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Everything posted by Basher

  1. Are We All From Mars ? An article posted on the BBC News website, postulating that early life was more likely to originate on Mars rather than Earth.
  2. Are We All From Mars ?

    I for one, am eternally grateful for all you Venusians. Basher (The Martian)
  3. Are We All From Mars ?

    And if you were on the Toilet....that would explain the Rings !!! Edit: Add on the Toilet
  4. 50th year for Doctor Who..... but the first 30+ it was a very low budget show...with wobbly walls & paper mache rocks. As a child it was only the Daleks that kept me watching. :D
  5. Hey guys

    Welcome to The Tao Bums, I'm sure there are more than enough posts here, to keep your interest. Basher
  6. Lost In Translation ? Warning: When writing Road Signs in a different Language, please ensure that somebody that can read that language, checks it first ! (LOL)
  7. avatar-photo

    I choose the Red & Black Yin Yang / Tai Ji symbol, as those are the colours of our uniform, in the Taoist Arts Organisation (TAO). Where I study Li style T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Red T-Shirt / Sweatshirt and Black Kung Fu Trousers (Pants to you Americans) I'm thinking of changing my avatar to something else though. Maybe one of my photos of British Wildlife (Fox/Deer/Badger or something). (If I can ever work out how to get the picture on here !!) Basher
  8. From Virochana

    Welcome to the Tao Bums. The Lobby is for general introductions & for us to learn a little bit about you. Enjoy your time here. Basher
  9. Hello - Interesting Forum

    That was Zen, this is Tao. Welcome to the Tao Bums. Basher
  10. Those are the times I need it most !
  11. Hi gj551, I tend to browse the Tao Bums mostly whilst at work, during my lunch break. And print threads that are interesting / long or too complex (for my limited intellect) In order that i can read them later, at my leisure. But as you mention, perhaps it would be easier / clearer with a "Print" layout / option. Let's wait & see what the Mods etc make of your suggestion. Basher
  12. Which internal martial arts

    Welcome WTCB, The Lobby is really just for general introductions, you should now be able to post elsewhere. But if anyone knows of an Internal system that's any good and that you can master in a few minutes a day, please let me know too . LOL. As the Li system I'm learning is amazing, but would probably take a lifetime to master completely. Basher Edit. Add LOL
  13. Excellent article. If true this reminds me of the Film "Pitch Black" with Vin Diesel.
  14. Hello :-)

    We don't care which part of a Dinosaur you are welcome to the Tao Bums. Edit: Additional Comments deleted. (Joke not good enough)
  15. Alfredo Moser: Bottle light inventor proud to be poor Excellent. :ph34r:
  16. Hey to all

    Another Brit on here, that's great. Welcome mate. Basher
  17. New to this

    As long as the goals don't conflict in any way... Remember a Book by Robert W. Smith, where he went to Taiwan (I believe) and was studying several different Martial Arts, from different Instructors. One of his "Internal" art teachers caught him doing a Shaolin "external" exercise and told him: "The hunter that tries to capture two rabbits at once, comes back with none". (or something close to that). LOL
  18. Caption This Photo

    This photograph captures the instant before the unfortunate Earth Tremor. Or... If that's fossilized Dino poo, just how big was the Dinosaur ?
  19. Solving Symbolic Language

    Phew, thought you were upset with someone, Deci. One of us is like the author of "The Three Musketeers"...... A Dumas ! but it's probably not you !
  20. New to this

    Would add to 3: If you've done something to move towards that goal.
  21. Families: Privilege for the rich?

    If you don't pay your taxes, you get put in jail. Try supporting your family from there ...
  22. Families: Privilege for the rich?

    LOL - Good Point. You may have hit a nerve ! The Super Rich / Rich can take care of themselves. The Poor should be taken care of or given assistance by the state. The Lazy should be given a kick up the Bum But the majority of us, someplace in the middle are just taxed to within an inch of our lives & expected to not complain. I don't mind paying taxes to pay for essential services, etc..or to help those less fortunate, and in genuine need / poverty. Just don't see why working taxpayers cash is used to help immigrants "milking the system" or those that have never done a days work in their lives to produce offspring without any thought to how they're going to pay for them. Those of us in work can rarely afford large families. So isn't it "wrong" to reward those who don't contribute, every time they have another child ? The Uk cannot afford to support all those wishing to dip their hands in the till. (Gone to have a Cold Shower, think peaceful thoughts & calm down)