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Everything posted by Ulia

  1. Scalar energy pendant

    This is the last one I purchased: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004DXDS3Q/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00 It comes with a registration card and a serial number engraved on the pendant. It works for me. This is another one that has good reviews. I will try this one some time later to see the difference: http://www.astralboobaby.net/abbscommunitystore.htm
  2. Scalar energy pendant

    About a year ago my energy level was very low, and I was often fatigued. After doing a bit of research I decided to try a scalar pendant. I ordered the Quantum Science one from amazon. It is really discounted there. When I put it on, I could feel my energy field being infused with a different kind of energy. The energy builds up around the body for a couple of days. But, if I am without for more than 2-3 days, I can't get through the day because of fatigue. I just got one for my mom, who was feeling lightheaded often in the recent months. After a few days wearing it, she stabilized. Just our experience...
  3. Hello

    Just saying hello. Very interesting and helpful forum. I look forward to learning and contributing.
  4. Hello

    Thank you very much!
  5. Hi Mike, Regarding Bipolar, you may find this series of videos very helpful. They are done by a gentleman who went through the same thing and realized that it was awakening, not a psychiatric disorder: Bipolar or Waking Up: http://www.youtube.com/user/bipolarorwakingup?feature=results_main I found solace and peace in Buddhist temples. I have gone to all the temples and sitting/meditation groups, and personally found Zen/Chen temples very helpful. They generally have a meditation session and you can consult with a monk or a senior student about what might help you. I would highly recommend it, if only just to get some peace of mind. I'm sure there are several temples in your area that would welcome you. Best wishes, Ulia