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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. The Tao of Dying

    Organizations are abstract entities, they are made of individuals that come and go, only the label persists. The practices of a churches members may exemplify the expected norm or they may diverge from it. That these things are supposed to be self consistent, is also abstract hypothetical expectation.That there is good or evil that can be done by members is also subjective assessment.That people are supposed to be self consistent in their behaviors is also expectation. We all have opinions about right and wrong and inappropriate and that's fine, but when it comes down to proving these things the only possibility lies in mutual consent-congruity of opinion. Re: things like mercy and justice, One could grind the universe to dust, and never find a grain of them.
  2. The Tao of Dying

    Let go your turd Sree! Ahh haa haa haaa ha ! (I love that)
  3. The Tao of Dying

    Not "generally the case" ALWAYS THE CASE -we die There just isnt anything anyone has ever ,or will ever, be able to do anything about it. So yes I have largely accepted that fate ( but I pretty much expect to run, if the reaper shows up) Yep dissatisfaction drives human ingenuity in large degree, but personally, I dont see what good ingenuity is! if your life experience still sucks. Its hard to say what! exactly I am happy with , I COULD be miserable with it all ,I guess, too. Im just not. Thats the point I am trying to 'foist' When Im not happy, its because I am pushing myself there-( because I am entertaining-sustaining stupid conceptry) Most of the stuff I was trained to think was wrong , and un-learning that stuff is my "practice" or "discipline".
  4. free will is BS

    Empty space doesnt absorb energy, so it doesnt reemit it as heat Color is but an indicator of a substances preferred quantum absorbtion, emmission bandwidths, and reflective qualities when electrons are energized by absorbtion of a photon ,they move to higher energy state, when they drop back down to a lower energy state they re emit the energy as electromagnetic waves which can either be visible light or heat (infrared). Infrared electromagnetic energy is still there in the "empty space" its just propagating through it. Whatever the hell electromagnetic energy is
  5. The Tao of Dying

    I share a good bit of those opinions, and I resolve the bozo issue with the simple fact that you have to put the value on your own life, you get to choose a lot of it , you just dont get to choose all the cards. People put those mountains in front of themselves and chase the summit , because it helps answer that ultimate question I keep going on about. "what do I do now" because there really nothing one needs to do ( one chooses to avoid death, chooses to eat, and breathes automatically) So all those folks who put a summit of nirvana in front of them do succeed in their immediate needs ,though they fail from the (invalid )point of view that they had to get to it. Im not so sure rushing is a way to savor things ,but I suppose it could be,, savored. If one misses out on the enrichment they couldve had , they have missed the target, IMPO ,whether they achieved some stupid arbitrary goal or not. Gentlewind has some sucky cards dealt to him , and he isnt the only one, but he tries to make the best of this go round, (whether there is another or not is moot.) and I see nothing but savvy in that. I think we all try to do that ,,( make the best of things),, its just that some of us dont really know how because we just cant get out of our own way. At the end of it we all break down and die, thats the deal, no way out but that. So I reitterate what is the rush ? One only rushes to get away from dissatisfaction ,either experienced or expected, and one wants to remain where they are happy and satisfied. Are you or I, "A players" if we arent happy? ( the rhetorical answer is supposed to be NO)
  6. The Tao of Dying

    Quite right ! Spin your head around again Pretty please.
  7. ...nothing...

    Not banzai, bonsai You yell banzai when attacking
  8. The Tao of Dying

    Yeah I dropped in on that thread , positive messages get wrapped up in the others, it was just one of many. I like your term " they are Life unfolding" Its a 'good' perspective- free of judgement. Im not so sure popping the stepkid , when popped, is really all that inappropriate there isnt enough for me to decide so. His action could just as likely be a twisted plea for authority, physical contact, or testing boundaries even though it escalated I hope that it all worked out.
  9. free will is BS

    Illusion , what is it? its stuff one thinks-feels to be true, but that stuff cant be substantiated by others or 'proven by material conditions'. Same as for a magic show, or mirage Is it news to you that your life experience is personal? you think-feel it? and that you cant actually 'prove' any of that thinking feeling experience ? So there is no reason to be discomfited by the idea that the world you grok is illusion but what you can grok , is that there is no objective perspective of certitude on which one could "hang a hat"
  10. The Tao of Dying

    Sorry ,Ill try for more clarity ,,, One side of the fence the s-pouch thing ,and all the dying talk ,and the dead duck, and escaping from prison stuff, is all pretty grim,,... and life is so unperfect ,and the only time you were ever at peace was... ,all underlines what appears to be a darkish look at life. On the light side of the fence .. BUT aside from the tenor of the wording , I cant help be see a energetic attitude, a patience with people that I just dont have, - a degree of comfortable certainty , and a rough unmatched compassion. What is the unconventional dying yall are speaking of ? if its living,,, it would be cool to call it living. I see a lot of posts where folks seem to want to escape from this 'horrid mundane and depleted existance' as opposed to seeing acceptance of the world just as it is,, a freed verve due to improved perspective and healthy sckepticism for the contorted confabulations ones own mind creates. All the stuff I consider craziness like self-imposed and senseless dietary restrictions , magical causation , and belief in the externally imposed morality of goodness ,, it basically bums me out. like this hey everyone, i feel insecure about my beliefs and i need some affirmation that society sucks and that i am not the only one that thinks like i do. so please post everything you can find about how everything sucks there is a lot of stuff that sucks, so this thread should fill up pretty fast. i will start: don't you hate it that they don't design toilets to flush well enough to get rid of your entire dump in one flush? IT DRIVES ME INSANE ,
  11. free will is BS

