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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Is personality unique to humans?

    Do they now? How is it they arent just carbon copies , mindless automatons? If I was the size of a mouse, why would my cat eat me?
  2. Is personality unique to humans?

    Well since animals arent persons, just machines fit for eating ,like plants... no they have no personality. Yeah they wiggle around but that just means they are live systems. One might as well suppose mushrooms have personalities. So the answer requested is yes, only humans have personalities.
  3. The Greatest Quality

    Self mastery
  4. It might fit well in Marble Gardens tho
  5. Yes, that's where I located my clip from, the point however was that disturbance was still essential. The yin and yang thing isn't stagnant even philosophically. I’d also add that to my mind Daoism favours the natural soil enhancement methods of permaculture over digging deep and breaking up. Back in college I found myself doing some archeology in the Mohawk valley of New York, its been farmed for centuries , looking for Indian longhouse remnants , one digs down through about 18cm or so of tilled earth, immediately below is the zone which isnt subject to the tilling. The difference is striking, below the topsoil there is a layer of inorganic clay so stagnant that one can still see the outlines of the posts driven in 300+ years earlier. Above that zone the earth is fertile and organic, though somewhat rocky . On the ground surface however one can find potsherds and arrowheads basically within just a few yards of where they most likely fell, way back then. My point is that the tilling disturbance allows the land to continue to produce, it isnt really destructive or obliterating , since one can still locate where the longhouse was! by the debris up top. The dead part is the part which sees no change. ( one can find similarities in native environments as well) SO although philosophers , thinkers dredge stuff up for examination , and that may seem counterproductive at times, it keeps the system from stagnating , the old becomes new again, weeds are kept in check , the natural order IS disturbance and change, as much as it is continuity and peace. ( the bias or overpreference for one or the other is the destructive element IMO )
  6. This kind of permaculture ? Intensive rotational grazing[edit] Grazing has long been blamed for much of the destruction we see in the environment. However, it has been shown that when grazing is modeled after nature, the opposite effect can be seen.[33][34] Also known as cell grazing, managed intensive rotational grazing (MIRG) is a system of grazing in which ruminant and non-ruminant herds and/or flocks are regularly and systematically moved to fresh pasture, range, or forest with the intent to maximize the quality and quantity of forage growth. This disturbance is then followed by a period of rest which allows new growth. MIRG can be used with cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, geese, turkeys, ducks and other animals depending on the natural ecological community that is being mimicked. Sepp Holzer and Joel Salatin have shown how the disturbance caused by the animals can be the spark needed to start ecological succession or prepare ground for planting. Allan Savory's holistic management technique has been likened to "a permaculture approach to rangeland management".[35][36] One variation on MIRG that is gaining rapid popularity is called eco-grazing. Often used to either control invasives or re-establish native species, in eco-grazing the primary purpose of the animals is to benefit the environment and the animals can be, but are not necessarily, used for meat, milk or fiber.[37][38][39][40][41][42][43]
  7. Does this mean that the Chinese eat until they burst , drive through red lights , find no peace? Hey! theyre just like us.
  8. Parity, ! thats the word I was looking for! Yes we both gave Spotless a pass based on parity. Im thinking , that yes you diverged from that regarding Mh based on subjectivity. Parity would say Mh was also just as deserving of a pass based on it. Hard line stances on both sides, and neutrality on the sidelines.
  9. Taoist texts,id like to supplement dustybeijings response about highest knowlege , Imo, if knowlege is a progression of explanation, to larger and larger principles, one gets to a point where one doesnt really know the answer. Knowing that, is just one more step beyond being wrong, and thats the end of the progression. So he Zz feels that simply allowing the doubt is the wiser stance..agnosticism.
  10. Dustybeijing "When you have collected all the facts and fears, and made your decision, turn off your fears , and go ahead!" Patton
  11. Look, if he feels Spotless is being fair, by holding all the groups on equal footing, then his own fairness needs to look the same, if one thinks each individual situation, like your reaction, needs to be judged in respect to the validity of the other positions, doing, deeming your own reaction abrupt relatively, then you shouldnt be expected to feel your opinions are not more valid than your opposers. No doubt each of us feels RIGHT... and feeling thus.. wish to let loose a torrent of justified fervor. That is conventional. However, less conventional , and perhaps better, is to live and let live as much as we can ,even accepting the odd trampled foot.
  12. Theres no taoist rule about being fair. Its not like the theists are taking pains to keep the numbers even its looks like five or so against one, maybe two. Take Steve there, he thinks his idea might be objective, well, he didnt point at spotless or flowing hands. Is that fair? No its not. He doesnt see Spotlesss shots across the bow? I see them ,it doesnt upset me, he is allowed some leeway for his own perspective, but that doesnt mean, he didnt say anything easily taken badly. Once he understood your feelings, it was possible for him to make nice as well, so theres no reason for all of it to lie on your shoulders.
  13. High priest of Atheism? Isnt he the High Priest of Family Feud?
  14. Similar, in terms of conviction. Dissimilar in terms of the basis for aforementioned conviction. Interesting choice of wording, very nifty threading of the needle. But I agree , this is stereotype. Which may or may not fit real attitudes of real persons. Its possible to have respect for the other view , yet not share it.
  15. The purpose of beliefs is to maintain accord between what we understand to be the case , and what is actually the case, so that we may function in a manner which is of best benefit. Or simply cut out the middleman and say that our beliefs are best purposed to our best benefit.
  16. Ive read this fits with how the once blind newly sighted feel. Thought experiment or excercise of this sort can be fun, and its probably in line with investigations into the basis of some of the assumptions we make habitually. But I dont see how this particular one leads to understanding of self otherwise. I think its odd to note that when I am really listening, I am not really aware of other things, and vice versa. Theres not much more to say about it though.
  17. First, find three people who genuinely want to call themselves Philosophical Taoists without caveat. The mindset tends to attract an ecclectic freewheeling and syncretic following.
  18. Thats a very Very good question . Though in getting an answer I would probably be a hindrance in getting concensus, since I am really way far off from some more traditional views.
  19. Is personality unique to humans?

