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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Fair enough, , then a man may never be measured rightly ,, right?
  2. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    Have you seen his work? combined with his quote it suggests the disease of the age is cynicism 1. An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others
  3. A person will say anything under torture , but thats not the measure of the man The measure of the man is what he chooses when he is free
  4. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    Nice painting Ralis , what does it mean to you?
  5. Your deities?

    No deities , they could only make the world chaotic and unknowable. ( but donuts would be a terriffic choice !)
  6. ...

    Well , halfway between creation of an attatchment and destruction of an attatchment, there is judicious handling of that attatchment so its not really an attatchment . So If we spend too much time posting on too many topics for too much of the day,, perhaps we all would all agree to pare down some of it so as to have cake for later. How many of us think thats going to happen? raise your hands.
  7. That got Jesus crucified.
  8. Taoism or Taoism?

    No I don't think I can .
  9. Taoism or Taoism?

    I love that one , is the lesson the same?
  10. Taoism or Taoism?

    I guess I over react on that subject, though I heard something along the lines of polpot using the rationale for decapitating his society, that's stuff in books for me really, but instead maybe because its not entirely outside my own ken that rationality and wits counts for so little! So very little. What I think presents merely a gulf of misunderstanding.
  11. Taoism or Taoism?

    I know that! ( about narv)But I'm not sure I see the message you I probably don't, The guy is so independent and out of sync that ironically , everything goes his way, and ironically again, it doesn't matter to him. I'm totally out of sync with everyone, but I care about things and its not rolling my way. I thought the bodhisattvas were those who had turned back from the gates of nirvana out of compassion so how would wu ming be one?I thought the point of an allegory was to illustrate something to explain something else, but if the illustration isn't believable, it isn't going to render the other thing credible either.
  12. Taoism or Taoism?

    NO FAIR! Now you made me spill beans.
  13. Taoism or Taoism?

    Who said I had a child? Narveen just assumed that the the child I was talking about was mine, rather than that of the hawk
  14. Taoism or Taoism?

    I figure it is meant to delinate that being ignorant is better than to not be. Wu Ming gains reputation etc for it. Though I no of no person, like that, who gained like that in such a way. It is amusing for its preposterous-ness , because if it were entirely expected it would just be boring. Being inaccurate to the real world The story is geared either to teach a message or just to be amusing. The two of yall can duke it out whether its "preposterously amusing -with no direction" ,,,Or if its supposed to "have a message- but is not preposterous."
  15. Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much. — Oscar Wilde
  16. Taoism or Taoism?

    Fun story, because its preposterous , but it points in no direction.
  17. Just so everybody knows...

    I am "home". If I wrote white or European as often as I see Chinese , I think a good many folks would get tired of my crutch.
  18. Just so everybody knows...

    He's doing it for himself as would I , its what we would have wanted to be told to us , it helps clarify as we go. The market is irrelevant. (as is the number of years of cultivating some make progress quick , some slow) Besides , Its been argued for over 2000 years what difference would one tome likely be, and one wouldnt know it superior until its written.. the Personal life story , interwoven in, could potentially set it head and shoulders above the rest in popularity anyway.
  19. inference? that's a nice word for divine revelation or encounter of a third kind? the mind is devious. It can be. what conflict? even our debate is not a conflict. there are no conflicts festering in my life. nor am i in conflict with this mess of a world i live in a world i will surely sort out if given the mandate of heaven how do you teach your kid? i don’t mean conventional parenting where kids are taught i meant natural parenting where the way of living is the teaching the way baby animals take after their parents teaching without talking (tao te ching) the way a kid becomes an american, a swede or japanese do what i say but not what i do? let him figure out for himself? Yes some things, and with boundaries. what if it was empathy with his friend’s bird getting its legs broken? Then Id warn him about the consequences of interfering which would go in one ear and out the other because he did it out of empathy. Because Kids arent developed enough conceptually or emotionally enough to equate to adults i am not hardened against you. knowing you enables me to see why you are saying strange stuff If you arent hardened against it then youd have to explain why it is you keep asking questions that were just answered and contradicting yourself, "knowing" me is the last thing thats happening here.
  20. Just so everybody knows...

    Ahh Italian instead of Chinese for a change ! delightful!
  21. Just so everybody knows...

    The world health reports are word assessments on documents , they are neither a bummer nor not a bummer , but one can be bummed , and one can communicate they are bummed , and one can be sympatheic or annoyed to share the bummed-ness of someone else. In simple terms, yes, most people would consider the WHOs reports to be a bummer too ( they are designed to be). Are you arguing that you cant be a bummer because nothing is ? or are you saying you cant be a bummer if WHOs reports are.? (and so, are defending yourself by pointing at something else).
  22. Your going to get a kick out of this..

    That all makes perfect sense! Now I get it!
  23. Just so everybody knows...

    I'd like a copy for comparison to my own if I ever get it finished.
  24. Just so everybody knows...

    As you think best Ss, but I liked your posts and would probably like you. No chains though. It seems ,at some point ,all get their fill and back away from the plate.