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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Desire for diffrent reality

    Well I may act childish , but I aint exactly a spring chicken either. Im not even sure that acting childish is contraindicated by taoism. Being that you have said that line a few times, , you really should at least clarify one thing Where do you think the fulcrum of that balance is? What tells you , no more from here no less from here? because nothing is needed ,,there are no requirements to fill. There is nothing to fill , there is nothing unfull.etc Lao I figure would have said that on the spectrum from positive infinity to negative infinity the center could not be described even as zero! So I sure as heck wouldnt know (without my personal bias) where it was! Stosh
  2. Desire for diffrent reality

    Too much fire in my belly yet to take that advice well. Stosh
  3. Hello from mid-Missouri

    Fools rush in where angels fear to tread Just jump in , I could use company. Stosh

    I understand that , I relate to it. I see your work as puzzles of a sort they have an intellectual aspect Since I dont know the I-ching at all.. I cant say a lot more about em , to a 'westerners eye' they are bold and masculine ,pleasant to look upon But I am not equipped to gather the intuitive aspect I believe they have. Thanks again , I really just wanted to show I had looked I do photograpy, I dont care whether folks love my birds , If they see one shot they like its good enough or if something catches their curiosity again thats great, as long as they looked at least Im content carry on .. Stosh
  5. The Dao is open?

    I Never met anybody who made that claim. EVER. Stosh
  6. Desire for diffrent reality

    Each of those words has very different connotations It is very problematic to someone not enlightened Or just trying to come to an understanding When descriptions are bracketed with such wide scope Surrender implies failure acceptance implies taking what is offered go with the flow implies taking the easiest route Tao in this use ,implies a mystical plan Please just pick the word that you think means what you want it to say. So I can know what you are trying to say. Stosh

    Very interesting , thanks for showing them (to me) The meanings elude me a bit Knowing more about them individually would enhance their interest to me greatly. I wouldnt be surprised if they had a great deal of personal meaning as well. Stosh
  8. ....

    Mankinds greatest creations! Stosh
  9. The Dao is open?

    When Flowing hands ,Vmarco, Twinner etc are otherwheres .. Heck,, I just miss em.
  10. Turning Invisible

    Ok Ill take you up on that offer, If I end up with few people to talk to , that would be Ok There is a particular group that I want to find The conventional and rational folks who dont believe in fantasy The ones who will be intellectually honest not because they have been pushed into a corner but because they respect their own integrity. I gave you the chance to come down to earth on your own, without having to say at all that I changed your mind You just want to argue that folks turn invisible. I tried to bow out, leave you to whatever you think already You think that is a reason to become emboldened and push more. So be it , at least (I think )we agree here that this dispute is done . Stosh
  11. Desire for diffrent reality

    Ok, thats funny
  12. Turning Invisible

    If you think I am right, and 'real' invisibility , the invisibility which happens when light passes through solid objects (that are ordinarily opaque.) Is impossible for humans to achieve.. We already agree on that If you are pretending that throwing a blanket over your head makes you 'invisible' Then we dont agree you are 'invisible'. If you think folks are sometimes capable of extraordinary feats, we already agree If you think some folks can break the physical laws of the universe (as described by science) Then we do not agree. If you think cabbages have conversations , we dont agree. If you believe that one cabbage may react to events which happen to another cabbage because they are connected by mycelial (fungal) connections in the soil below ground . We agree already If you believe that a central nervous system is necessary to support sophisticated thought structure. then we agree on that. If you think you can continue as you are without one, we do not agree. If there exists fundamental agreement between us on these subjects, that would be good to acknowlege. If you want to keep running with a fantasy presentation of the world ...We just arent going to find common ground. Stosh
  13. Desire for diffrent reality

