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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. A true and false saying

    weak , I could wrirlte a book on the moon being made of green cheese, and Id know the words Id written but that doesnt mean that I was right. That which constitutes the stage is beyond our direct knowlege being filtered by our senses. Since he could only rely pn the same ..he also doesnt know the tao itself as it is unfiltered. That should be easily understood by any scholar being honest. One can speculate or infer , but that is not knowing. Same goes for the comparative conjecture that passes for translation.. One has to get the point ,the gist ..placing a microscope on the choices of wording doesnt mean the point has been found..It just misleads to the conclusion that one has concrete confirmation for the assumptions they leapt to because they have the longest chain of conjectural suppositions. Snow White exists as a fairy tale, that doesnt mean she really existed. Christianity exists but that doesnt confirm the existance of cherubim likewise the writings of Lao dont prove squat proof has to lie elsewhere.
  2. A true and false saying

    and how would I know that he knew , or didnt know ,, and how would I know ,what it was he was talking about, that I didnt know , especially since it has no "name " and cant be spoken of , if he was speaking of it.
  3. If I analogized the eightfold path to an on-ramp rather than a cornerstone couldnt that validate either view of its validity?
  4. A true and false saying

    Lao knew what he was talking about.
  5. A light at the end of your tunnel

    Thats not a REAL thing .. Is it?
  6. "No one likes to be judged..."

    I dont mind being judged . So I am allowed to judge everybody else Why dont I mind? because its going to be done anyway. It inevitable that a sentient creature will judge in its own way the things which may have an impact on its own situation. There are however things which one decides have little to no bearing on the situation one is in. For that stuff one can reserve judgement ..leave the issue undecided..put a positive spin on it ..or ignore it. Anyone likes being judged favorably and dislikes being found wanting but one doesnt have to mind that the judging is done. The thread is a good subject. Mhs mirror is not dirty, its bright and clear.. Ss is just fooling around he knows the ironic nature of his comment. .and recognizes his humor went a little past welcome. See ? not all judging is bad ..its just part of the reasoning process. It is How one judges which can throw light or dark shades on what is before us..
  7. taoism enlightenment?

    A treasure lost may be refound ,but modern inspiration could either be a continuation of a wandering trail or it could return to the source. How could anyone be sure which had happened? To my mind ,one needs to look to where modern wisdom would have been true thousands of years ago. Man himself has not seemed to change , just the trappings and cultural norms. Its the basic scientific paradigm , the basic rational assumption that pervades any such search , that if the rules have not changed ,then one can draw parallels and arrive at the same conclusions despite differences in time or place. Whatever old religion you examine , I think you will find schisms and alterations over time which significantly affect how it is that the practice is followed. A lineage , could be desirable to follow , because one wants that structure , the heritage , the connectedness.. and ultimately it might not matter to the new adherent whether it was accurately true to the opinions of Lao or Confucious or Abraham... especially if one couldnt be sure of what the original was. Another might find it most important , to be absolutely faithful to the opinions of the original author. Crediting it with an authenticity beyond reproach., whether the ideas had be refined or improved upon could likewise be secondary. And a third may not care much at all for the historical views for the sake of community , not much at all for the author for the sake of origination,, but instead focuses on that which is ultimately TRUE, and which is true for all peoples, for all times , in any land and is condemning of all the wrong ideas regardless of which peoples said what, where, or when they said so. Theres probably other options as well.
  8. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Yes, spiritual media homogenizes attitudes within the group to a degree , but I dont understand what you are getting at Re: lies or intimacy. But yes I overlooked the loss of planned surprises like christmas morning..but for me the blessings of intimacy and trust sustained seem to heavily outweigh the blessings of surprise revelations ..would you not agree ?
  9. taoism enlightenment?

    Zhe is explaning my point better than I can, so Ill leave it to him.
  10. taoism enlightenment?

