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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Meat eating thread

    ahah.... :/ damn I missed that part... It said survive 60 days?! I won't be eaten Change of plans... the priest and botanist are weak compared to me... they have a much less chance of surviving... too risky The priest will understand because he is enlightened... if he can share enlightenment with the world he can share it with me... who can share it with the world... The Botanist can also share his knowledge with me Though I already know how to cure all diseases soo... Also I won't be eating either of them
  2. Meat eating thread

    I was not aware that I was being eaten... that wasn't apart of the original scenario was it?
  3. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    I dont know what that is... though I assume...and so laugh
  4. Meat eating thread

    I was talking about acid throwing arabs... :/ (don't get me wrong... I have seen some terrible things done in those countries...) and the terrible Hun eating babies etc... (see relevant!) The how much is propaganda and how much is truth? Wasnt directed at you really... just saying we are being sold these ideas... but to what end? what is the agenda... are their intentions good. Say women are truly and totally suppressed under Islam... is that the real motivation of the government to want to be there... or is that what they sell to get public approval. Like the whole Kony 2012 thing... excellent psyoperation to fool the public and allow the US to send more troops into Africa to secure assets/resources etc under the guise of "humanitarian" wouldn't it be human(e) if we all went vegetarian? good for body, spirit and the earth as a whole.
  5. Fascism + Solutions

    I found the green part funny too... I don't believe Fascism was to be a welfare state like Communism, USA is today and other European countries... The fascist would agree with your statement "the socialist (welfare) state reaches a point where there is stagnation, no progress..." Communist creation ... under the all are equal / "equal" distribution of wealth etc.. which destroys the nation...as per USA today I don't believe people to be equal... as in nature things are not equal you take a class of 20 kids... some will be smarter, faster, stronger... some will have great capacity for empathy or creativity or work ethic etc. as the saying goes in terms of collectives...you are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain the welfare state rewards the weakest links of society ... it isnt long before the society / civilization collapses. In terms of absolutes perhaps yes we all have Buddha nature or some divine spark... are are all equal in that sense... but in an earthly sense thing isn't so + nobody believes it anyway... why arnt all animals great and small all equal too? we do they not have equal rights? Ive seen elephants paint ..better than a good number of humans.. maybe they are more intelligent? When you want a building constructed you don't choose any man and say... all are equal all have the buddha nature! You find the best engineer you can afford.
  6. Fascism + Solutions

    @ Ralis... I find the Lenkiewicz muddled / out of context... In such that say "democracy" is the greatest and most noble truth / system... as opposed to fascism...or communism the USA has 900 odd military bases around the world in 130 odd countries?? The notion that Germany wanted to take over the world is... hilarious... when you look at what the.. "good guys" have done after WW2 + Communism having systematically killed over the last 100 years around 200 million + civilians Though this is rarely spoken of...why? ... just wanted to look at the philosophy of it... really I find the reference to Buddhism being Fascist interesting... one has to let go of preconceived ideas... They have a supreme leader / though elected by the other monks Ethnically homogeneous (of which nearly every nation in the world is... except for European nations which have been sold mass immigration + welfare under some colourful rainbow delusion... a false sense of diversity that will end up being one shade of grey... like when you mix all the paints together. - - - Nature is very strict with this...this is what creates true diversity... as Mohammed Ali said red birds with red birds, blue birds with blue birds...all very common sense stuff. ) They all share in the work and profits in order to strengthening/ excel their position / life as a whole.
  7. Meat eating thread

