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Everything posted by Stosh

  1. Oh , That's! where Zen gardens come from .
  2. Watching The Birds

    since this is a bird thread , here is a barn swallow on my car mirror , they were interested in it , I think they want to warm up from the wind ,after flying around ,on the 'hot' car , even though its hot out???
  3. Watching The Birds

    Local pond early one am , gators are having a get together
  4. Watching The Birds

    Its a florida snapping turtle, Ill try to insert a larger file..
  5. What is a Daoist?

    Boooo , hisss
  6. Okay to be vulnerable?

    Touche !
  7. Okay to be vulnerable?

    Like it says on the coffee pot , change filter regularly. But , don't say I didn't warn you,, Its just common knowledge how, in the military , after a battle , you get together with the enlisted guys, and have a good cry.
  8. Watching The Birds

    Oh yeah, teeming is a good word , there's a trail where you can see a hundred basking on a nice day.
  9. Okay to be vulnerable?

    As Zero said , we all in actuality are flawed , so to show you as you are , one has to show , to what extent they are ignorant foolish etc , the whole enchilada. Nobody does that , even you suggested not exposing 'too much' , and what you're hiding , is the rest of the enchilada, the stuff that exposes you , the stuff everyone is going to try to cover up ,excuse , gloss over as soon as one blurts it out. EX, Im so stupid. Response ,,, No you;re not , you're just less informed. It's called over-sharing. If you like truth , then,, ya gotta see that everybody is out covering their ass to some extent. Thats the truth , and it ain't so pretty.
  10. Okay to be vulnerable?

    Your entry doesn't constitute any kind of personal exposure whatsoever ! I don't even know what its supposed to mean , and I am not going to respond directly if I have to formulate some kind of guess as to what your opinion is in the first place. Sorry , It doesn't count.
  11. Okay to be vulnerable?

    Well there it is, the two sides of the coin, Mine 1) keep it to yourself , do a bit of research on your own ,so you will be a resource , or 2) Lukes , tell everyone how you are weak ,fail, and are a disappointment so you will be charming Now all there is , is to give the advice a test run.
  12. Okay to be vulnerable?

    Understood, but , I am not excluding the mundane mild stuff either. Many seem to be ok with sharing the fact they aren't informed about items which , they do not feel emotionally exposed by. Like , for instance , I dont mind sharing my ignorance about pre-columbian death masks in Meso america. But for that subject , it's obviously so esoteric , that no one would expect it to be common knowledge,, but also , its not important for me to know about it, and it is pointless to ask random people about it. Most likely they will be miffed at being put on the spot over it. Right? So the correct thing to do is Google it . The reason why a person would feel vulnerable , is that in the past they have asked questions and have been treated poorly because of it. To Not feel vulnerable , it makes sense to teach oneself that they can recognize what they can boldly share , and what they need to keep relatively private. And that they can Indeed control their speech so as not to make themselves or anyone else feel exposed. People will like it most if you avoid having anyone look stupid or vulnerable including yourself , you will be deemed to have sound judgement and be a person with whom sharing can be safely done. ...Or so I figure.
  13. Okay to be vulnerable?

    There's a lot of stuff one doesn't really need to know. We have momentary curiosities about things that don't really matter. You made it this far , with the stuff you do know , and generations before you got along fine on the primitive understandings that they had. There was a time when all the world thought the earth was flat, and they all made it through their lives, and loves, and all the rest. So,,, if one is concerned with what others think of them , its best to just not say anything indicating you are unaware of some factoids. You don't need to let everyone know where your knowledge ends. You know the things you do know , and it will undermine the credibility you deserve for that stuff,, if you ask questions and disclose. Not only that, but difficult questions scare people , they want to not be exposed themselves , and so if you go running around asking people things , you will be putting them on the spot. Be instead kind to them , retain credibility for the stuff you do know, and keep the questions unasked. In all likelihood , if you don't know the answer ,,, nobody else does either. If some info is really important to you , the right thing to do is secretly find out behind the scenes. Google it so that no one knows it was you. Do not throw yourself on the mercy of the court of public opinion, it has no mercy. Do you see your favorite politician admit he has no clue on a subject, that they don't have some strongly held opinion they will fight for, on anything? Of course not! Can you picture them saying, I couldn't give less of a shit about medical marijuana , that's up to you guys. You want it , I'll pass it. Or , I don't have boobs , Why are you asking me about women's issues?
  14. Watching The Birds

