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Everything posted by eye_of_the_storm

  1. Imperial Culture vs. Tribal Heritage

    That is what we are told
  2. Humanity VS Animality

  3. Imperial Culture vs. Tribal Heritage

    If that is your path
  4. Lucy 2014

    Money is mentioned "profit" haha I am just defining "We" ... The movie is putting blame on MAN ...in general... I am saying International Banks are all these things... no the movie was the direct opposite really The psychopaths are projecting I am just saying how this system was financed largely All these statements of what humans are... are fabrications, distortions of the original With the destruction of organic cultures... the shadow groups created a human without humanity As the cultural expressions were destroyed so was the spirit/ root / guide By "religious" groups... who are IB in earlier days Now they condemn humans for the materialism and lack of spirit they have worked tirelessly to create... you see?
  5. Lucy 2014

    "We're so driven by power and profit" Most people just want a bit of space/ home, family and quality food, water, air... "Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge" ...International Banks "order (control) from chaos" They promote no-think culture via (anti) cultural marxism. "Brain Capacity." IB waging covert chemical warfare + slaughter of the intelligentsia in REVOLUTIONS throughout history / practicing dysgenics "Life was given to us a billion years ago. What have we done with it?" ... International Banks have burnt it to the ground endlessly Aristotle, one of the fathers of Western thought, wrote in his 350 B.C. work, Politics, in Book One, Part X, that usury is the lending of money at interest: “The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.“
  6. Imperial Culture vs. Tribal Heritage

    Before you were saying "rebirth" "We are all one" - the borg "We are all the same" - the borg "We are just cogs in the great machine" - the borg "We are replaceable, blank chips like all the other blank chips, there is nothing unique, we are all equal" - the borg
  7. Imperial Culture vs. Tribal Heritage

  8. Imperial Culture vs. Tribal Heritage

    How to defeat International Banks? Decentralize + Non-Compliance + Value heritage and culture over $$$
  9. Imperial Culture vs. Tribal Heritage

    From this To this (enjoy the rebirth)
  10. Imperial Culture vs. Tribal Heritage

    No, this death is death. From this death there is no return... as there is nothing to return to. Do you not find it curious that every REVOLUTION results in historical and cultural destruction? Communist (Communism is a Capitalistic system) Utopia
  11. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    // // When 90% (+?) of governments are puppets of the Iron Bank of Braavos how can there be cooperation? The intention of the IBB is world domination/ global communist system (by means of capitalism) "One stone crumbles and another takes its place and the temple holds its form for a thousand years or more. And that's what the Iron Bank is, a temple. We all live in its shadow and almost none of us know it. You can't run from them, you can't cheat them, you can't sway them with excuses. If you owe them money and you don't want to crumble yourself, you pay it back." ―Tywin Lannister[src] And to make an appeal directly to the people is nearly impossible also with vast propaganda machines and gullible serfs. Propaganda such as... 100 million ++ killed because of these lies...
  12. https://ehs.mit.edu/site/book/export/html/259
  13. Natural Vs Artifical Light + Effects of Radiations + Optimal Health

    To add to all this...you may be interested in this Cheya http://www.redicecreations.com/radio3fourteen/2013/R314-130828.php Brian & Anna Maria Clement - Toxic Clothing: Synthetic vs. Natural Fibers
  14. Natural Vs Artifical Light + Effects of Radiations + Optimal Health

    I agree with all of this There may come a point I move into the forests and go "wild" haha ... start over ... renew humanity ... this one is too far gone...and they are happy about it
  15. Are dreams tinting your waking life?

    it isn't repression it is transformation
  16. Saint George and The "White Wh*r*"

    dustybeijing To be clear, I truly want all people to be respected I truly want the world to be a vibrant place I truly want all peoples to thrive I truly want the best for all people I want everyone to be uplifted I want all media to be inspiring! creative! beautiful... that no person or people are made fools of That comedy is light-hearted and not a cover for political agendas That all people are able to express their culture + a love for theirs without disparaging others That men and women are equally valued and their unique expressions equally valued I want the world to rise together... I am tired of these conflicts I am tired of people saying that other people do not exist YOU EXIST, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and by your very existence deserve a place on this planet... To see any people become irrelevant must be prevented ... Rather than fight among ourselves... we must see the international banks behind it all... who exploit all people at different levels. To recognize and respect each others differences... rather than saying THEY DONT EXIST...
  17. Saint George and The "White Wh*r*"

    So you agree then "white people, for once, being the victims of racism" (I disagree with "for once" however) So if other women of another group were called wh*res you'd call them b*tches for speaking out against that? And you would expect no anger from that? Show me another program in which it is repeated multiple times {insert specific group} wh*r* ... in which there has been no backlash and I will agree with you.
  18. Saint George and The "White Wh*r*"

    If similar was said of other peoples the creators of the show would be crucified and it would probably make national/ world news. Insert any other ethnic group call them a wh*r* multiple times... this is unacceptable... apparently DB doesn't mind though. I am not sure why there can't be an adult discussion. The "tolerance" and "anti discrimination" crowd enjoy brushing such under the carpet with a few cultural marxist silencing techniques preventing any rational discussion... as it doesn't suit their specific agenda. The Marxist tolerated the Ukrainian desire for independence so much they starved 20 million of them death in the name of "equality" or something... etc 1984 doublespeak
  19. Saint George and The "White Wh*r*"

    Enough said...
  20. Cats + Humans

    :Title change to expand potentials: In Buddhist discussion I was reading how it is hard to get a cat to meditate - humans have a better chance of reaching "liberation" I'd say it is equally hard to get a human to meditate Are humans really superior to animals? in intelligence/ spiritual capacity I recall a very lucid dream in which I was having a very deep conversation with a cat, the cat was the teacher and showed me something very cool. I do not recall that conversation... just the feeling of it and what was shown/visual I felt the conversation was very important... this Cat is perhaps one of my greatest teachers... who can say... haha When I look into the eyes of a cat they bring me into a meditative like state...
  21. More Satanic Mischief

    This Satanism reads like Christianity Lame activity book.
  22. Eating practices

    Americans are starving to death. Despite what it appears to be... Food devoid of nutrients is not food. The wealth is a facade When Man breaks free... then you will see true abundance/ world paradise One good step would be to see the Banks behind the Governments and Usury as a most dreadful thing enslaving nations...
  23. Natural Vs Artifical Light + Effects of Radiations + Optimal Health

    Full spectrum lighting, nice! turn it off at night when sleeping? Spending time in nature. + Vitamin C fights free radicals.. + other fruits and vegetables/ organic vitamins to protect the body Keeping a strong Aura and removing inorganic materials / metals from the body that would receive/conduct these energies. From my understanding the distilled waters of life given enough volume and time will create a type of force-field around the body... I am thinking that... vaccines and these EMFs are a combined force. The metals and other inorganic material being injected/ consumed or applied into the body are turning human bodies into receivers of these unwanted energies. One example people using antiperspirants with aluminum... being absorbed into the body :/ With strong physical health/ aura these things should be deflected... not many are going to such lengths to purify the body though...
  24. Cats + Humans