    How much is propaganda and how much is truth? I don't see how "liberation" involves depleted uranium ammunition / other chemical warfare (causing genetic corruption etc infertility and so on) + in addition to a good number of these dictators in the middle east being CIA programs/operatives same with South America. My problem is not with the soldier but with the government/ falsehoods etc. Always hidden agendas. I think the offical Iraqi story was changed about 3, 4 times? ha I think the world has had enough of the European mans/ white mans interventions... at many levels. Though to be clear I think the US population + others have become a pawn of Israel. - Similar happen to Russia...not sure if Russia is free or not / independent nation /people as of today? Anyhow Maybe they dont want "education", "democracy" other human and animal rights... Something odd too..?? While we are in the middle east fighting against apparent radical ideologies and other injustices our governments are allowing mass immigration into our country of these extremists" Allah is above all...law country people etc... which is fair enough. The idea that these people can be assimilated... or that we assimilate with them is loco however / extreme ignorance or malicious intent. It is just a numbers game... with few they are quiet as the grow in number they become more aggressive... once they have the majority it is game over for the host nation...eg India and muslims burning down hindu temples... or buddhist temples etc. In the Qur'an apparently there is made reference to 2 types of nations...those of Islam and those that need to be converted to Islam... which is fair enough... at least they are honest with their intentions. I agree with their banking system very much so. The Christian tradition also heavily condemned Usury for a long time..as did many Greek philosophers... early Christianity being heavily influenced by Greek thought... This change devastating upon the world...accepting usury as ok... before it being a deadly sin. ah where was I...hmm ah yes I think we should give other peoples room to breathe / self determination etc until they come to a point of wanting to interact with us. Similar to the approach they are taking with the remote tribes in the Amazon... Internationalism / Globalism this... "liberation" is just to expand consumerism / expand profits... expand global domination... to destroy true culture... and implant MTV generation of mindless drones. $$$$$$$ Please watch The Business of War Documentary it is only 20 minutes long and with shatter a number of misconceptions.
  8. Removing "friends" from your profile that have been banned?

    start a new account?
  9. A New Start

    helps to know why you are doing something... / purpose / motivation so...why did you want to study maths? beyond societal reasons or was that the only reason?
  10. Fascism + Solutions

    Buddhist fascism? Visionary fascism was, and indeed still is, exceptionally deeply fascinated by the Buddhocratic form of state. In the late thirties (as the various fascist systems bloomed in Europe and the whole world) Spencer Chapman, a traveler in Tibet, wrote that even in the days of the dictators one can only be amazed at what uncontested power the Dalai Lama possesses” (Chapman, 1940, p. 192). The idea of kingship of the world, the uniting of spiritual and secular power in a single person, the ideology of war in the Shambhala myth, the uncompromisingly andocentric orientation, the tantric vision of the feminine, the whole occult ambience and much more besides were specifically adopted by several fascist ideologists and welded together into an aggressive myth. As we shall soon see, entire fascist systems are based upon the adoption of Tibetan/tantric doctrines. http://www.gurdjieff...ddhist-fascism/ How might one easily prove that "Eastern" faith was identical with the unverifiable assumptions of "Western" religion? Here is a decided statement by "Gudo," a very celebrated Japanese Buddhist of the first part of the twentieth century: As a propagator of Buddhism I teach that "all sentient beings have the Buddha nature" and that "within the Dharma there is equality with neither superior nor inferior." Furthermore, I teach that "all sentient beings are my children." Having taken these golden words as the basis of my faith, I discovered that they are in complete agreement with the principles of socialism. It was thus that I became a believer in socialism." There you have it again: a baseless assumption that some external "force" has a mind of its own, and the faint but menacing suggestion that anyone who disagrees is in some fashion opposed to the holy or paternal will. I excerpt this passage from Brian Victoria's exemplary book Zen at War, which describes the way the majority of Japanese Buddhists decided that Gudo was right in general but wrong in particular. People were indeed to be considered children, as they are by all faiths, but it was actually fascism and not socialism that the Buddha and the dharma required of them. http://www.screamsfr...r_hitchens.html different points of view...
  11. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    Thanks for your response too Shenlung Good stuff I am thinking we need a.tactical response team haha I think hacktivism will play a big role in the future/now also
  12. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    everyone is waiting on the Tao?? The Way / Universe for things to happen? What if we are the Tao/Way/ Universe and we are all waiting on ourselves to do something about ourselves? haha Similar to the God save us! ...well what if we are God?
  13. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    compassion doesn't = soft either If someone has a heroin addiction the most compassionate thing someone could do may be to lock them in a room for however long until the addiction is broken. "tough love" Even violence could be considered compassionate depending on the situation etc ??
  14. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    I believe one can be without resistance and still move to change things... I think resistance refers to conflict within the mind which obstructs clarity / right action... Mushin no shin /Zen / Samurai was developed... warrior mind... they still fought and died for whichever cause they believed in Maybe we accept that life is a battlefield? and it is our duty to overcome ignorance / greed and other vices just as spirituality self v self is the greatest battle ever waged Transforming the self in to something finer /higher more noble / divine etc One can get resist/ get caught in the web that is...all being discussed here... or one can accept the situation... not to be overcome with emotion and move in clarity to bring harmony. Let us not make the mistake that non resistance and acceptance etc = doing nothing (have been there myself) In terms of donating money/charities etc to make change... I don't believe so that would only be addressing the symptoms and not the cause While you are trying to build schools etc NATO/US will be carpet bombing and so on and as people are pursuing happiness... and not truth/ wisdom / justice / compassion etc nothing will change
  15. Meat eating thread

