Disabled Not Broken

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Everything posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    A Hermetic Axiom, ''is to be silent''.. it helps, by not adding extra baggage to a magickal working- like jinxing a good thing- spoiling the outcome Western society is heavily christian... though their bible is heavy duty magick. It is all encoded with Gematria so a mage, might be anathema from society- an outcast.. or even, scapegoated/Azazel
  2. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Sol Empowering Ritual - to be done in Conjunction with the Middle Pillar Exercise Eventually- we will replace the Sol with other Celestial Bodies Visualize yourself as growing very large...huge. Grow until you can put one foot on the Sun and the other on the Earth. Size DOES matter! If you can see yourself bigger than the Galaxies that is even better. See yourself in the darkness of space with your feet on the two worlds. Draw up power from the Sun into yourself and re-direct it into the Earth. Just make certain one foot (I have always put the Right foot on the Sun) is firmly planted on the Sun and the other foot is firmly planted on the Earth. You need to feel the power rising up from the Sun into your body, feel your body being infused by this energy, and then feel the power flow down the other leg into the Earth. Do this continuously for about 15 minutes. At the end of the 15 minutes, shut off the flow to the Earth while still drawing the power from the Sun. Continue this for about 1 minute. At the end of this exercise see yourself shrink down to your normal size. Do this exercise two to three times a day for the next week. This exercise should make an immediate difference in your available energy and should also ground you. I will not tell you WHAT you will feel however I guarantee you that you WILL feel the energy within you and passing through you. Many are unable to do this exercise for a full 15 minutes when starting. If you are doing it properly you may need to do it for shorter periods initially. Once you begin this exercise you will experience some unusual things that will open an entire new world to you. This results of this exercise actually change based on YOUR NEEDS at the time. Banishing- similar to "White Lightening" The Banishing Wave is a technique that the Magickian can use that is effective against ALL entities in my experience. There is one key requirement that is necessary for the Banishing Wave to work; the Magickian has to KNOW that the Banishing Wave will work. The Magickian VISUALIZES and FEELS a wave, similar to the blast wave of a nuclear explosion, expanding and radiating out from within the Magickian in all directions. The wave should be seen as forming a pressure wave that physically and astrally "blows away" anything in its path. The Magickian should feel the heat of the explosion, the force of the blast, and should SEE the pressure wave expanding out to the horizon in all directions. This explosion should be seen and felt as an expanding CIRCLE or SPHERE, with the Magickian being in the center of this explosion.. The effectiveness of the Banishing Wave is greatly increased if the Magickian incorporates the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual. To do this all that is required is that the Magickian remembers what the energy of the Sol Empowering Ritual feels like and feel THAT ENERGY as the nuclear explosion that radiates and expands evenly away from the Magickian. This Banishing technique, once mastered, can be performed instantly almost without thought and, as long as the Magickian KNOWS that it works, has proved effective (in my personal practice) against any entity or force that the Magickian wishes to Banish. Eventually, we will substitute - utilizing various elements/planets, sephiroth, etc in the sonic wave phase
  3. Mark Griffin and Hard Light Center of Awakening

    Co$metic and Image Packaging. Example: Two exact items- but, one costs more than the other, in a fancy store- many people will prefer the more expensive, thinking if it costs more- it must be better... India has the 'stigma'- yogis and all- must work better @ spirit if it is made in India Nag Champa
  4. How can you meditate if you can't breathe?

