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Everything posted by Basher

  1. (Almost) Nobody Loves a "smart-bottom" (LOL) = Not Laugh Out Loud
  2. Hi BKA, wouldn't the 20 mods then have the ability to "edit" each others threads ?
  3. My Art Website, just made

    Agree. Would (perhaps) be nice to have a specific "Art" area, for members to show THEIR ORIGINAL paintings, photos, etc. :ph34r:
  4. Zerostao, I generally think it's a Good Idea, as several posters (like you / Deci) try to start informative type threads. Which get de-railed by trolls, or decend into arguements, by those that don't agree. The OP can argue as much as they like, but the reader has to read lots of "drivel" etc, before finding the useful nuggets of information alluded to in the title of the thread.
  5. Opening Dao: a documentary Film

    I couldn't watch either one...but I'm on my work PC at present. Will try again later, at home.
  6. Bye everyone and thanks for your help

    Goodbye and thanks for all the Fish. (HHGTTG) Wishing you all the best Heath, in your continuing journey from Fluid to Druid. Basher
  7. Assalamu Alaikum

    I stand to be corrected but I think that's all been changed... Once you've been checked out & welcomed to TTB's you're free to access all (non Mod type) areas.... Basher
  8. Why is Spam a luxury food in South Korea? LOL
  9. Copyright Material Posting Rules

    The more that we help others, the more we are helped, in our turn. Think we could all do with Big Business acting in a similar fashion, Nikolaus.* (Most tend to see it ONLY as a good PR stunt). *Be a lot less poverty in the world, if they did. Wishing you success in your venture. Basher
  10. (From the BBC Website) From views of the Moon and our neighbours in the solar system, to colourful depictions of the gases and galaxies which swirl in deep space. Take a look at the best images - and see the overall winner - of this year's Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition. WoW Incredible Basher
  11. Etiquette for Visiting a Temple

    I'm a keen, rather than talented photographer. Should visitors generally ask permission before taking photos ? Good manners and Respect. Would there be areas off limits to visitors and / or their cameras ?
  12. Copyright Material Posting Rules

    I think that sometimes it's the way we write or say things, rather than what we actually write / say. If you're perceived as being aggressive, or abusive, people can get defensive or abusive back.
  13. International Talk Like A Pirate Day

    Don't mention Land Lubbers or Salty Old Sea Dogs....
  14. International Talk Like A Pirate Day

    Keel Haul the lazy swabs..... I talk like a Pirate any month with an Arrrrr in it.
  15. Hi All, I've been asked a question and don't know the answer, so thought this was probably the right place to mention it. The OP of a thread answered another's question, then slightly later wanted to add another post on one particular point, for emphasis. But found that whatever they wrote, just got added to their last post. Is that, connected to the 30 minute edit thing ? As I thought that we'd done away with all of the editing restrictions and reverted back to the old way of doing things ? Cheers Basher
  16. Multiple Posting - Rules ?

    I sometimes miss out on welcoming newbies to the Lobby, because I want to get up-to-date on all the threads everywhere else. Think I need to learn to ignore certain posters on here, anything even vaguely related to the subject of "M* P**" , also need to read LESS and practice MORE Basher
  17. Hi! Hi!

    Ok, so the word "Maples" was in your username, close enough.
  18. Multiple Posting - Rules ?

    Comment Deleted....but had something to do with the whole Edit thing... LOL
  19. Hi! Hi!

    LOL You were the one that mentioned the Maple Syrup
  20. Multiple Posting - Rules ?

    It's simple, you can plan to be spontaneous, every 31 minutes.
  21. Occult corruption/creation english + language + world?

    Don't confuse English, as spoken by the native English or British people here, with American English. English = Colour/Socks/Pants/Trousers/Pavement/Lift. American = Color/Garters/Briefs/Pants/Sidewalk/Elavator. Remember that we English have to talk with a "stiff upper lip". :D
  22. ¡Hola! / Hello Miktiuocelo, and welcome to The Tao Bums. Hopefully you will find much of interest to you here. Please take the trouble to read the two posts pinned at the top of the Lobby and also take a look at the Forum Terms / Rules It is pretty easy going here at the Tao Bums, but there are one or two things to be aware of, before you move onto the other forums. Best wishes, Basher
  23. Syria

    Hopefully, in the event of a military strike, their Cruise Missiles are more intelligent than those Pentagon participants are !!! ========================= The BBC showed some news footage a few days back, showing captured troops loyal to Assad being beheaded in front of a crowd including lots of children. By Al Queda types, supported by the Rebel (muslim) forces. Apparently they got fed up of waiting for somebody to intervine & stop the massacures of the innocent civilians. Just tried looking on the BBC website and interestingly couldn't locate a mention of it ! Edit: To Add BBC News.
  24. Hi! Hi!

    Hello Crimson Maples of Autumn, and welcome. You should be able to find much more of "interest" in the Tao Bums, if you dig a little deeper and there is also guidance to be found here. Please take the trouble to read the two posts pinned at the top of the Lobby and also take a look at the Forum Terms / Rules It is pretty easy going here at the Tao Bums, no clothing regs, but there are one or two things to be aware of, before you move onto the other forums. Best wishes, Basher PS: I prefer eating cookies, to reading about them.