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Everything posted by et-thoughts

  1. End Game

    'deci belle' , The pessimists sees the glass with water half empty the optimists sees the glass with water half full neither sees the glass with water as completely filled (half water half air) I see how some choose to fill the Words, stories, books with emptiness and other stuff... it must be because thats all they hold within though I prefer to cultivate better stuff... like to win with a dance or two...
  2. Math and Ontology

    Note that I said DO NOT think of an apple and what did you go do? thought of an apple... the point I sought to make was that rather than not thinking about what we do not want, we focus on thinking about what we do want. If you agree that "the absolute meaning of a word stems from it use..." then to be congruent you would think that the absolute meaning of a word stems from its use... and is set each time it is used.... and if the listener use, corresponds to the speakers use, then the listener understands what the speaker stated otherwise the listener understands whatever story the listener chooses to construct--- If we logically go into the relative-absolute path you will end up an absolutists ... maybe that can be expanded latter... as well as the topic of dyslexia and 'prain' damage... for now I will say everyone has a level of dyslexia ... have to sleep
  3. End Game

  4. Math and Ontology

    I be from Mexico, how about yourself? BTW I realize many think that what they think is the true story and rarely bothering to validate that what they think actually corresponds with what happens to be... et-thoughts is made up of my initials 'et' and a word 'thoughts' meaning the thoughts I have ... :-) I realize that many may think of 'extra terrestrial' when they see the initials and make up all sort of other stories... this is actually just an example of how individuals 'unilaterally' and arbitrarily determine stuff for themselves (rather than follow a consensus approach). This sort of thing can happen all the time... with all sort of 'words' . I think I mentioned earlier that the absolute meaning of a word stems from it use... not from some consensus reached by those who use it... take an encrypted message where certain words have certain meanings... someone who knows the code can get to the intended message while someone who does not know the code understands something else... one either decrypts the actual intended message or something else depending on the decryption schemata used. In certain domains the encryption even contains validating schemes to ensure that the message was not altered and was complete... personally I had to develop validating mechanisms to ensure that what I perceive corresponds to whats actually there because of the highly likelihood for me to see something that isn't there... dyslexia is a sort of 'blindness' that can lead to develop higher sensitivity in other domains like sounds and touch... paradoxically the more you believe to get it right the more you expose yourself to get it wrong and the more you wonder about it being right the more you will likely get it right... The example "do not think of an apple" sought to expose the fact that it leads to thinking of an apple and a struggle not to think about it rather than just focusing on what one desires to accomplish. Strictly specking the claim "I didn't think X" is actually a lie, a false statement. I hold we need to be careful with what we think so that we cultivate what we desire to cultivate rather than the opposite.
  5. Math and Ontology

    " Sorry, Spanish is my primary language ..." FWIIW - for what it is worth ... ROTFLOL - rolling on the floor laughing out loud... Spanish is my primary language too! Why be sorry about it :-)? If you can, look for the conduit metaphor pdf ( In a way we each live in singular separate world that we each create... the only way to experience stuff is for us to recreate the artifact in our world though we sometimes change and forget to take into account what we have done... the flaws in the artifact observed by us may be the result of what we have done... The idea that what we have made results from a consensus disregards the fact that to accurately evaluate something we have to first accurate recreating it. That is to comment on what I have stated, you first have to accurately get what I have stated otherwise your comments would focus on something else... For me in a conversation there exists the intended meaning, the perceived meaning and the shared meaning... when these are identical copies of each other its a bit irrelevant which one we take... but when they are different the relevant meaning depends on the focus taken... sometimes its irrelevant what was understood, for what be relevant is understanding what was intended. Sometimes its the other way around, what was understood is what be relevant regardless of the original intent... then sometimes neither the intended nor the perceived meaning matter much for the focus centers on the shared experience. BTW - do not think of an apple still gets you to think about some apple and of schemas of how not to do what you be doing... its much easier to just think of an elephant and focus on doing what you do by just doing the action ... as someone once told me "If you did not think something how did you manage to write that you did not think about it... I hold to know what you mean and just want to expose something quite common... that we may better focus and understand what be going on...
  6. Math and Ontology

    Oh it gets better... for from the standpoint of the solution, its quite evident that there was a problem to solve ... when in fact the situation at hand calls for a singular realization that transmutes the dualistic problem-solution duo into a singular opportunity of multiple paths... Maybe even creating an experience of 'enlightenment' :-)
  7. The self that binds itself to what be the truth becomes enslaved by the truth and while being enslaved to this master experiences the freedom offered by the truth ... where as the self that frees itself of what be the truth becomes enslaved by the deception of being free while ignoring the truth of being enslaved... personally I prefer the binding truth than the delusional freedom...
  8. Math and Ontology