    & that, too ^
  5. How can you meditate if you can't breathe?

    Drink 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar- daily, in 8 ounces of cool clean water [long term cure] Aspirator / Inhaler- spray Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - Nasal [short term cure] use Nasal Strips [when practicing]
  6. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Holy Days = Holidays, are unique to the flavor of the Practitioner SereneBlue's post about the planetary hours is very important, as we will only be using Full/New Moon Phases. Her post's guidance, can make YOUR Own Work more personal - it will resonate with you. http://www.calendar-365.com/moon/moon-calendar.html ... is a Moon Phase calendar New Moon: starting new project Full: is the culmination of said project Waning: decreasing, going away [bad habit] Waxing: growing, coming into fruition [income growing] Last night- was Full Moon
  7. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    This might help some people, to understand -the way a Mage, is Trained... to "Look at Things":... Laws of Magick [& Life...] Law of Worldview: The world we perceive is actually a mixture of the nominal world (the Tao, the objective reality that is unknowable but which underlies all that we think we know) and ourselves (the subjective). Changing your worldview does not change the eternal, real world, but it does change the world you perceive. That is, changing your worldview makes real changes in the world which is real to us. (Law of Reflections) Because there are an infinite number of ways to perceive the world, there are also an infinite number of worlds we may assemble without awareness. The true underlying reality is unknowable to us as long as we retain our worldview of separateness and self. You can become one with the universe but you cannot step back and observe it, because you are in it. You cannot observe a phenomenon without altering it by your mode of perception. There is no such thing as an independent observer. You participate in creating the world by perceiving it. The Law of Personal Universes Every sentient being lives in and quite possibly creates a unique universe which can never be 100% identical to that lived in by another. So-called "reality" is a matter of consensus opinions. The Law of Infinite Universes: The total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite. Anything is possible, though some things are more probable than others and so are easier to enact. According to this law of magick, we live in a world of our own creation as well as an underlying or “real” world. Both worlds are real in as much as both affect us and our well-being, but the world you create through your perceptions is constantly changing based upon both the real world and your perception of it. Only your own personal world may be altered willfully. A good example of this is the use of positive affirmations. By convincing yourself of the possibility of change, you bring that change into being. True immersion in the *real* world would remove any desire to change the world. You might ask why you cannot live in the *real* world, and I would have to say you can... but it is the world we go to when we die. So, you can visit for short periods, but not stay, unless you are ready to move from this plane to the next and leave your body behind. If you should manage to dissolve the illusion of separation from the nominal universe, you lose the ability to observe or alter because you have acknowledged your part in it. Since you cannot live in this *real* world all the time, affirmations, meditations, and spell-work are still valuable tools to reshape the subjective world you must live in. Attempting to alter reality immediately removes the observer to the mutable universe of perception and creation. It is only in the universes of our finite perception that changes may be put into effect because they are mutable, warped copies of the underlying universe which exists independent of our thoughts and perceptions. Because the number of possibilities in any individual universe are infinite, so to are the types of phenomena you can cause through the application of will. However, since some phenomena are more probable than others, some will require less energy should you attempt to put them into effect. For instance, it would be easier to create a pig than a flying pig. It is also difficult though not impossible for two (or more) people to agree upon the same phenomena. Creation of phenomena is easier with one observer (the self) and becomes successively more difficult the more (outside) observers are included. Should you manage to obtain the cooperation of other observers however, either in suspending their expectations or in focusing their wills on a joint project (through agreed upon symbolism), the bending of reality to the Will becomes easier than with only one observer/mage. The Law of Worldviews is a valuable tool toward understanding the nominal universe and affecting the subjective universes of individuals. Application of this Law allows the creation or dispersal of energy in the form of phenomena through our selective perceptions and acceptance of possibility. If you believe you can see and communicate with fairies, angels, spirits, etc, then you will be able to by application of that worldview. If others share that worldview, they will be able to function partially within your world, and you within theirs. Shared perception creates a shared world through which you may affect each other. The shared world will become more real based upon the number of believers in that world. Thus if three out of four people believe enough in the presence of a spirit, they may be able to empower that entity to appear or cause phenomena the fourth non-believer may experience. It is not that we create a non-human entity (though it is possible to do so), but that we allow ourselves the option of perceiving it where others may prefer not to allow it into their personal worldview. --Application of the Law of Worldviews It should be possible through the application of this Law to affect your general environment. First you must ask yourself what phenomena you wish to experience. What senses are you most comfortable experiencing? Of all the senses- sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell- which do you favor? Perception entails all the senses, including the psychic ones, so the phenomena you shoot for does not necessarily have to be