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Everything posted by Basher

  1. Greetings from Scandinavia

    Welcome to The Tao Bums, a drop of water. Hope you enjoy your time here. Please take the time to read the two posts, pinned to the top of the Lobby area, then you're ready to go. Basher
  2. Hello everyone

    I have both books & they're great fun. The Stone Cutter is one of my favourites...
  3. My newer newest Idea! (This is humor)

    IMHO - Real Ninjas wear Dark Blue, anyone in Black is a Fake !!! Oops (Note to Mods, these should be in dark blue !!) LOL
  4. Hello everyone

    Hi Jambon & welcome to The Tao Bums. Glad you've found us. Wasn't Sambo the "old" name for Russian Wrestling ? Please read the two posts "pinned" to the top of the Lobby. Basher
  5. New Member Intro

    Welcome to the Tao Bums, Above Sky. Please take a look at the two posts pinned to the top of the Lobby. Look forward to reading more from you. Basher
  6. Hello

    Now all we need is a copy of your Passport, a blood sample and your Mother's Maiden name !!!
  7. Hi! :)

    You guys do realise that you can PM (private message) each other, rather than post stuff for all to see in the Forum, right ? Is this going to be made into a Film, or a TV series ?
  8. Hello

    Welcome Pinecone, the approval system has just been improved and simplified. Kindly read the two pinned threads in the Lobby. Basher
  9. hi

    Raine, nobody here is in any position to judge anyone else. You only need share what you wish, or feel comfortable sharing. But whatever it is, may be of help to others in a similar situation. Basher
  10. Newest member

    Welcome to The Tao Bums, SonOfTheGods. Please read the two pinned posts in the Lobby. Basher
  11. Hi

    Hi Bearded Dragon and welcome out from the shadows. Please also read the two pinned posts at the top of the Lobby. Basher
  12. My introduction

    Indeed !! I've noticed a few so called Tai Chi Senseis showing up on the Internet, advertising their Classes or Books. I guess a lot of folks don't know or care about the difference between Chinese / Japanese Arts & terminology.
  13. My introduction

    Aikido was great, arms locks, wrist locks, throws, breakfalls, etc on nice comfy mats. All done with grace & effortless re-direction of movement. (Except when I tried it as a beginner) LOL But Aiki-jutsu might be more your thing, eh ? Kendo = great for building up your shoulders & arms. A sport where you tell your opponant exactly which part of their body you're going to try & hit !!! Usually the bits where they have the most protection (ie reverse of what you'd do on a battlefield).
  14. My introduction

    Hai !!! (LOL) Not Really, I did some Kyokushinkai (Knockdown) full contact Karate & then later some Aikido, in my youth...(before I began Kung Fu / Tai Chi). I still have random Japanese words floating around in my memory..not much use in a conversation with somebody Japanese though. 1 to 10, side kick, elbow, front kick, begin, reverse, etc etc.
  15. Blue-Solar-Storm, once you've posted five times in this Lobby, you'll then be able to post elsewhere in the Forums. Basher
  16. My introduction

    No, just a play on japanese "martial" terminology...was all. E.P., I see that you prefer the "jutsu" (martial arts) to the "do" (sports). Any particular reason ?
  17. Hai Hai

    Hi Prodigal Knight & Welcome to TTB's Prodigal, five posts here in the Lobby will open up the rest of the Forums. So why not tell us a little more about yourself. Basher
  18. Taoist authors

    Hi Kenobi & a belated welcome to The Tao Bums. This Lobby is really only meant for general introductions, where you tell us all about yourself. Most of the Bums don't visit here much. But after 5 posts in the Lobby, you can then post elsewhere. Cheers Basher
  19. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    Loads of people pracise the Taoist arts, like Tai Chi, Chi Kung, etc. whilst following another religion or belief system. The Taoist Religion/Temple stuff is separate. Basher
  20. My introduction

    Hey, there are Ninja's "Ronin" all over the place !! (Sorry, the medications wearing off)
  21. My introduction

    Also Alan Watts Taoist Philosopher, Nutting somebody = Headbutting them. If you have to explain a joke it's an epic fail.
  22. My introduction

    Welcome to the Tao Bums. Believe I already know know your cousins, Watts (the Taoist philosopher) and Nuttin (the MMA fighter).
  23. Sex Crimes and the Vatican

    Of course not, but I work in the Insurance Industry & during the course of my work have seen a lot of claims relating to Sexual Abuse on children, by members of the Clergy, going back several decades. This may well be down to a few perverts dressed up as Priests, and before the more stringent Criminal records checks of today. But these people should never have been given the opportunity to abuse the trust placed in them by their victims or their families. Almost all cases result in a cover up by the relevant Church. Putting themselves & their churches reputation before the needs of the victims.
  24. The Mysterious Female

  25. Hai Hai

    Why I orta ...... What ? She does Ba Gua !!! (I'll let her off then) LOL