  16. Meat eating thread

    Israeli abattoir abuse questions Australia's live export system http://www.abc.net.a...12/s3652525.htm ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19eBAfUFK3E
  17. Meat eating thread

    After all this discussion has anyone changed their mind?
  18. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    ^ Not overly sure in which direction you are moving here? request for more clarity please... I'll respond by assumption though Success... can be many things I have no concern with material success acquired in goodness Definitely not a communist or a capitalist All I am concerned about is " A fair go" as we say in Aus. And that this is extended to all people.. This includes self determination What we think to be good or not isn't our decision to make... in terms of the "3rd world"/ other countries / non intervention Im sure they were doing ok before we arrived. As I said before I think the Earth has the capacity for all to live like Kings/Queens if we use our resources + knowledge + creativity better. I think this will occur when we value wisdom/knowledge over profits (at any cost...environmentally, spiritually, socially) alone. + when our idea of what wealth is... is transformed...to see more clearly << Say these flowers in my display picture I would call a treasure... and a crown of flowers would go unmatched in beauty and so on. that a persons individual creativity / self expression is priceless... though now we live in a mass consumer society... where everyone is an iperson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wars are fought over the resources to produce... this "happiness" the ilifestyle ... "choice" People have given their lives... spilled their blood... others capitalize on their death... the suffering on both sides... the documentary "The Business of War" I posted recently speaks / shows / highlights...
  19. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    I am you have assumed correctly. Also addressing the "Don't worry (ignorance), be happy" In terms of the collective/ living together and treating all with compassion / understanding / grace etc + expanding our awareness in order to understand below ^ Insert environment + a good number of people find themselves in such a position ^ regardless of region / age etc Just working to survive etc. It does effect both the individual and the collective. In pursuing happiness in such a way one potentially steals the joy of another just as say the consumption of meat (other sentience / beings) steals the life + joy of another but we are caught in this vicious cycle, this machine where people are $ and little else. I am not advocating poverty etc... just awareness, to end exploitation of peoples / animals + the environment to give back basically. I think realistically the earth has the capacity for everyone to live like a king/queen. Distribution etc + creating closed loop systems is the key (a form of immortality really). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0770802/ http://www.movie2k.t...ie-2323252.html ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7_l5b6lZ0mM ^ complimentary material // both will probably tear your heart out I too am working to get out of this cycle the best I can...+ change it if possible > In the Love Hate one the Japanese man says somewhere toward the end... I just want peace... or the like. He is an intelligent man but his desire to live peacefully + / truth / justice etc has made him a poor man (materially). As the current system is inherently violent... and one doesn't wish to participate... though inevitably has to in order to survive. I think there is a passage in the bible that talks of a time when beggars will become kings and kings will become beggars. ^ In terms of ones spirit...poor in spirit will be elevated materially... with those noble in spirit becoming beggars... as the system is inverted / corrupt... rewarding depravity.
  20. Japan - A Story of Love and Hate BBC

    "thank you, thank you" haha Few minutes into this documentary and it would be difficult to not watch I think... I had myself intended to watch it some other time. Revealing
  21. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    + the wise do not pursue happiness therefore sorrow does not exist.. therefore they are happy.
  22. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    That would depend on how wise we are talking
  23. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    I am thinking in terms of... one mans happiness is another mans sorrow Consumerism, People, Environment That if we change the pursuit of "happiness" to... the pursuit of wisdom... happiness would be naturally arising / a result of wisdom
  24. Bushmen healing dance documentary

    Thanks for the links too! Pythagoreanfulllotus
  25. Knowledge before action. Before one can motivate/ move the masses they must first be educated... this is a slow process (lots of time/ effort/ sacrifice for nothing generally... only the desire for and to share truth... + to set the world free from this nightmare compels us.