous illusion that pornography is merely "_expression in the trivial sense that a fall from the Empire State Building is a mere stumble--since it's hitting the ground that's fatal. Or, that cigarettes don't cause cancer, it's the burning smoke that's the problem." Here is what I mean: Like cigarettes, that particular form of _expression we call pornography, unlike all other forms of _expression, is a delivery system that has a distinct and powerful effect upon the human brain and nervous system. Exactly like cigarettes, and unlike any other form of _expression, this effect is to cause a powerful addiction. Like any other addiction, the addiction is both to the delivery system itself--the pornography--and to the chemicals that the delivery system delivers. [Emphasis in original.] It may seem surprising that, at this juncture, I should speak of "chemicals," when one might be thinking instead of "sex." But, in fact, modern science allows us to understand that the underlying nature of an addiction to pornography is chemically nearly identical to a heroin addiction: Only the delivery system is different, and the sequence of steps. That is why heroin addicts in particular give up sex and routinely compare their "rushes" to "orgasms." The pornography addict soon forgets about everything and everyone else in favor of an ever more elusive sexual jolt. He will eventually be able to find it only among other "junkies" like himself, and he will place at risk his career, his friends, his family. He will indulge his habit anywhere and everywhere, at any time. No one, no matter how highly placed, is immune. And like all other addicts, the pornography addict will lie to cover it up, heedless of risk or cost to himself or to others. Dr. Layden included the anti-social effects of pornography consumption in her testimony: Those who use pornography have also been shown to be more likely to engage in illegal behavior as well. Research indicates and my clinical experience supports that those who use pornography are more likely to go to prostitutes, engage in domestic violence, stranger rape, date rape and incest. These behaviors should not be surprising since pornographic videos containing all of these themes are readily available and the permission-giving beliefs of these pornographic videos reinforced by the orgasm say that all these behaviors are normal, acceptable, common and don't hurt anyone. Dr. Weaver acknowledged that while "research directly assessing the impact of pornography addiction on fami1ies and communities is limited, ... there is a large body of social science research evidence that can inform our discussion." It reveals: "The manifest content of pornography has been extensively examined, for example, revealing that (1) pornography's dominant theme is one of unrestrained human sexual promiscuity and (2) it's devoid of coercion and violent action. ... Further, the findings of numerous studies suggest that pornography consumption promotes sexual deviancy, sexual perpetration and adverse sexual attitudes. CWA constituents can rest assured that we will continue to make combatting pornography through public education and law enforcement a priority. For more information see our articles here. Concerned Women for America 1015 Fifteenth St. N.W., Suite 1100 Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: (202) 488-7000 Fax: (202) 488-0806 http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/2005/12/senate_subcommi.html
  8. Americans bringing everybody down

    I would agree... eg: silent prayer is very similar in description to meditation.
  9. Americans bringing everybody down

    Banks, Gov, Business, Media (International) ^ All the same - "Religion" plays a significant part in it also. --- When I say "Religion" plays a significant part... I mean that "Religion" is at the very "heart" of it... That Banking/Gov/Media etc are all tools of this "Religion" It is no secret that secret societies are largely involved in all of the above. For example... centuries ago (+ perhaps more recently... Bolshevik "Revolution" + Others) the Vatican spent a great deal of time killing christians and doing all it could to prevent texts from getting to the general public. ^ looks like the deepest pits of hell to me? on earth... Some of the methods used... I think the devil himself ... You could say the Vatican was the devil. This devilish group are at the top of all organised everything. Christianity, Islam, Judaism are like the Blue Lodges of the Masonic Order. Once you get past a certain degree... having been selected / initiated... showing the "desirable" characterists... or born into it... The organisation starts to take on a much more sinister expression. It is not that power corrupts, it is that the corrupt are drawn to power. Religious people have no concern for power*, they have no desire to usurp God/ Nature They desire to know God and little else. Just because somebody calls themself a Buddhist... does that make them a buddhist? My thread Cannibalism of Christ... goes somewhat further into this / http://thetaobums.com/topic/26855-cannibalism-of-christ/ I believe these organisations have there roots in... "The priests of Nimrod or Baal were necessarily required to eat of human sacrifices; and thus it has come to pass that 'Cahna-Bal,' the 'Priest of Baal,' is the established word in our own tongue for a devourer of human flesh" (Babylon Mystery Religion Ancient and Modern [Riverside, CA: Ralph Woodrow Evangelistic Association, Inc., 1966], p. 232) Ancient Occult practices... Edit: Some additional information to tie things together a little more... The extraction of usury (banking) is "one of the oldest professions of man." (Forrest M. Smith, III, The Regulation of Interest: Practice and Procedure, 10 ST. MARY'S L. REV. 825, 1979). First came the Temple Priests, then the Goldsmiths and the commercial bankers of today. The first use of the fractional reserve system was in the Temple of Shamash under Hammurabi -- the sixth king of Babylon Amraphel was Hammurabi, king of Babylon, the sixth king in the first dynasty of Babylon. This is now the prevailing view among both Assyriologists and Old Testament scholars. According to Rab and Samuel, Amraphel is identical with Nimrod. Some say Amraphel was his real name, and he was called Nimrod, "the chief rebel," as leader of the tower-builders, "who led the world unto rebellion" () against heaven's Ruler; others again say Nimrod was his real name, and he was called Amraphel as the one who "commanded them to cast Abraham into the fire" () ('Er. 53a and Targ. Yer. to Gen. xiv. 1). Among other fanciful etymologies the name is explained as that of one whose "commands brought darkness [destruction] on the world" (), or of one who "provoked and made sport of the world" () (see Gen. R. xlii.; Midr. LeḳaḦ Ṭob to Gen. xiv. 1, ed. Buber, i. 63, note 4; also Beer, "Leben Abrahams," pp.130, 131). See also Abraham, Nimrod. http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1440-amraphel This could go back 4000+ odd years... ---- I don't mean to scare anyone etc... Sorry Protector.
  10. Fascism + Solutions

