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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Yeah , thats one of the many reasons experts put foward to explain, revolving around having a unified cultural center ,and the lack of it.
  2. Modern London A City Of Death!

    They took over the the known civilized world?
  3. Modern London A City Of Death!

    This country, us, has attempted to bring people in under a single banner of citizenship. It has always had internal factions, ethnicities and social conflict. In fact ,if you look at the demographics of any modern state , this is true. Really ! Google it for yourself. So what conclusions should we draw ? Is it that its good and normal to hate each other? No, Its that there is a need to put a value on citizenship while respecting ethnicities. You just do not get to waltz in as an illegal alien and expect welcome arms, and those who are citizens need to recognize each other as brothers within OUR society.
  4. Albert Camus Quotes

    This crazy truth is the very thing which raises man above the ape, beyond the dictatorship of corporeal existance , into the realm of the heavens.
  5. Voting Question

    Thats certainly true.
  6. Voting Question

    What the hell are you asking? Is it...Why do we have parties? Because Groups see commonality of opinion Which can be promoted more effectively as a collective effort. When a leader gets in office he tends to hand out positions to those who essentially agree with him , together they advance an agenda. To be surrounded by staff etc who has an essential hostility to their leader would be counterproductive. Yes the founders did rely on a sort of patriotism for the nation which was greater than for ones own issues. Generally speaking Americans really do have this Greater love for country , though we squabble internally. Not all nations have this or understand this.
  7. A Science of Wu Wei?

    Screw your imagined silent majority. They havent got the balls or social generosity to actually post anything , so no consideration is due, nor can it be , since their opinion is undisclosed.
  8. A Science of Wu Wei?

    It may seem wrong but its not. It is exactly the process of ascertaining what is true . But there are things which are not true. No. Its neither dangerous nor undesirable to determine fact from fiction. You want to get to a polling place? ................Do you want the correct answer or a fictional one ?
  9. Fantasy in the Chuang tzu

    Anything spoken by characters other than Chuang himself should be considered suspect. Since he is willing to have them speak for themselves their opinion , even if he thinks its philosophically wrong like the dao of Confucius or Robber Chih.
  10. A Science of Wu Wei?

    The product of rational interrogation Is ,that which gets called western science. Its opponent is that which is not the product of a rational interrogation... and that is what gets called subjective bullshit. Thirdly there is that which we experience as individuals, and that is called the human experience. Only a fool, refuses science or the the truth of human experience..... or keeps using the term Western Science as a perjorative. in "Badges? We dont need no stinkin badges!"
  11. Why should the son obey the father?

    One is responsible for their own role. Whether the elder is a crappy ex of fatherhood or not ,the son can still be the respectful obedient second in command. My own parents were ... not prepared for the role .....should I have tried to fix their ways and attitudes while at their mercy? Or even after ? I think not. I think the son should still play that role with dignity grace and restraint.
  12. The Dao Trumps

    "All energy work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" Which is to suggest that the useless things one does may be considered a type of play.
  13. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 59

    Maybe you can change the font down ,,if it was blanked due to being scaled up too big , due to format changes since 2011 ?
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    A man can dig himself a hole with his mouth , than he can with just about anything else.. and never faster or deeper , than when black silk stockings are involved.
  15. Down with the Experts!

    Aint that the truth! But I dont know what to do for it. The old sources that were trusted as true have lost that trust. We get inundated with factoids of dubious value and are faced with having to decide for ourselves. Is it so wrong to seek a community with opinions that fit our own? Btw Channel 13 news here thinks itd newsworthy that someone found a snake that had swallowed a golf ball. I figure they pick off a shelf recent stories by subject, to fill time. Nothing is researched, its Not examined for value. There was an art festival at lake Eola today... and we are telling you after the fact so we can use footage of people milling around.
  16. Sorry, I dont intend to be unresponsive but I cant make heads or tails out of the connections youre making to music and qi etc. All I could supply would be a broad approval of your willingness to make connections bringing physics down to earth and yet be argumentative simultaneously.
  17. Down with the Experts!

    To the extent that experts are shown to be reliably correct factually , they deserve to be considered expert. Events should show them to be correct factually. But.. To the extent that the facts do not line up with their views , they should consider themselves as inexpert as the lowliest dunce. No credit whatsoever , for expertness is deserved , if their assertions do not pan out, regardless of the paper trail they've made, since all their experience has left them .. Wrong. To the extent that they confuse their own opinion with fact , they are clearly wrong. If experts disagree, then it should be considered that those people are not on secure ground as being expert in that area, merely that they have familiarity with the issue. True expertness should be represented with extreme care , about the degree of security with which one should consider the reliability of an assertion. From this expression of humility, one should recognize doubt where one should apply it, and place confidence where it is deserved, and only then should an expert be confident that their expertness was not misrepresented. If this was done, all those 'inexperts' could trust more , benefit more , and obviate the need to try to get informed on everything from prehistory, to Spanish rice. This quote of Russell's The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. is appropriate . The question is,, whether those who are so certain , are the ones getting called experts, or if it refers to those who are novice.
  18. ... although,,, in the context of the thread here, the second reading fits my opinion quite well. The photon being a little bubble of kinetic energy , a sort of 'potential' packet, where this packet provides the possibility that an electron could be boosted from one energy state to a higher one if the photon is absorbed , and the bubble can be re-created if the electron drops back into the lower energy level -thus re-emitting the photon depending on which situation provides the lowest entropic-thermodynamic energy total. If the photon has an energy of momentum --or such-- when absorbed by the matter, then the factor which would allow the photon to re-emit , can be re-supplied in various ways, again , I assume that the lowest energy state is the 'goal' of these events, the universe trying to re-establish a balanced negation or uniformity.
  19. You may read it as such , but I consider that to be a nonsensical rendering which the DDJ is not making. If it was spoken ,, the daoist practice which is done with consistent bias is not conforming to the flexibility of the way the universe works.. I can accept that. As opposed to -the thing worked upon ,is not the thing doing the work ,and is a transient manifestation.
  20. If you noticed, I don't think its a valid distinction.
  21. Its properties are to to have certain things occur. A mold has the print or shape of the final object , determines what that final thing will be , based on how the mold is configured.
  22. IMO Tesla is perfectly correct about that first part , , its a terrible mess , because the math is too important to the adherents compared to the qualitative meaning of said math. For instance , the statement that a photon has a resting mass of zero ,, well, since you cant have it resting , the idea of its value at rest is BS. But I think its actually space itself which is the origin of properties, the stage of events , the format of universe. Its far from nothing.
  23. OK.. umm good luck with all that.
  24. Thanks , that's very info dense , I'm going to have to read that about six times , but I am not seeing it overtly where it describes both capturing EM due to space curvature and emitting it simultaneously as an ultra-long wave EM wave. Am I supposed to make inferences to solve it riddle wise ? or can you just highlight the most direct application. ... are you implying that the spacial curvature is contorted in such a way that the light rides down into the black hole and continues on out, a black 'fountain' , which is in the same location as the hole was?(( Out by the in door rather than far elsewhere)) ( the light now being 'stretched out' low frequency in character) ?
  25. " Hawking showed that quantum effects allow black holes to emit exact black body radiation." Well , I need to hear this one explained in English , how it both cannot emit em and yet it does.