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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. on being really strange

    Sorry , that is a bit of a pet issue Ive got there I guess, Yep that tourettes is really strange.
  2. on being really strange

    I was thinking about Department of Motor Vehicles / Tag office waiting rooms.
  3. on being really strange

    Yes , it is , and wisely so. Those who , for one reason or other cant fit in by adjusting to the circumstance , just make their life more difficult ( or their life just will BE more difficult). Why cant people just be allowed to act normal , why do they have to be pushed to play out every eccentricity they have in front of those who have a hard time accepting it?
  4. on being really strange

    Oh, I didnt see your sub-edits originally Lets start over I think some of the advantages being posted for acting 'really strange' are bogus claims If a person is accepted and 'normal' I dont think theyd have to make such false claims. From what I hear , people dont want to be weirdos , theyd give anything to be normal ! Oh is it supposed to be fun and wonderful , to be missing body parts , blurting things out with tourettes ostracized for mental illness , albino , hugely fat, hairy faced (re: women) ,the only person of a religious group or race , in a congregation? etc etc No I think folks generally want to be normal, and they have good reason to want to be seen as normal , but that they in their personal life away from the criticisms of the cruel , well then youd be free just to be you. The advice that youre supposed to subject yourself to ridicule , to be 'genuine' in everyone elses face , is bad. If folks were so well accepted being themselves , you wouldnt have to suggest that they pursue it.
  5. on being really strange

    Eh? What? Im agreeing with 3bob . Not in academia. Strange is an attribute job wise for dons. I disagree with that as a general rule here at least ,I dont think folks dont easily trust weirdos and give them grants or tenure , ,,It probably depends on in what way one was odd. Nope. Leaders are definitely 'strange' to the led hence the led follow the leaders, sometimes from curiosity. I believe folks more often follow conservative leaders rather than weirdos ,out of 'curiosity'. Strange thinkers are lateral thinkers. Think 'freakonomics' for one example Possibly , but they may also be more likely to be malcontents Beige n boring folks flock together too. Probably true , but is a person 'strange' if they put on goth makeup to fit with a goth crowd?
  6. on being really strange

    Benefits of not acting strange 1 Its easier to get a good job 2 Its easier to hook up with the opposite sex 3 You fit in at social events without making folks uncomfortable 4 You appear credible as a source of sound decision making 5 You will find it easier to lead 6 It doesnt impede your thinking in the least 7 you will be remembered as harmonious to the group at your funeral 8 You can still contemplate all you want 9 you will be a magnet for other people who are also well adjusted 10 You wont have to make up false benefits of acting abnormal
  7. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    If one exceeded "better men" by obviating thier waste of time, then they would be the wiser-better , even more so if they were comfortable and correct with their assessment of what reality was, for then they would have just solved the question outright. The idea of "better men" is illusory anyway , one is what one is , does what what one does , and resolves what one resolves. I know smart folks that screw up the usage of a coffee machine. That persist in unhappy marriages , that perpetuate ideas of their own ineptitude. This is why the life errors are said to be due to illusion , not stupidity.
  8. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Well youre arcane knowledge is good enough to make me have to go a-fact checking. Have a nice weekend ..
  9. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Im reading that the rock itself has been smashed into seven small pieces ,stuck back together , and has been framed multiple times. Whether it originally had a defined ' feminine ' shape, I dunno. That which became the 'Islamic world' most likely has little to do with the basic Abrahamic tradition , belief in a single god etc though Id suspect that portions of the old beliefs which werent inimical to Islam could be retained to enrich the traditions. I suppose every kid who starts geometry has wondered why the heck the thing is divided that way , already being indoctrinated to base 10 math.. but Im just guessing that this other number divides into convenient multiples. ???
  10. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Im sure I can say that IMO about more than just them .... I just dont know my exceptions might be
  11. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    Oh thats all right good buddy , noworries , I can see that theres free-floating feistiness around. I hope Student and beyonder continue with more posts. ( Work is slow here today)
  12. Sex

    The article isnt self consistent , It says that A, the iconography of Caesar doesnt fit our preception of him ,( whose life is well documented ) which conflicts with the story -of Jesus being actually the story of Ceasar with a new name on the protagonist ... Because,... if the false persona was that of Jesus , the icons of Ceasar would still be accurate to the real guy, Caesar. Besides , they had rather different 'causes". (apart from a thousand other reasons)
  13. Sex

    I saw that special when it initially came on the tube, I felt that the folks were doing the best they could but were making a lot of assumptions. Y'know, the arabic-semitic and native peoples of India etc are mostly all considered "Caucasian" as well , right? ( and probably most of the Egyptians as well )
  14. Sex

    Its my opinion that there are some correlations between the preSocratic Greeks and the discussions of the Eastern Classic dao-ists. On that we might agree. But there are limits to the comparisons and I think its a major difference that the Greek trend was towards a tripartite paradigm. I dont want to venture more 'broadly' than that right now. Much of the meat of what youre getting at is interesting, and I learn yet more as I fact check the Items I like best.
  15. Sex

    That portion on the hair thing form 1 Cor 11:14, to some authorities was , inserted at a later date than that which is attributed to Paul.
  16. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    Youre saying the virgins are symbolism for geometric angles? Ok, the numerical aspect they might find satisfactory for that association , but Id be surprised if they were expecting a reward of ...radians.
  17. Documentry blowing my mind up atm

    I thought it was a fun thing , I watched it all , tried to catch the connections the narrator was making , to see where he was going with it . I figure some folks have a knack for making all those mental connections , and on top of that going forward with developing the whole vid.
  18. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    Ok, but Id like to know who his teacher is or what lineage he is from, since the bit attributed to him , ,,well ,,I like it , its pragmatic , rational, mundane reasonable , doable etc.
  19. Sex

    Well I never used the term higher mind , nor lower mind , What I was ,and am still ,and am still saying ,is that the mind was considered tripartite, not dualistic , and that Thumos wasnt considered feminine , it was considered essential to developed masculinity , and that psyche wasnt considered masculine but rather it was the composite. Thats the standard standing opinion on the subject. I can see that you just wont drop the imposition of a dualist schema on the subject , nor admit the error about masculinity vs femininity as applied to the greek model in post 16. Which I think you could do , without destroying your larger point, since neither of us are old enough to have been there. Egypt I didnt address ,
  20. Sex

    Oh c'mon, yall have your share of schemers Im sure
  21. on being really strange

    Yep , but then , Im not all that unfamiliar now either , so its not scary.
  22. on being really strange

    Contrary to common suggestion , being yourself should be the last thing you should do when folks might consider you strange. When you arent strange to them , you can go ahead be yourself and be strange , but then it wont be strange anymore. ( see ,,, then its the last thing you Should present)
  23. Sex

    My read is that he had inadequacy issues and wanted to take a power position by getting miixed up in these other folks sex lives,, i have no idea if thats true or not , the whole thing may just have been lucrative.
  24. What the hell is the abyss anyways?

    I might still be in it