    I do like MHs change of word to Evolution... I didn't much like typing revolution myself... the word even implies a cyclic nature rather than true progressive. @ At Joe Blast Excellent post above The problem does appear insurmountable... The mountains are looking better and better everyday.
  11. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Seth did you look at all of my sources? I highly doubt it. Did you read all my posts? 1 being from a book written by homosexuals about the homosexual lifestyle. Are you saying they are liars? People are getting too emotionally engaged.... a little objectivity would be nice. I thought this forum was dedicated to spiritual pursuits and transcending carnal desires / other vices... not indulging them. Why is this topic constantly raised... by the radical left? I dont think this topic has been raised once on TTB... other than by radical left peoples. Do you have some sort of agenda? One posts a few facts... and you lose your minds. Radical left dictatorship? Mirco + Marco Suppress all those who dissent ? You going to execute anyone with conservative views? Say you have a son/ daughter... would you not educate them about healthy practices? I don't understand why you believe homosexuals to be so sparkling clean? (I think in the OP it was called PERFECTLY HEALTHY*?... perfect hmm? If you say so) Much has already been said about hetrosexual relationships + precautions and safety measures... But apparently homosexuals are above such things? If a Christian told you that the building you're in is burning down would you leave? or from other "conservative" groups you so despise?
  12. Fascism + Solutions

    Haha yeh MH > + what happens after the revolution?
  13. Fascism + Solutions

    My post regarding above was based on information I had read some time ago... perhaps I am off. I think there was a true green movement at one point which was destroyed/ suppression by ^ under the guise of an environmental movement.... + Tech suppression I'd have to look into this again. No subsidies in general? I think it only fair to have things reflect true value/ cost etc Maintain transparency, fairness etc
  14. Fascism + Solutions

    ^ excellent post
  15. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    I also speak out against extremism. It only appears that I am on the right. Most of the extremist points of view here are from the left, whether irreligious or political.
  16. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    It was a quip... as you said that I was a fundamentalist religious conservative (something along those lines, haha) - In the thread regarding pornography. Considering you are so caught up in the left - right paradigm One assumes that you consider yourself the very opposite to a fundamentalist religious conservative Hence the above. Why your bigoted remarks? Obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions. Expressing or characterized by prejudice and intolerance.
  17. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Hypocrisy is the state of promoting or trying to enforce standards, attitudes, lifestyles virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually hold and may even regularly violate.[1] Hypocrisy often involves the deception of others and is a lie.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy So the issue here seems to be about Christianty? With those voicing concern being mostly Luciferians.... Hmmm ...
  18. Person archetypes (looks, mimics, behavior, speech)

    Makes you wonder... where else you are? haha
  19. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Ralis fails to recognize the beauty within
  20. Senate Subcommittee Hears Experts on Pornography Toxicity

    What in the article do you disagree with?
  21. Senate Subcommittee Hears Experts on Pornography Toxicity

    Ahaha With the same friends too
  22. Americans bringing everybody down

    Banks, Gov, Business, Media (International) ^ All the same - "Religion" plays a significant part in it also.
  23. Fascism + Solutions

  24. Americans bringing everybody down

  25. Americans bringing everybody down

    It is psychological warfare to control / manipulate the population, keeping the masses in a state of perpetual terror = survival mode... people aren't able to access higher reasoning. Welcome to 1984.