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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. The "Like This" button!

    Good point too, Some posts just stand on their own, and I have no rebuttal , OR , If I wanted to interact with that post more, I often will just skip the like button. and Since there are some posts I just dont want to get involved with , which I dont like-button,, and there are posts which I agree with fully , but dont like-button ,, and there are those that I dont totally agree with -but see some quality in which I might or might not like-button,,, and there are posts which I dont want to interfere with , since I want to see what happens amongst those who are most interested in the subject,,, and some posts are so long that they will inevitably say something I really wouldnt support .. AND everyone pretty much has their own criteria for hitting the button or not ...... I figure the like-button indications are rather coarse indicators with dubious informational value other than to say the clicker felt the post had some quality or other, which in order to know what that was one would really have to ask or guess at with flimsy support.
  2. The "Like This" button!

    ME! liberal ! perish the thought !
  3. The "Like This" button!

    I tend to like more posts then I click the tab on , but usually the ones I do click ,are those that have introduced some twist , shift , include interesting personal disclosure, or theyre funny etc.
  4. Well ,..... Ill agree the bottle is continually shaken.
  5. How do you "live in the moment"

    True, and yet ,,depending on what you understand un-mindfulness to be ,it can also set you in the frame of mind to well address things that you consider beneficial to yourself. If one has faith that the Wise old gentlemen were actually trying to give helpful suggestions rather than silly ones, then the view of mind--ness that makes actionable sense, is one you should consider to embody the meaning they intended.
  6. Do you take this to mean something along the lines that when he began to make morality judgements and prompted his own conscience to guilt, about his own falsity ? You would be then talking about "beyond" good and evil again ,.. yes? not just mindfulness?
  7. Muddy water gained unity , settled out , and lost unity again.
  8. Just accept the rhino, is a rhino.
  9. Considering the Tao Te Ching

    That seems a very appropriate refrain , if I read the points intended- correctly
  10. Chinese definition of compassion

    Im not sure the differing ideas about compassion lie along a Chinese vs Western line ( though there may be linguistic distinctions, and there appears to be philosopical generalizations one can make society to society .) but in the sprit of the question... My personal reading of the eastern classical idea of compassion is that although one understands the human condition of both themselves and others , and does have a strong emotional relatedness feeling , re: the suffering of others,, BUT the impetus is not so much on interfering in order to rectify the unhappy state of the suffering Other. And that you should actually avoid interfering. (because the understanding is that one cant really remedy the unhappiness caused by the othersself on the othersself. as in , the old saying, you can lead a horse to water, if he lets you , but even then you cannot force him to drink ,, and I know I do not welcome being pushed by someone else ... so how could it make sense for me to think someone else would welcome it , from me?) For westerners , the idea that ones sense of compassion should be followed in a more proactive approach , that one should if they can , provide what lacks ,and or and press someone in the right direction, as one sees it , even if it is interfering and unwelcomed. So to sum the point , while the human feeling of compassion is probably very much the same for most people anywhere , the philosophical attitude about whom to extend this compassion to,,, and how proactive one should be about it , is the more variable consideration. That all said , Im thinking that the best one can do , to actually be functionally most compassionate , is to yes be involved with the welfare of others , to yes , place a strong importance on their well being,, BUT to maintain enough of a distance that one is not also embroiled in the pain or emotional turmoil of the person they wish to impact beneficially. Craziness, neurosis , agony etc ..,,because they are rigidly anchored,,, tends to drag a rescuer down with the victim In emergencies one has to keep their head as well , to not get all frantic and upset and thrashing around in blindness. Again, a somewhat aloof perspective frees one to act most rationally and do the best for all.
  11. Watching The Birds

    Ah well ,Nungali , youve made your point well there , some parts of OZ certainly are jewels -like the pix above. ( Yall should get rid of your public relations people , all I ever see from there are crocodile infested swamps , deserts, and overly crowded beaches filled with deadly box jellies ,, oh , and an opera house Id probably never go to.)
  12. Watching The Birds

    Im not sure exactly where you are , but here, there are plenty of places within a hop skip and jump ( less than an hour) where there is plenty of wildlife, birds , fishing , hiking etc. but when I first moved here that wasnt apparent , not at all , I bemoaned the dearth of such stuff in Orlando. But ! I wasnt right about that , so Im volunteering that maybe it might be similar for you.. and suggest you find a comfortable spot to live foremost , and then only as afterthought , consider the wildness that may be around.
  13. Watching The Birds

    Shru Bland is right Nah Im just kidding , Oz looks like the most amazing place in the world to me., even the parts that look like the oven above. It doesnt however look like the classic 'garden of eden' , but still , looking beyond that , still awe inspiring. My sister , who had the advantage to travel all over most of the world ( but not australia I think) , found death valley USA, (of all places ) to be the most singularly beautiful. ( and with the additional perk of not being crowded at all!).
  14. Watching The Birds

    Thanks , I like it , Im thinking of getting a stackable achromatic macro-filter lens set . ( Its like eyeglasses for your camera so you can get closer with a strong lens) Theyll be out and about shortly , only a few species stay in the air through Feb. But I dont know what you mean by ,, the phrasing ...'have coloration' ???
  15. Watching The Birds

    By the way , I know that map says 2012, but ar you sure thats not a miocene map ? At the very least is not the term 'shrubland' is slightly euphamistic, is it not? Like calling 'greenland' ,,well,,,umm Green land. ooH YOU LIVE IN A DARK TRIANGLE ! Very mysterious
  16. Watching The Birds

