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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Pure Yin Black

    Balanced amounts of all wavelengths of light complete the full spectrum to its fullest brightest expression individual colors from pigments are partial expressions of the full light spectrum because some wavelenths are absorbed or reflected or dissipated which leaves only some of the the wavelenths to be scattered back to your eye pigment created colors Mixed in balanced proportions,and combined trend the light scattered back to your eye gray (which is a dim level of white.) More simply put , pigments preferentially absorb and that which they dont absorb we read as a color. There are a lot of other considerations and color 'science' is rather complicated , for instance the pigments in a blue eye are the same brown ones in a brown eye and the percieved color is due to diffraction. etc Stosh
  2. Eskimos- Inuit , I have read are really fantastically social folks that get along great they even may share wives along with food and shelter I hear they also have what we might call a taboo though They dont tell other folks what they should do. If thats bad Karma or warlike behavior ,, The definitions need to be revised. Stosh
  3. Meat eating thread

    Minced bangers maybe Stosh
  4. Meat eating thread

    Ill check out 'Whole Foods' for it. You still have colonies here ? I though all Yall would have dessicated under our southern sun All it usually takes is a few days at disney and we got pink fried brits Stosh
  5. The crop analogy really simplifies the wording needed to convey the point. I like It , Et (But thats just me). Stosh
  6. Becoming like a child... ?

    To take the suggestion of acting like a child , which is a complicated thing requires one to 'cherry-pick' through the traits they have to find a direction to the advice. IF they say what it is they mean by it , then they dont need to make the child an analogy ... ( the subject of children is rendered a sales gimmic) So its not realIy a helpful suggestion. IMO Stosh
  7. Maybe Ive just been reading some posts by Et Stosh
  8. How exactly do I lift my testes?

    Ive been waiting for someone to suggest, grabbing ones Hanes ,and contracting the biceps Stosh
  9. Meat eating thread

    Another vote for cayenne , I will express, after I pick up some ingredients Whats Marmite? A tiny marmot? Stosh
  10. True , but in the context it was in I didnt see it that way and still dont , but there is no cosmic requirement that folks see eye to eye on everything Its not even probable. Oh bother movin on Stosh
  11. Meat eating thread

    We live on a finite planet all lives take lives either by attacking or running or getting there first or taking what there is Anybody who wants to can pretend they have some moral upperhand, but who is it they are wanting to impress? If you live you eat, you occupy, you take etc And if all life out there is one big super blob of life then one part of super blob took from another part of superblob. Net change is zero. Stosh
  12. Yeah , So it is and so it shall be Nighty- night Stosh
  13. Whether you are mean or not , wouldnt rest on a single reaction , as far as I am concerned on a subject that I myself consider ...difficult. Like I said, I know it goes against typical socialization messages. Stosh
  14. I dont think I do speak for you I recognize youre bright and can handle it yourself. Your stance I believe , intentionally or not has been consistent though. And I am taking the time to draw up my point rather than be ambiguous about it. Is there a chance you agree with what I am saying? Stosh
  15. Seriously . I believe it is , and I have, and yall are providing plenty of fodder to support what I am saying. Im not some child , who hasnt had any experience and I havent analyzed you. That it goes against the grain that it goes against what typical socialization nowadays calls "acceptable" I know. But even the most ardent opposition I have on this thread, Cat , agreed that women are less satisfied with their mates blames the men ... and supplied that women live longer without than with. I didnt invent that. And she supplied the picture of a presumably mean dude yelling at a presumably innocent chick as evidence why women are unhappy with their mates There is absolutely nothing in the photo to justify or villify the dude , but I am supposed to regard the situation as self explanatory ,,, ergo.. that men are mean and women are innocent is supposed to be a naturally under stood thing , according to Cat. Which indicates she thinks it is. Stosh
  16. pre-emergent lower order phenomena (not combined in such a way as to embody the emergent phenomena) Beasties living and procreating and dying in competetive mutating situation Yields an emergent phenomena.... evolution. Planetary energies masses materials can yield ...techtonics Stosh
  17. Meat eating thread

    There is that saying about being a child , and doing childish things and then getting older one puts them away. Kids may think they will go down the drain with the bathwater The expectation is that one learns and grows Butchery is tough work , yes , even cleaning fish or fowl is but the fact that laziness is normal doesnt really validate vegetarianism Understanding the labor of it doesnt change my enjoyment of a grilled steak or a lightly breaded pompano fillet. I like the whole thing of catching bait plying the shores waters , bringing in some nice whiting or flounder, popping those bad boys on ice cleaning them up to cook , making them just right and setting down to a meal so fresh you just cant buy it. Stosh
  18. A man who turns to his woman in the morning and loves her mussed up hair loves even the dribble at the corner of her mouth Has wisdom. Stosh
  19. That isnt my opinion ,Im phrasing some assumptions I consider false that folks appear to have. Elaine Bennis likened men to a jeep. .for instance. Or that it was fine for women to vote for Hillary Clinton because she was/is a woman but it would be bad for men to vote against her for that reason. Double standard stuff. Stosh
  20. I never met a woman who bothered to play chess Never saw a woman roughhousing with the kids either One time I did see a woman teaching her daughter to do some gymnastics at the beach I was charmed. Nikolai has a complete view of it , I credit that despite disagreeing on some minor points I would add that Neitzsche also said that the drive to the spiritual quest was the same drive of men- to power turned inward. Its hard to say where objectivity ends and socialization begins though. Stosh
  21. Im agreeing with Mh here The message IMO is that folks make things worse than they need be that there is a direction , a purpose to it all The 'suffering' thing , misunderstood mistranslation missing the point. The "Middle way' thing, sound and steady advice No bleakness unless one brings bleakness to it. Stosh