    Thanks, I like that pic too , I don't know enough to be concerned about the behavior of them. Domestic animals confuse me. I pretty much have a good feel for wild ones , they make sense.. I should explain,, Umm out a Paynes prairie , they have wild spanish horses , ( and bison) and you can just walk out around in the space they reside , a grassy marshy prairie, ,walking a path , I came up on a stallion with some mares , he got a bit jumpy neighed etc, so I just stood there. Some folks came up behind me a few minutes later , so I asked them what the right way to act was. They said they just walk past to one side. I turned back to look at the stallion which swung his ears at me , and put his head down to eat . I read this clear as a bell , " I see you , you're fine , go on by" , so I just walked on past , right next to him in fact. If he wanted to , he could've kicked me into oblivion , but he didn't even pick up his head. ... Long story made shorter,, those other folks never did get past him Considering back on it as I went onward , I waited , had some respect ,I didn't push on by as others might, and this was enough. It made sense , he communicated , I was able to read it , and we could get along.
  15. Watching The Birds

    I would assume its a rooster . He moved into a small pad I guess, a corner under some trees , there aren't many prospects around except for swamp 'hens'. He looks like he can take care of himself ,sort of cocky.
  16. Watching The Birds

    This chicken has been hanging around lake Apopka, He seems to be settled in.
  17. Here's a few .. Frustrated , confused, foiled , not- your-cup of tea, brought up under dysfunctional circumstances , are aspergers types ,maybe are unskilled in the language and culture .......... or maybe the people they are talking to just bring out the worst in them because they arent as sweet as they might think , themselves. Like Pai Mei , he pretty much came off as a real jerk , possibly a sociopath, like most of the characters in that movie ( which I liked ) , who chopped people up etc and so forth.
  18. Assuming that 1 aggressive 2 unpleasant and 3 violent all go together as a package is unrealistic thinking. Serial killers , brought up earlier , are often liked by their unsuspecting victims. The SWAT or FBI guys could well be described as variously unpleasant and violent or aggressive. And actually two of them in the clip appeared pleasantly calm and collected as well as frank. There's tons of examples of people who violate the conflation. Sports figures , talk show hosts , politicians etc. .. Y'know ,, Like Hillary Clinton. Fidel Castro was described as Charming and Charismatic , hobnobbing around in New York in the old days and later as a ruling dictator for over fifty yrs ,, Jesus was crucified around the age of 33 I'm told ,by request of -essentially- his own people.
  19. Well that's an interesting clip , If we do not immediately accept the premise that the person narrating knows what they are saying , the great majority of whats presented has no basis to be claimed, based on what is shown , they blink or shake heads or have steady gaze well within the parameters of people one sees daily. Just because one can stop rolling the tape and the eyes will be still on these guys , doesn't mean I cant stop the tape and have the eyes be still on someone else. Their diagnoses were made first , and then it is being said that they betray their mindset physically ,, retroactively. IMO In short, I don't think you can tell anything by looking at them.
  20. I thought y'all pulled a bunch of unrealistic nonsense out of the ether , but it makes you happier not to see it that way. Nor was my intent to be 'vs' Ilumarian this time either , she just chooses it to be, on her part. Don't be a cheerleader egging on conflict for my benefit.
  21. But you never clarified , in that case, then , what the title is supposed to suggest , if- not- that persons of aggressive character were valueless, and imply that you were not of that ilk. Right now , uncorrected and many posts along , I still think the interpretation is inherent in the words chosen. My point all along has been to defend that some aggression , assertion , etc is in fact valuable , and has virtue. Few ,, wish to be seen as doormats ,, likewise , few wish to be seen as mad-dogs needing to be put down. Some of the most contentious people I know , have been the only ones to watch my back , and overwhelmingly present what they deem to be of merit. Comparatively , easily 'like-able' people have turned out to be .... gone when I needed them etc. A friend told me of a TV presentation , factual , where these guys went to the middle east to be mercenaries. Both of us thought it seemed extreme and confusing , and wondered who it was that was paying them , turned out , that a church had taken up a collection to send them there , to fight ISIS or somebody. I guess I am trying to say that sometimes things do not make simple sense.
  22. Ok fine. We're good . The poison theme goes back to the art of war thread , most of which I deleted my part in. It got 'lost'.
  23. Yeah , well its a pretty direct insult, now compounded. Ciao
  24. Cant even just accuse me outright tsk tsk implications dodges and fake claims Don't let her touch the popcorn , it'll probably be poisoned.