    Concept of zero means zero has value as a mathematical placeholder and numerical situation. This is not the idea of something being absent, which isnt math, its a direct assessment of a situation. There is no such existant thing as negative oranges, or zero oranges, those are conceptual creations. (There are no zebras either,but thats different)
  20. People can relate to gods, why start trouble by denying them? They are moot as far as understanding the principles being expounded though. So I say yes, agnostic, is a fine descriptive. I would also consider atheist,and proto-scientific, regarding the philosophical trend,, also reasonable. The writers may have not been atheist , or they may have been, it doesn't matter. (A priest may teach math too. )
  21. Watching The Birds

    You're in Florida? anyway Ill let you in on a secret, there are lots of spots where the birds are really rather acclimated to people. Some tiny birds are rather oblivious to big slow humans, we just dont operate at their scale. Others just have individual habits. Generally birds dont give a carp about noise , as long as you arent crashing through the brush yelling , you arent sneaking up on them and THEN making a racket ,, and so forth. So just be subtle, youll get close , ten fifteen feet easy, and if you hang around nonchalant-like , they may get within oh , three feet of you.
  22. re·gret rəˈɡret/ verb 1. feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).
  23. Its so rare, to get in one of those delicious Aha!s Im expecting rebuttal is in store. One really wants the perfect Aha.
  24. Watching The Birds

    Hey zero, thats a really nice shot, did you take it yourself? Blue jays may nor be uncommon, but I find them difficult to get a good shot of, somebow they are always behind a stick or facing the wrong direction and so forth. I like the pose, and acorn, its very Audubonish. I drove a hundred miles out to honeymoon island yesterday spring migrants are already moving through. I got a few species I havent ever gotten before. Hooded warbler,prothonotary warbler, louisiana waterthrush, but I think I might have been happier with the jay shot there. Mh, I also saw some rubythroated hummingbirds so if you havent been,you may start seeing them soon. One seemed to have set up a territory around a patch of lantana. Another guy and I spent maybe an hour, trying to get a decent shot of it. The force was not with me though.