    Well sometimes in reality 1+1 = 1 and nine months later the the one consisting of two end up with a third one... so two become one and end up as three ... its perfectly clear from the equation ! see there the three ones, two on one side and one on the other
  9. Math and Ontology

    The possibilities are infinite though the user usually constrained them to what they thinks possible... until they realize what be truly possible :-)
  10. Math and Ontology

    the map - the territory- the distinctions are three independent worlds that can help each other to explore and expand each one... highly condensed though I hope you see the unfolment... if need be will elaborate latter ... have to go...
  11. Math and Ontology

    Depending on the coordinate system in use the diagram you get from the function (or the function you get from the diagram) can be quite different and may even be a bit more complicated... conceive of a simple linear relationship... a line with a slope... hope you see the spiral... and the inclined line and the circle and the horizontal line... beliefs are like coordinate systems in use...
  12. Math and Ontology

    julianlaboy, The name stems from my initials ... glad you liked it... Let me ask you this "do you find absurd the notion that two separate beings (mind-body-spirit) can actually hold within themselves identical-understandings"? That is, what you understand and what I understand be one and the same? or to use another metaphor the map and the territory be one and the same? I noticed you said "...the absolute and final manner in which we can be sure..." ultimately we may just have to accept the fact that we just can't be sure and that its rather irrelevant to actually be sure... we may just have to believe and move on... BTW prepare yourself... for the fun of it and hopefully to show you that it is possible to explain something by just referencing something I am going to explain and define something without making reference to something else... here goes, three in a row: "what be" be "what be", the truth be the truth, a be a... notice that those that know 'what be', the truth, a, lets call them the enlightened, do understand, while the unenlightened find the 'explaining' absurd :-) UNTIL they get it and become enlightened :-)... its a bit esoteric, those that already know the stuff are the only ones that can know the stuff and for those who do not know it already, noting will get them to know the stuff until they just know it... How do you reconcile the following two notions: - considering stuff "out there" or "exists independetly of" - the notion that there are no "correct" or "normal" perceptions. It seems to me that if one considers stuff "out there" or "exists independetly of" THEN it follows that the 'correct perception' involves having a model that does correctly recreate what be out there within itself. BTW the fact we may claim we understand each other may be true or false depending on 'what be' the truth of the matter... 'what be' and 'what we claim to be' may be in agreement or disagreement depending on what be and what we claim to be ... Once I read that the truth is accepted or rejected not the result of some consensus ( it was framed/worded a bit better though the essence is there)... in any event glad we agree that 'beliefs tints what one could perceive'... you seem to believe that this happens after we conceptualize (consciously or not) a world (or worlds)... where as I believe that there exists a bit more interplay taking place... that is beliefs tints what we conceptualize and experience as we conceptualize and experience stuff... sometimes even changing the experiences altogether. FWIIW - the absolute meaning of a word is relative to its use ... and each time it is used it may change or not Why worry about making things confusing when we can choose better options... confident that eventually the experience will be enlightening...
  13. Math and Ontology

    julianlaboy, When I read what you posted and the talk you had with your friend I remembered a talk I had a while back that sort of directly maps and correlates... so here is my two cents... In my talk I was talking about knowledge... and we did even got to the notion of the existence "out there" vs "only within". I started with the notion that knowledge only existed within a mind and considered that the notion of it existing "out there" absurd, though I do hold that there is a reality out there independent of us... in any event while it's impossible for us to go beyond what we are we can go beyond what we are under certain circumstances. The ideal can help us be more than we can be... Now what we believe can help us or hinder us to understand what be "out there" ... some of what is out there has everything to do with what we are and some of it has to do with other stuff and of course there be other possibilities and realities. To make a long story short I eventually realized that beliefs tints what one could perceive, which sometimes its a blessing and sometimes its a curse... in any event during the talk I learned to shift and translate between belief languages and even managed to understand that some functional properties are in fact related to the coordinate system used. If you are interested in exploring this further let me know... what I have said here is a highly condensed... hope it help you see things
  14. Has science found enlightenment?

