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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    food. You guys do a great job of making the truth of my point obvious. Now you call me heartless and loveless , because I eat steaks and fried chicken.?? So you think you are heartful and loving if you dont? Your accusation doesnt seem heartful and loving , it seems intended to deride. and the cows are your 'friend' rather than just cows , so you afraid for you , because you think you are like a cow and therefore Food. Got it.
  2. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Since you choose to be so candid with me there , Id suggest you need to talk over your reaction in a private setting.
  3. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Fire has been around a lot longer than civilization , it makes additional foods edible , thats the benefit of cooking, try eating some uncooked taro. The plant is inedible when raw and considered toxic due to the presence of calcium oxalate[6][7] crystals, typically as raphides. The toxin is minimized by cooking,[8] especially with a pinch of baking soda. It can also be reduced by steeping taro roots in cold water overnight. Calcium oxalate is highly insoluble and contributes to kidney stones. It has been recommended to consume milk or other calcium-rich foods together with taro.[9] I dont get your point there , is it that we should grow meat in test tubes ? well that would be highly efficient and since animals also have stem cells - I imagine at some point it will be done .
  4. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    I am against the self righteous vegetarian thing Its not virtuous IMO so on a Tao site someone should contradict- if not outright balance the argument. Which 'goes to' several more significant subjects what is tao virtue what is natural what is feeding the ego The thread tiltle relates food to virtue again eat what the heck you please though
  5. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Even things like wheat produce chemicals like phytoestrogen which affects the human constitution. Unless one doesnt eat anything one will be affected and it may just be that exposure to various things actually completes the human system of development Humans evolved not eating much grain but greenery and animals primarily, its a 'natural' diet. Not knowing all the particulars, one is wisely pointed by Lt amd Ct towards that which is natural rather than that which is dictated by post-agricultural pre-industrial societal affectation of the human condition. The bizzarre attitude about eating normal foods is affectation , abnormal ! Sure many folks want to humiliate themselves , but one only does it intentionally, if they are committed to some crazy abstract about right and wrong , so those who DO avoid meat are trying to prove their religious devotion (albeit, in a self destructive manner) to either themselves or others. The contorted gamesmanship of the humiliation ,has the payoff of patting themselves on thier own back that they are superior to those that dont humiliate themselves. How do you know he's the King ? He hasnt got sh## all over 'im.
  6. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Eating delicious food which is low in glycemic index is not madness but wisdom Grain based diets are clearly detrimental and are linked to both -crowded abnormal city living and reduced health (versus pre-agricultural standards) including but not limited to diabetes and shows respect for living ( as opposed to the sickness of masochism and self debasement ) Jains may also sweep the ground before themselves and cover thier mouths to avoid killing bugs ,( from what Ive read ) The bugs themselves- neither respect nor expect- these bizzarre compulsions and are happy to feed on Jains.
  7. Animal Flesh and the Fall of Man.

    Cavemen ate mostly meat , and evolved into us. so Who says man fell ? man rose ! dominated life on the face of the globe and now we have to get our responsibilites squared away. Telling folks to be docile runs contrary to killing-- running fighting animals Small children equate themselves with beasts and are unsetled at the prospect of their own slaughter. Children grow up and one presumes that they will become mature adults , and recognize that they arent the family pet. ( they dont always)
  8. New

    Sides -just being those who feel that difficulty in accessing TB is a good thing in some way (aside from the bot thing.) and those who dont. I have seen that there is a divide of opinion. and now that the bot thing is there , I am concerned that it will be seen as opportunity knocking, so I wanted to throw up a flare before things were ' fait accomplis' . Fact is , I can live with whatever is done about it- but have druthers like anyone , anyway. Bee bots found me ?, well it serves me right for bumping Mudfoot ahead. No good deed goes unpunished. So be it. (get it)
  9. An Altar for Sree

    Sree, A hypocrite doesn't know he is being silly. The bum does. Since when? on either count. No, its a reference to a your thing about a father saying to his son when are you going to make something of yourself and its a reference to participating here Tao bums , and its referring to your own equation that worship to a candle means some sort of personal milestone has been reached.. It makes no sense at all to worship a candle or rock , Christians for instance may worship at a thing - to a god they think exists. You on the other hand seem to be promoting worship of a thing which has no significance and no ulterior target, no listener. Thats fine with me , you can worship a banana if you care to. But I dont think it represents a higher order of philosophical Taoism to do so since it entirely misses the point. IMO
  10. New

    Im on your side on the posting req.
  11. Flood Myths

    Ok ok Judo , I leave that be standing.
  12. An Altar for Sree

    Yeah I was a bit wordy yesterday, (yes on the misspell) but you are still evading what the heck worship for philosophs would be. And I dont see why begging from, or trying to please, or trying to emulate, or trying to be , an inanimate object, (so I am leaving open for some other definition if you have one) would constitute making anything of myself other than a true hypocrite as opposed to a 'bum' . I can live with 'bum' a while.
  13. Ambigrams and the Tao

    Well, its working for you.
  14. Hello_again rene!