    That the initial intents and meanings have been preserved , by those who feel that they have got it right ,, is contradicted by the multitude of disagreements.
  11. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Good point N, ( but the link in post 71 doesnt go directly to the link you may have in mind ), Though, Ive come across the idea before too... What isnt answered for me though , is the question of whether the habit is what promotes the need for the behavior , or whether its perfectly feasible for the practice to be abandoned if the social situation evolves in the absence of strategic withholding of facts. ( small tribes , co-ops, families etc) then the glue is in the familiarity and intimacy of the group..
  12. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Its quite a thing you are talking about there Mh , and I have tried to put a lasso around the idea , what it is, it has eluded me.
  13. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Sure , Im not promoting any one thing there , but depending on your relationship she may be asking because she values your opinion... or not. Assuming she wants the pleasant lie would be something youd have to judge.+ As a for instance , when I was a kid , and drew a picture, Id show my mom to get her input , It became rapidly clear past a certain age, that whatever I put in front of her she'd react to the same.. basically it was useless to get her reaction. I still resent getting bullshitted because I was being denied actually relating. Its still difficult to get honest opinions from most people because you get some patronizing response, or oppositely no matter what you present will always get some undermining response. Similarly , giving honest responses is also fraught with doubt because the presenter now expects dishonesty from everyone. I guy I know learning photography , cant believe me when I tell him he took a good one and cant take the criticism if there is something he could work on etc because he feels it is somehow a personal attack. Its ridiculous, I COULD give him feedback , and I could help him learn some stuff faster , but I cant because he just cant trust the intent of a comment to just be bald fact of opinion.
  14. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Ummm, Im not promoting the habit , just playing devils advocate here, but there are lots and lots of reasons to be deceptive, and there are also many ways. Yes it is or can be justified in all sorts of ways though it is subjective opinion as deciding if a lie was justified. If I say its always bad , then I hold everyone up to my own subjective standard which tends to make me intolerant ,, as In I dont lie, and you do, so you are bad, and since youre bad, I have to disapprove of you. Which isnt promoting harmony for my self or in regards to other people. If you wear a suit to an interview or a date, is that phony ? and therefore a lie of sorts , and therefore bad.. and,,, by the same token if I dress 'down' am I really a bum or slob although not phony ? or am I phony If I dress down ,because its also not an accurate transmission about myself? My mom had a habit of never to say a discouraging word if she could help it,, now considering she was a fairly normal person with a complete set of human attributes ,, then there were plenty of times she didnt say what was really on her mind.,, and I just dont see any dividing line between verbal lies told , or negative sentiments withheld intentionally as being deceptive media. Either way , the other person no longer has the understanding of the situation most accurately representing the reality of it ,, and so, has not now the choice to act in a way in accord with the reality of the situation. The advantage of correct understanding is gone. The bible of Christianity's Ten commandments doesnt say that one shall not LIE , it says ' false witness' so I think they too see that there is a difference between the intents to decieve which are intended as harm and which arent aimed at that.. but this doesnt mean that there is a REAL difference which depends on the things intended because intents are illusory too as far as the material world is concerned,, you said what ever it was you said ,and thats IT. I suppose one can look to see if the ends justify the means .. but in that case .. whats a lie then (that a truth is not as well)?
  15. Green Dragon Horse Dog appearance

    Actual mythical creature? That bronze Qilin dates to Qing dynasty (by the looks of it ), Qilin dates to Zhou. Im reading that the feet are sometimes of oxen sometimes deer , sometimes horse, the japanese version is usually deerlike.. but I dont see any indications of dog content but it wold be easy to over look Ive been googling to try to find the oldest representation.. Nifty art. "A Qing dynasty example The Qilin of China's subsequent Manchurian dominated Qing dynasty (1644–1911) is a much more fanciful animal. Manchurian depictions of the Qilin depict a creature with the head of a dragon, the antlers of a deer, the skin and scales of a fish, the hooves of an ox and tail of a lion. (An image is shown above as a bronze sculpture.)"
  16. Horse

    One may conceal great unpleasantness behind horsetail.
  17. Green Dragon Horse Dog appearance

    Id need more background to have it fit with standard. I dont think you can start with 'In the beginning...' Maybe ,, Way way back in the age of barbarians, before even the reign of Huang Lao.. in a land beyond the farthest reach of the Zeya river..
  18. Green Dragon Horse Dog appearance

    Being mythical depiction , any part of it you see , someone INTENtionally put there. Maybe theres a story of how the horse lost his other toe.
  19. Green Dragon Horse Dog appearance

    While I love the artists depiction of the horse dragon dog.. the hooves are cloven and it looks like it has antlers ,, so wouldnt it be a deer dragon dog?
  20. Should I kill the mice?

    Well obviously we have dogs too. ..
  21. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Im not sure you can convince a crazy shrink that youre sane...but for mercies sake be gentle.
  22. Horse

    Well it has always been one globe..but i wouldnt considet value added concept accurate analogy.
  23. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Does it make sense to unburden to a psychologist you dont ultimately trust.or see them at all for that matter.unless youre waiting to see if they warrant trust? Then again fears arent empowering , they arent improved with preservation and will always run second to rationality. No?
  24. taoism enlightenment?

    So its a billshot imaginary situation of enigma ? Got it .
  25. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    That which is true ..just is. that which isnt is illusion. Not everyone is ready for having the feet kicked from underneath their ediface of illusory constructs. Generally they fight it anyway on their own behalf. You just cannot force people to actually understand anything. If you prefer to lie .. out of concern for repercussions to the truth, Who is it that will tell the truth? the wrong?j Yes, one is responsible for what they say and do. .by virtue of being the only ones with control of what they say and do. and this is alike for both student and teacher. So the ill that might befall is the consequence of those that create it . .not those who told the truth. Just be sure it the truth. Like ,,BOY i hate this POS samsung android phone!!