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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. The Laozi as a Manual of Neidan

    Very neat and understandable, but it looks like you defined neidan as you see it , then excluded Gong based on it. 1 ) secret method would depend on whether one was aware of it or not , if everyone else was not aware of some tidbit, I dont see how that would change the alchemy of someone who did know about it. 2) there are no ingredients of the bodymind , or, All is ingredient of the bodymind since one is not 'apart from ones world' 3) I dont believe in transcendence anyway. So in terms of definitions and the artificial divisions which exist in the minds of men , its really nice and helpful observation. But thats where it ends. If Gong was a successful neigong practitioner then your definition goes out the window.
  2. The Laozi as a Manual of Neidan

    The only hard part here is that you wont say whether you understand the texts or not. Its disingenuous.
  3. The Laozi as a Manual of Neidan

    Yes or no would do just fine , you understand things that arent the texts , fine ,, someone would have to know what the texts say , or they have no purpose , right , they would be useless , just meaningless ink on bamboo- unless someone could derive something from them . Do you understand the texts , ANY of them ? just say it.
  4. The Laozi as a Manual of Neidan

    Fine, I'm asking if you understand the texts. You personally, you speaking for yourself, rather than the population in general.
  5. The Laozi as a Manual of Neidan

    So, to you , the texts make no sense? is that correct?
  6. The Laozi as a Manual of Neidan

    Shaoshun, I understand your point, you feel the intellectualization , the conscious attempt to decipher the text is misguided. It defies conclusions. I disagree though, thats all. But I am curious as to why, from your point of view, it would be written?
  7. Power

    Not smart, is doing things that would happen anyway. Or not doing things that need doing. No ,one isnt apart from the world, youd have to be outside of it somehow, but one has free will you arent an innocent robot and you are responsible. If you want the rainforests to remain, well then people need to exercise the power they have. If you want that baby to live, you need to feed it. Sitting and waiting for things isnt as effective as doing something to bring them about. Abdicating the responsibilities and needs associated with caring for that baby constitutes child abuse. Taking misfortune lying down and rotting in place ,is not durable. You can struggle, you can give up. I didnt tell anybody what to do , I am just saying what power is. There are times for restraint, but its not reasonable not to exercise any power. Thats misled. I dont care what the book seems to say,and its just wrong if it does.
  8. Power

    Cmon, power is redirecting the forces of the world to suit ourselves. Abuse of power is making things worse.Theres no such things as superior and inferior power or power that has no effect on anything.
  9. Good point, IMO, your life, ,,its your read on the texts . The Tao laughs at us all Take the thingie about the snare,, Once the rabbit is caught, the snare isn't important , its purpose was to catch the rabbit,,, simple right? Well if you were to look at this same snip from different angles , it can still work out readable as true. Watch,, Since the universe is what exists , however it got here , is finished. But if its here it got here somehow so its not over. If the purpose of the state is to ensure the well being of the people , the state cant harm the people, or it serves no purpose. If the King gets what he needs to run the state , the opinions of the people are irrelevant. and simplest view, The ends justify the means. The ends cant justify the means if they defeat themselves. This is just one example , thing is , that , that which is true, isn't biased to serve only one view. I haven't found where Lz or Zz really break from this ironic principle. A chapter Where either takes a stand which puts their feet squarely and unequivocally on a bias about the affairs of men. The story which can't be spun. I'm open to it , I just don't see one.
  10. Saving Money on Taxes

    My 'good idea' is just to pay the taxes, and if its cost effective have someone else figure out how to save you money on them.
  11. The truth and nothing but the truth

    No thing is both true and false ,nothing good or bad. And thats not some long winded bullshit confabulation. Though I like long winded confabulating myself . One imagines goodness badness and falsity. Based on likes and dislikes and errors. The human condition ,Its that freekin simple.
  12. The truth and nothing but the truth

    .how about just one truth, Like Satan said in South Park.. Like whos not filling a fng hole ?
  13. What happens if we die?

    I'm not planning on it.
  14. I'm told that kids and puppies with sad eyes are very manipulative, " can you be as a child ?"
  15. The tao of men is its own subset, different rules.
  16. I too hope they ,and everyone find peace prosperity etc, the world is changing so very fast, and it can be hard to know where to rest.
  17. The sun shines on both the wicked and the just.
  18. Well that could be taken several ways. The implied if. ,, Is there.Surely you might agree that The writing of the ttc and zhuangzi was not to create a new religion...and yet it goes beyond political advice.
  19. From what im reading elsewhere, its actually the Chinese who are the ones confused about the philosophical dao. Ill explain, there were several philosophical schools, not all of which had to do with spirituality. They were more like schools of thought on political science. What was called Daojia school included some works which based the political philosophy, on rationale which also applies to spiritual growth. The religious folk used this as an important work for that reason -daojiao. At the time the lines between religion state, and just plain ol social philosophy were blurrier. Now we see politics as secular, the western philosophical idea , on philosophical daoism ,is that its not a religion per se its an Inspirational grouping based on daoist paradigm. To the eastern viewer it is either the religion with all its affectations and cultural affilliations, or its purely a sociopolitical subject. The original sentiment on Lz and Zz was that it was a sociopolitical paradigm which had spiritual implications,,but wasnt a religion in and of itself shamanist or otherwise. Just like Confucious didnt write up a religion either. So it is the western idea which approximates the original , it just overlaps in name and spiritual significance with Shamanist or religious Daoism. Im tentative on this , I may adjust it later.
  20. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Sorry, nevermind. proceed as you were.
  21. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Funny you should say Legalists merged ideas of dao into their own, I was quite ready to assert that the two systems were diametrically opposed. Not just a little either. Why say that?
  22. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Can I just ask here , how you feel about this particular excerpt?
  23. Highest most pure state of wei wu wei?

    Yes , that must be it! Ive wei wu weid myself into sync with the universe. Finally!