    Fascinating! (just playing along -no insult intended)
  15. Forsake knowledge

    He he , very good! But good luck to you that your words stand up to Mr Watts on the basis of being true ,alone.
  16. An Altar for Sree

    Arent figurines and bowls of fruit effectively talk, not walk ? Walk being the way one is actually approaching their life. Bowls of fruit and incense integral to 'new age' paraphenalia. What is worship either for that matter ? telling a god that they will behave like a good little boy or girl? or begging for boons one hasnt got for themselves. And in what way is tao 'worship' away from an altar, subordinate to chanting in front of one, what one professes to think. If someone approaches tao as a subject of interest and a guide, that may be philosophical by definition ,, then again worship by whatever you mean it to mean- seems to belong in the realm of religious behavior. Why would you want to associate yourself with the philosophs when your attitude is in line with the religios? Go ahead and profess obedience to a candle if you want (for all the good it will do you, only you can judge) I dont see the point , but if you like to , I guess that should be fine. Have you noticed the similarity in the altars presented Little stages , figures of hypothetical people , etc the advantage of them is that they are compartmentalized the religion is relegated to a certain place or time and so - one can abandon it to get along with LIFE whereas if ones live is homage to ones beliefs then the acts are pervasive and heartfelt rather than artiface. ( at least that might be the case , I am not sure, Im not religious )
  17. Hello_again rene!

    I am just suspicious that the idea I saw elsewhere it to create an inner sanctum from wich some will beexcluded and others included. I must admit that I have no Iidea whether spam bots are having any affect on things , it doesn't seem to be the. Case though. The other definition of spamming is about folks looking to be disruptive or for attentions that members don't want to entertain. Repeatedly posting to gain entry would inherently be spamming. At another site it was so difficult to get in that the place was empty. The folks still there seemed to be rattling back and forth over nothing since there was nothing to talk about. Everyone was already locke in to their opinions and there wasn't anybody learning from the more involved members. Does taobums wish to recreate that failure by excluding new blood to cater to those who don't feel like they are on firm enough foundation to respond. Some long standing members leave new ones need to take their place develop their practice , and in their turn ..move on. That's tao , not protectionism and elitism
  18. Hello_again rene!

    IDon't see the benefit of making folks chat about saying hello, or why renes objection should be met with a "lets wait and see" or "we will consider some mitigating alternatives" since the logic is undeniable. Is the point of it to exclude less talkative types?Does this site thrive by limiting participation? Or inviting it. The decision isn't mine to make, but it begs the question,Really ???
  19. Ambigrams and the Tao

    Interesting creations. Makes for cool advertising. The connection to tao seems elusive though so It will be interesting reading .
  20. Watching The Birds

    That certainly could be it too. Up here they are underway on the breeding thing, so it all would fit . The titmice already are out of the nest ! So they are quite a bit ahead of the game. Not a week out of it and they already scolding humans. Gutsy little tikes..gotta love em.
  21. Then I must not be a caveman
  22. Flood Myths

    I never said archtypes have no value either. It is just that I know for fact that folks come back down to earth to put their pants on. Every darn day , they confront the physical laws and just like me they must conform to them. What laws of the universe don't hold constant, and how would you know that comprehendingly if they didnt? I am posting various questions to prove my point since you can't answer and keep up the train you are on. But ill leave you the last word.
  23. Flood Myths

    It ain't you personally , its rehashing the idea that fact is not subjective on the level of fantasy.Does one really have to explain why folks can't fly ? I thought you were going to make some better point than science is all trickery. But that option off the table. So be it. But it derails what would be interesting talk.sorry about the excessive emotion.
  24. Flood Myths

    Onne can never know all the facts we learn with certainty, but a reasonable person tries to accept the best explanation based facts and communal corroboration. Whether or not one can prove there are no bigfoots, OR say that there are bigfoots both require evidence in some form. Evidence can only be used if one considers the rules of the universe to work in the same way and consistently over time. For everyone .
  25. Flood Myths

    Dude that sounds like paranoia . If you want to throw all scientifically demonstated facts into the b.s. pile, Then pangea goes right in there as well along with computers and phones. So where is turtle island anr how long has it been since people evolve there,, Oh wait, the only answers have to come from scientific enquiry ! Lets say there was a continent sized turtle island, why should anybody remember that? Let alone be aware of its being an island in the first place? People can have archetypal imagery, but it doesn't mean that it is an accurate source of data about evolution or techtonics. Thats why science was invented.. to separate the wheat from the subjective speculative chaff.