    Just an opinion To give AI emotions they need to have some bias like self preservation and a means to calculate its continued probabilities with uncertainty. One would do it, to learn about what constitutes human emotions or for drawing conclusions about how to regard non human organisms like chimpanzees. (as grist for the mill) Either that or do it to create a lifelike race of slaves to do our bidding and feed our rapacious egos. I keep reading that 'why are you here?' question in various threads Not always directed at me ,, It seems to represent a disconnect of understanding the alternative world views , motivations , path of others. Besides that, it sounds rather rude. If the person who said that, really gave a darn why the other person was involved , they could ask less generalized questions. Like how one approaches the apparent contradiction or quandary posed by their expressed attitudes versus Taoist dogma. If being rude is just someones 'way' and that one, thinks it demonstrates honesty and compassion , thats fine but ,,I could ask the same question "Why are you here?" because those arent Taoist ' virtues' ,(as I see it) , either ,(not directly anyhow)
  12. The Tao of Dying

    Whats the rush?
  13. The Tao of Dying

    Your thoughts may be very consistent to you , and point you in a clear unambiguous direction spiritually ,, but the text looks contradictory and I cant get a good read on where it leads. It seems like you are on both sides of the fence , that you have so many good and sound ideas that a particular vector isnt evident TO ME. The quotes are there for you to possibly 'get' what type of things it is ,that I am seeing ,, its not about gentlewind and 'taking sides' and to be honest its not exactly about dying unless that is central to you.
  14. free will is BS

    Lovely sentiment behind that
  15. free will is BS

    confusing and weird is better than -confused and boring would be
  16. The Tao of Dying

    "But we can still love and laugh and dance, and enjoy the birds singing." "The way Emperor Nero fiddled and sang while Rome burned?" I have spent days even months watching fish in the middle of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on my sailboat in dead calm waters. I have spent hours and weeks among grazing animals in the wilds of Africa and Asia. Those were the only peaceful times of my life. You are quite a self-centered guy lost in your own little world. Each one of us live his or her own reality. You have yours and I have mine. When you can rid the text of the contradictions , I might then know what it is you really do think. You have some really delightful thoughts mixed in there Sree.
  17. I want to overthrow the System.

    The only powers you or anyone has are .. You have some control ,of some of your thoughts, and some of your muscles, some of the time. After mastering those , you will have firm foundation- to consider fixing the system for everyone else.
  18. Im told it is a good idea to hire a trained guide ,for a while, travelling in the east.
  19. Was it Chuang that said , "Wait by the river long enough and all your enemies will float by ?"
  20. If NASA or the USmilitary -govt thought it was really some 'alien thing' wouldnt they snap it up into a shuttle first and decide what to say about it later Or more paranoidly,, knock it out of orbit so the Reds couldnt get it? And aliens with any brains would exterminate us , pronto !
  21. what would you reincarnate as?

    In a way yes , I had a coral tank at one time, the live rock had some mantis shrimp ( considered pests for all the reasons given in the cartoon ) They are nifty to watch though and you can do some rudimentary training with food rewards which they grab with acquisitive gusto . I think the eyes 'pre-digest information' to feed the brain data ..(more than have to render it all from scratch. If you get my meaning)
  22. That's very nice of you to say, and I agree zero is sound and moderate, But for me , I prefer to just be one of the bums, without having to live up to a position of responsibility, moderation looks to be a difficult and often thankless task., and authority has little draw for me.
  23. Qi: Evolution & Entropy

    Your quote on the tao not being describable or nameable , is based on but one angle if interpretation, one of many. I didn't say anything confusing , for you to be confused requires your participation The reason why your participation renders you not-understanding so often ,is that you are making false assumptions about my rationale . You are welcome That I responded to your post when no one else did. Yes I guess we are done here.
  24. Qi: Evolution & Entropy

    Yes string theory is hype for mathematical description of matter. Yes I think descriptions of the prebig bang universe is bullshit Yes philosophers and clerics will also try to attribute the big bang to things to anchor their beliefs in something that can never be disproven. Stools abide by physical laws , they don't explain why one could not rely on either one or two or even zero of the legs exclusively.
  25. Qi: Evolution & Entropy

    My condecention was an expression of annoyance at number of I don't understands. Post up what you either do or do not think a thing meant and I don't have to dispel a universe of all the things you might be considering, or rephrasing what I felt had been phrased the way I wanted it. Yes all of science doesn't know the mechanism of tao itself. But you either think qi manipulation would abide by "rules" and is repeatable (and there fore is susceptible to scientifc inquiry ) Or it isn't repeatable (and therefore is hooey) because you obviously consider it to be a real physical thing-energy interacting with a body and needles along predictable meridians, rather than only with a mind (which would be in line with psychosomatic effect.)