    Is that humongous cricket some species of weta ? Its amazing , and nifty , and yes I too can see it as creepy under some possible circumstances. But mostly amazing. 'Insects in general' is too huge of a subject for me You really need to get serious about them if you want to identify down to species ,, but here , the number of dragonfly species ITHINK is only around 120 , so theoretically there could be a very comprehensive book or e resourse , that should cover it. I havent found what Im looking for yet in those terms, it seems like , for a given subject , the mindset of those interested , by virtue of being interested in SUCH, creates a pervading influence , so that one will find just one type of presentation regarding the subject. The general habit , is to toss up a smattering of the species , just one picture to identify it , and some factoids I cant really use. The picture is worth a thousand words thing,, doesnt do the trick , you need the words to point out that which is salient , since the genders are dimorphic , and even the emergent flying final version, still changes coloration as it matures ( over several weeks) they can shift from overall yellow , to green, or entirely blue etc. so you really need a comprehensive series ,, ( otherwise you would only be able to identify a given species only 20% of the time EVEN if the species is covered in the resource and the rest of the time it would be an UNK.. The same is similar for the birds as you may have noticed.) Is that too cryptic ? Ive got about 35 or forty local species now Ill attatch one from this weekend. But the birds are still my first interest. Why is it that everywhere ELSE always seems to have the most colorful birds? Isnt australia mostly a reddish desert? Shouldnt everything be red?
  17. Watching The Birds

    Great pix ! did you take them ? If so you should go pro for sure . What are they? The above looks amazingly like an orange cheeked wax bill ( from africa) - I got one as an exotic escapee local , and the closest I can get to the blue one is a black throated blue warbler. again local.
  18. It Is Not Dao

    Im not crazy with the idea of swishing around like the ty-d-bowl man either , the analogy takes away any impression of having a part to play , you might as well not be there since you dont care, and nothing else does either! though that might be how the perspective might be from the tao or comets or rivers point of view,, we arent the tao, a comet, or a river. Right? Someone said once ,, that the buddhist message, had to be watered down with inconsistencies otherwise one would potentially go to far with it ,( though the wording was different) , this water thing may be similar. A better water thingie , would be to use it as a metaphor for human endeavor ,rather than a swishing drowning fate. Water left alone settles down , its 'fine with that' ,, should the bowl be tipped in favor of it continuing onward to its lowest most stable ease,,, without hesitation -it heads thataway. Its just the nature of water to do that, be flexible ,, and yet with its own thing to do. Self calming and at peace with its circumstance , but not frozen or clinging to the temporary because the night approaches and it still has many miles to go before it fulfuills its destiny and comes to a final rest. screw everyone elses baboonish tendencies , you have your own way to go. Goodnight. I too need to spend a while longer getting to know my own new perspective which I was in question of earlier, and my impateince was premature.
  19. The only real immortals are:

    Oh, thanks, I guess I stick myself so far out on limbs habitually ,that I just expect a handsaw behind. ( and that would be due to 'my fault' ,representing a deficit in caution, if it had been the case otherwise.)
  20. It Is Not Dao

    I see, Mh, I had a dream last night which spoke to this idea of non-intent , and in my dream one character was 'passive knower' and the other 'obedient doer' ,, and I wonder if such personification of abstracts is really a type of simplification so that the ideas are easier to relate to. Do you think Wu wei might be well personified by either the experience of 'passive knower' or 'obedient doer' ? or perhaps you feel that the 'filling of unfinished footprints' or a 'rider of flowing stream' are more potent descriptors to you ? of following dao in a manner of wu wei. ( thusly either way there is an implied curtain between intent and experience.. ( I hope thats a clear enough presentation of the question)
  21. Watching The Birds

    Nugali That catbird sounds just like a crying baby to me , ours is a lot more like a cat mew ( not meow) , and yes that would be very annoying . But on the other hand I love that bell bird ! it sounds like wind chimes ( i thought they made more 'bonging' sounds) Does that grey jay have any big white blotch on his open wings perchance? Mh
  22. Watching The Birds

    Actually those are goldeneye ducks , I googled up the pic ,,,
  23. The only real immortals are:

    Thanks, I guess it may seem so , but I really do think this is an unavoidably true factoid, which is reitterated all over the darn place , as in the clipping you posted there, or looking at genetics , or the classics from the east. When one is a baby,some person inevitably points to a horse , gives it a name , and starts indoctrinating the idea that things are discrete..then they start teaching about how things are grouped , how to count , what kindergarten class you have to go to school , that there is here and there etc etc.. yep its all useful im not condemning it, BUT everyone knows they can group arbitrarily too ! group the red cards , the diamonds ,the eights , the full house ,,, etc etc ,, It stuns me though ,that the realization , that these groupings are ARBITRARY, is somehow " out there" as in 'space cadet'. or that it just feels space cadet-y .. Similarly... If I said ' beauty lies not in the stars ,but in ourselves' though its written a little figuratively ,the idea is NOT figurative, its literal. I just dont 'get' the fuss over accepting it as literal. But there it is.. ah well.
  24. It Is Not Dao

    Thats really a very nice way to retire , and reverberates your sentiment well, connecting it with wu wei though ,implies an interp of wu wei I am not sure I have heard before. Would you say this is consistent or inconsistent ,with the general concept as most view it? and does this dao , fit with the dao of Lao by coincidence ? or intent.