    Because the thoughts you have stem from the thoughts you have and you need different thoughts to have different thoughts... Of course unless the thought one has already allow the new thoughts while preventing 'distracting entrapping lures' ... In a way it is as simple as choosing to have the thoughts and as complicated as thinking possible what be impossible... fortunately what is impossible for one to do becomes possible for one to do when one knows how...
  15. Essentials for Success on the Spiritual Path

    Harmonious, What one chooses to take and what one chooses to leave... matters quite a bit... my hope is that my comments lead to deeper reflection and understanding while promoting a focus on what really does matter... my desire centers on a singular perfect integration that cultivates the better possibilities by focusing on cultivating the better possibilities... I have no plan other than focusing on what be good and cultivating it...
  16. Essentials for Success on the Spiritual Path

    rather than stay away from the pitfalls along the road ensure a way to traverse them without capsizing... THE TEN THINGS TO BE considered : (1) Ideas, being the radiance of the mind, are to be carefully cultivated. (2) Thought-forms, being the revelry of Reality, are to be wisely tendered . (3) Divine Wisdom (which provides deliverance from Obscuring passions and appreciation of enriching passions) is to be cherished (if properly used to enable one to taste life to the full and reach enlightenment and a bit more). (4) Affluence, being a means for spiritual growth, is to be properly applied and directed to enrich everyone. (5) Health, appreciation, and humility being teachers of piety, are to be spread . (6) Friends and fortune, being the means of inclining one to unity are to be sought and shared ( even with adversaries -who may turn into partners) . (7) A divine gift, is to be accepted for it is sent by the divine. (8) Reason, being in every action the best friend, is to be 'educated' in the ways of love, truth and kindness. (9) Such devotional exercises to develop body, mind and spirit to outperform what one is capable of doing need be welcomed. (10) The thought of helping others, however limited one's ability to help others may be, should lead to actions and words to help others. Always remember that by changing yourself, you contribute to change everything... so have a good idea, cultivate a good thought, appreciate a divine feeling of love and share a smile... even if only you notice it! These are Ten Things To Be considered, though if you want to keep it simple smile (KISS) and love ...
  17. Essentials for Success on the Spiritual Path

    Harmonious FULLNESS stems from divine love, which be the essential 'GEM' for success on the spiritual path... I've found that 'keeping a proper view of true and false paths while trying to walk a spiritual path' keeps many from realizing that there is only one path... the core difference resides in the direction individuals be going... and even that may be somewhat questionable as one could be going in a bad direction to a bad destination for a good reason and a good cause... to do good there... I've found that to walk a spiritual path one requires to cultivate good, truth, understanding, that is one requires to love... having a proper view or having a illusory view could help and/or hinder... still the key resides in having love... which leads to understanding truth and good... there are many ways this can be expanded... still the core and the expansions of love remains the same... one thought, action, feeling... suffices to change it all... and this instant may determine once and for all what will be forevermore so make sure to choose love... always think of love from now on...
  18. Curses

    Glad you focus on positive stuff now... FWIIW every experience can take you to turn around... sometimes we better turn around and sometimes we better keep going the way we be going... it all depends on which way one be heading... What turned out to be the best thing to ever to happen was choosing to focus on positive stuff rather than the negative experience. I mention this because one of the ways that negative keeps a hold of many of us resides in the notion "no pain no gain"... or 'suffering is required to grow'... note that one can 'play and gain' and that "enjoying is part of growth'... thus its possible to have divine experiences by having divine experiences... there is much insights in what you wrote... - one needs to take responsibility for what one does - one better know the stuff one dabbles with and its workings - any experience can help us focus on positive spiritual things - there will be whispers floating around ... which ones one cultivates and feeds will keep some and create more of the same - Ultimately we may never actually know for sure whether or not it was actual, external forces, whether it was a completely self-generated experience, whether it be something else.... - Still one can know for sure that the power of statements, thought, actions feeling can be very real and... - The individual experiencing stuff has the power to direct to some extent such things - there exists within all of us, a caring power if we just seek to find it and cultivate it.
  19. Curses

    It could also be dew to infectious agents in the tomb... put there to kill of any 'robbers' / 'intruders'...
  20. Curses

    Could you elaborate a bit on the topic of using Chinese Energetics.
  21. Curses

    some choose to fill their baggage with positive memories and feelings...
  22. Curses

    Actually a blessing has more power than a curse... both are sort of hereditary allotments that individuals inherit ... what they do with what they get is up to each... Just remember that what you give you will get back amplified ... so if you give others love you get much love... if you give them needs you get much needs ... if you bless them you will be blessed...
  23. Desire for diffrent reality

    maybe... well no... actually yes... now its all so confusing... but the enlightened do understand it right? what used to happen to me was that I would think one thing unknowingly say another and wonder why in the world others didn't get it right--- now sometimes its not what one states, its how one states it that matters... then again sometimes its both and more...
  24. Desire for diffrent reality

    Natural resonance can generate 'catastrophic' changes... (catastrophic: involving large-scale alteration in the state of something)... a small force can accumulate and cause a turnaround... Like the notion of using harmony rather than balance...
  25. Desire for diffrent reality

    Do share the realizations you are working with... who knows others may have something to learn from you and them...