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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. I read that spirulina is an excellent 'complete' protein source but its way more expensive than meats earthworms are also supposed to be high protein but I dont know how they should be cooked if thats acceptable you might ask Taomeow how to
  2. ...

    Odds say youre not the only one , and something similar would be straight.
  3. Bird Surprises

    Possible brown headed cowbird ?, they lay eggs in warbler nests
  4. Motivation

    Reflex is, will --executed ahead of time
  5. ...

    None , but I get 'de ja vous' and see synchronicities all the time
  6. What non supernatural powers do you have?

    I can eat almost anything I can spot and get close to wild animals I can sleep through the roar of passing trains I can walk the feet off a dog I can read between lines
  7. Ultimate Goal

    Invisible, undetected, having no- net effect , objective , impartial , undefined Perhaps more than one creative use of the term has been implied all at the same time
  8. Motivation

    When there is no reacting emotions confusions there is no doing anything We call it comatose where I come from
  9. The Nature of the Dao De Jing

    Yep , Shakespeare is a good analogy and it may be relegated to speculation at this point but you never know what the scolars may have up thier sleeves
  10. The Nature of the Dao De Jing

    9=10 ?
  11. The Nature of the Dao De Jing

    I wonder if that might not be a reference to some- then current traditions -some of which Lao doesnt approve of etc?
  12. Motivation

    A path is undefined unless there is a destination Tao doest have bias so there is no definition of its path for you There are roads all over the place But in defining your destination there are choices that are expedient and those that are not Lao and Chuang ( and apparrently Bruce Lee ) discuss those.
  13. Howdy!

    Hi ben , I dont know at all who does ,what you want to be taught, in WI but You can learn quite a bit sifting through stuff here If you find someone who shares your perspectives. They then might be able to direct you better what might work for you. Or you could possibly enquire from Zerostao about his coursework.( thats just guesswork on my part)
  14. What?! Me... A Taoist?

    I expect its probably a difficult transition unless you know the right people and opportunity falls in your lap As far as birds go , which are my THING, there isnt any such opportunity reallistically speaking that I see. Everyone into the birds pretty much does their own if they want the pix, and any pix I could ever take are already on the web. I am fine with that , and have no desire even to turn what is a source of pleasure into a job. All jobs are work. Now if you can have your work be fun with photog,, have at it, but then you need to find a new hobby I am not carrying a six thousand dollar set up into the bushes. I dont have that kind of resources. I approach it from the angle that anglers have regarding small fishes, you downsize the rig so the quarry still has a chance of getting off or breaking the line. So with my max lens being a 300 mm I still have to get REALLY close within 20 feet most of the time for warblers and such. You have to make the time sometimes, to have a good time, to make work worthwhile and be in balance IMO
  15. What?! Me... A Taoist?

    It technically falls into Eastern Yes I did , I take all my own avatar shots , (if you are willing to speculate, they say things about folks ) I want it to convey myself accurately for whatever it means. The detail on it is awesome , great light and close proximity. I have thousands (many crappy) ,a few hundred I am printing for my album. I like to "collect" the local species shots. Good exercise , keeps me interested , variety when it presents itself and its a 'pure' hobby without attatchments.
  16. There is no divine power what can happen is what the tao allows what the tao doesnt allow doesnt happen No one can astrally project No one can fly No one can turn invisible No one can live forever No one can read minds etc But you are still as a creator demigod ! You can remember the past You can predict some things about the future You can dream up things that dont exist You are free from overriding instinct You can get on a plane use a phone hide , create a legacy , and have understanding and empathy
  17. What?! Me... A Taoist?

    TTC, Chuang Tzu , Marblehead , Tsun tsu , Heidegger and the stanford dept of philosophy- All good reads But it tends to be a syncretic 'group' so .. Aaron, Chidragon ,Sartre , and Neitzsche etc are also interesting with the understanding that you will glean from sources what they best offer you rather than take everything verbatim as gospel Thanks for the compliment on my bird photo, If you are into birds you may have recognized that this one has coloration reflective of both the eastern and the western meadowlark in the malars and flanks.
  18. So I had to introduce myself.

    Sounds like a healthy attitude for a fiery individual. look for balance too- if you arent already Dont let anybody confuse you
  19. Life. A Chinese fable.

    β€œWhat is it, what nameless, inscrutable, unearthly thing is it; what cozening, hidden lord and master, and cruel, remorseless emperor commands me; that against all natural loving and longings, I so keep pushing, and crowding, and jamming myself on all the time; recklessly making me ready to do what in my own proper, natural heart, I durst not so much as dare?” ― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
  20. Why Taoism?

    Live forever= not possible , a romantic wish born of fear of death self preservation , homeostasis , legacy = possible An interesting article , but I humbly agree with CD here and am really only saying so now, because I so rarely say it -(even when I do) even though he is making more of a linguistic point and I am speaking from a view of reverse engineering what must clearly not have been meant IMO
  21. Asking the universe

    At least having a clear idea in your mind what you want is helpful in getting it , so long as one does not become rigid about the feedback ( never satisfied because it aint perfect) But the universe doesnt play favorites so dont rely on it for any.
  22. should i develop Phenominal memory ?

    Skills give you options , but they ,like all traits ,are double edged , folks forget to move-on not to dwell No one gets to be perfect for every situation so there is little basis to tell you which you should choose if you even must choose But since you really can only hold one idea foremost in your mind at a time (they just jump in and out, time sharing ) ..What difference would it make how many things were in abeyance?
  23. Hello

    Yeah that seems like an interesting perspective Id like to hear. I hope you choose to do some posting
  24. hi

    Personal interactions are most powerful , jump in , lots of willing teachers here , few students.
  25. So I had to introduce myself.

    Does embracing hunger bring you peace ? I cant say. Is Bruce lee supposed to have been Taoist? I dont know But you will find plenty of tips for meditation here if you look. Good hunting