    Dont keep feeding and petting him ( the reason we keep demons is that we actually like them, they are a double edged sword) Keep trucking Stosh
  14. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    Ok great! nevermind. I guess it is my guilty conscience that made me confused I think Et thoughts is a snake charmer ,disingenuous and bad. I feel a split responsibility to just butt out and to butt in. You sound like you can handle yourself, so I will just butt out. Have a great morning. Stosh
  15. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    I'm from new york, In that land of my ancestors the f word is well loved it is an adjective ,noun, verb , modifier, and pronoun Thank you , I know its varied usages well. I am told that in The lands of the Russias they have turned cussing into an art form and they employ great creativity humor and emotion within it. I dont understand the apologies. I dont understand your rejection of my support occasioning them. Its fine though. I am just a square peg, reluctant to admit I am perpetuating a self defeating paradigm. Namaste Stosh
  16. Turning Invisible

    Fine , you think my awareness is so limited that I miss out on 'facts' that you believe. Ok thats your opinion, I give up (at least for now) at trying to give 'my version' of reality a fair shake. You felt outnumbered and it made you hesitant to speak your mind. I get that feeling myself on this site sometimes. The more I try to just lay out a clear view the more it 'seems' I am trying to overwhelm with mere facts. Opposite sides of the mirror are we I suppose. Namaste Stosh
  17. Desire for diffrent reality

    Hows Tenacious today? No different? Stosh
  18. Philosophical question

    The appeal of music to us is a byproduct of our very useful communication system,,speech. Which has been enhanced because it serves a communication benefit of its own ,in sharing celibration and bonding groups.( basically it is just helpful and good that we like it, so we do.) Similar to cave art being a byproduct of the development of mental abstraction. ( I cant say thats fact, but it sounds reasonable to me) Stosh
  19. Turning Invisible

    Considering this earlier post , you wrote In the end, i only have my suspicions based on my limited range of interaction with plants, animals, and spirits. But that being what it is, i don't think a CNS has much to do with consciousness. Maybe the mind is different from the brain and doesn't rest on the existance of grey/white matter. I think the brain is the interface between the mind and the body, in other words, our minds have an awareness or a thought, and it is filtered through the brain to send the electrical impulses to our, hands for example, or anywhere. There are a lot of different theories though, so i am open to the possibility of being wrong lol You are open to the possibility of being wrong. So,,, yes , You are wrong , not morally wrong , just wrong about what makes for a reasonable conclusion. wrong in not accepting the limitations of the factual world. Which can be really amazing such as it is,, and deserves appreciation for its merits Not on fantasy. Stosh
  20. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    Well said! Speaking plainly and simply is clearly affirmed by the ttc The stereotype that folks who cuss are somehow inferior is BS In fact there is a metaphorical shelf in the mind where cusses specifically are kept and stored for use. The fault would only be in inappropriate application. Sneaky behavior like wrapping condemnations in flowery form is just acting sneaky. Stosh
  21. The Spiritual Splendour of the Ego

    Well said! Speaking plainly and simply is clearly affirmed by the ttc The stereotype that folks who cuss are somehow inferior is BS In fact there is a metaphorical shelf in the mind where cusses specifically are kept and stored for use. The fault would only be in inappropriate application. Sneaky behavior like wrapping condemnations in flowery form is just acting sneaky. Stosh
  22. Turning Invisible

    Yes, you are being very correct and reasonable Thats a rational way to look at the wordage It is just personal attitude that I have on seeing that same wordage, spoken in a way that embraces or could be seen to encourage an affirmative atttude towards the unrealistic. If a person means unnoticed If a person means ignored If a person means non-disruptive They would do others benefit to eschew the term 'invisible' If a guest were to stop by and read that Taoists think they can make themselves invisible It lends an aspect of ridiculousness to the various practices and practitioners who understand better what is meant. There are things I dont personally believe in, but may have merit anyway. If a person wants to live an ignored life disconnected but non disruptive ..., I dont endorse it , but it is still their 'right' to follow a path that looks like that. Well intended persons might toss out some opinion on the open format of this thread and try to discourage what they believe would be counterproductive. Yes, that too, is a form of interference but a person must weigh 'interference' with well intended 'involvement' otherwise they become virtueless to the society, regardless of their own spiritual attainment. Stosh
  23. Turning Invisible

    The parks guys called somebody to pick him up. He had some blood by his left nostril and wasnt moving around well but he looked Ok , maybe a cracked rib Birds can be tough critters I see them charge into trees and things often enough. ( and yes little tike ! juvenile plumage) Stosh