Disabled Not Broken

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Everything posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. Practicing with wild animals

    Yang might send them away from you- Yin magnetic might attract them to you- -might attract lightening also to yourself... if there are storms ...'weather magick is real'...
  2. Qi & Your [Soon] Sol Promotion To Gold Body

    http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tango-mind-and-emotion/2012/mar/8/solar-flare-sun-touches-our-psyche/ The comment section, below the above article, says it all...
  3. Qi & Your [Soon] Sol Promotion To Gold Body

  4. Qi & Your [Soon] Sol Promotion To Gold Body

  5. Too old for Taoism ?

    No Age Limit - Dao is retro-active
  6. What are you reading right now?

    "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" & "The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga" By Arthur Avalon were the first books I read once my Kundalini went full blown... what a mess I made lol
  7. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    Very Informative thread - I though it should be brought back to the front page
  8. Spiritual Teachers...

    Who taught the first "spiritual teacher"...? Perchance, we all have everything we need, packaged right inside our self(s)
  9. Qi & Your [Soon] Sol Promotion To Gold Body

    N.A.S.A. = Never A Straight Answer Google shows many conflicting reports, and a hot topic up for debate amongst 'the learned' *IMO* ... Either way - Sol is definitely bringing changes to the subtle body(s)
  10. Crystal tractor beam

    Quartz crystals and their Piezoelectric properties are said to retain 'memory thought forms' They also oscillate...breathe/pulse when energy is applied to them Thus their use in watches, etc., Hold a double terminal one in your hands during a horse stance and apply *The Will*... Then... Next time you pick it up, while in Alpha state-- you might be pleasantly surprised
  11. What are you reading right now?

    I read that recently, and agree - an awesome read. Currently reading: "Opening the Dragon Gate - The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard" By Chen Kaiguo & Zheng Shunchao Most recently, was listening to a Manly P. Hall commentary in which he speaks about the chakras. His opinion [though he addresses it as 'fact'] is that there is no such thing as chakras. They are only 'in the brain' ... Those who believe in such 'absurdities' are new age loons Those energy ganglion appear real to me...
  12. Qi & Your [Soon] Sol Promotion To Gold Body

    There is much debate that the magnetosphere is decreasing... which is our shield. http://image.gsfc.nasa.gov/poetry/ask/q1686.html
  13. Qi & Your [Soon] Sol Promotion To Gold Body

    Also...all the 'zombie-talk'....everyone is being affected. Consciously or not. It isn't bath salts, lol It is an electric universe- one way or the other...we will all feel this... Those CMEs, solar flares and magnetic tethering create vortex(s) and magnetic portals The yin body(s) will being affected, as well --- http://www.tgdaily.com/general-sciences-features/64572-source-of-animals-magnetic-sense-found
  14. energies

  15. energies

  16. Qi