visual or clairvoyant. You can try for clairaudient phenomena, taste, touch... whatever appeals to you. Start with phenomena you are comfortable with and move on from there. Start small. Like meditation, control and mastery of this Law will take time and patience. Meditation is in fact a very useful skill in correlation with any application of Magickal Law and should be mastered before attempting focus the will on a particular goal. Try not to force your reality to capitulate so much as anticipate the phenomena you attempt to manifest. Trying to force a change, attempting to dominate your reality, forms a subconscious belief resistance to your will that really does not exist. If you try to force change, you are saying you expect the universe to resist your attempts, but if you just expect something to happen, it will as matter of course. The application of this Law is limited only by your imagination. Law of Attention: The more one seeks to support a given law, conclusion, or worldview, the more evidence one will find. Worldviews have inertia. Since we create our world each moment (see I: Law of Worldviews), we are constantly maintaining our worldview. This is done by means of a recursive internal dialogue of words and symbols with which we constantly edit our perceptions. By rearranging our attention, we rearrange our worldview. Law of Synchronicity: Synchronicity is a term invented by Jung to describe meaningful coincidence that cannot be described by the law of cause and effect. They are events connected by pattern (meaning) rather than time. (see VIII: Law of Association) Some interpret this as an ongoing and developing dialogue between the perceiver and the consciousness of the universe. Two or more events happening at the same time are likely to have more in common than the merely temporal. This dialogue is overt to the degree the perceiver is receptive to (or aware of) it. There is no such thing as a mere coincidence. Law of Unity: Everything is linked, directly or indirectly, to everything else. Every phenomena in existence is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present, or future. Any perceived separation between phenomena is based on fragmentary perception or understanding of the phenomena. Law of Relative Truth: Every statement is true in one sense, false in one sense, and meaningless in one sense. This is a function of one’s vantage point (worldview). “Nothing is true. Everything is permissible.” It is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe and still be "true," provided that it "works" in a specific situation. Law of Pragmatism: If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is "true" or "real." If it works, it is true. The more successful a worldview is in fulfilling the goal, the more valid it is said to be. By this definition, few people are completely insane. However, by the same definition, very few people are entirely sane either. Law of Paradox: No worldview may encompass the whole world. Two models (or “laws”) may conflict with each other and still be true in their proper context. Two people may experience the same event yet perceive entirely different occurrences. Rationality is limited by the intellect; the world is not. The world is not bound by the confines of our worldviews. The trick is to switch from one model to another as it becomes appropriate. (Law of Pragmatism) Law of Reflection: As above, so below. The microcosm is the macrocosm. The part contains the whole. One of the most common and widely applicable axioms of magick, it is reputed to have originally been written on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. Every speck contains the image (or pattern) of the entire universe in the same way that a cell of the body contains the DNA of the entire being. Each person contains the cosmic image. When the inner image is tuned (brought into resonance) with the outer image, a change in one will occur simultaneously with a change in the other. To perceive one is to perceive the other. This is the basis of the mantic systems such as the I Ching or Tarot Cards, and the basis for the belief that humanity is created in God’s Image. The universe is within us and without us. Law of Association: If any two pattern have elements in common, the patterns interact through those common elements. Thus control of one pattern facilitates control of the other(s), depending upon the number of common elements involved (among other factors). The more the patterns have in common, the more influence they exert upon one another. The Law of Similarity: Having an accurate physical or mental representation of something facilitates control over it. A model, picture, or other representation (voodoo doll) of your target gives you power to effect the target. This is sympathetic magick. The Law Of Contagion: Objects or beings in physical contact with each other continue to interact after separation. Everyone you have ever touched has a magical link to you, though it may be pretty weak unless the contact was intense and/or prolonged. Naturally, having a part of someone's body gives the best contagion link. Anything once in contact with a substance, person, or object may be used as a “witness” for that substance, person, or object. Example: Use of hair or nail clippings in a voodoo doll allows the magi to tune into the person like a radio receiver. This is “homeopathic magick.” (see IIIb: Law of Unity) The Law of Abundance: This law expresses the attraction of like for like, e.g. money makes money, a fear is an unrequited wish, etc....As it is associated with non-conservation, in the olden days it was referred to as "The Miser's Dread". The occultist who is down to his or her last dollar is advised to go out and spend it, for an energy spent attracts a similar energy. Law of Synthesis: Two or more opposing forces or concepts may be unified in a force or concept, which will contain both the original opposites. This fusion will produce a new pattern more valid than its constituents. That is, it will be applicable to more levels of reality. This new pattern may not be a compromise, but instead may be something completely new. Law of Duality [Polarity]: Opposites can be defined only in relation to each other. Any pattern of data can be split into (at least) two "opposing" characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself. The "opposite" of a pattern contains information about that pattern by providing a definition of what the pattern is not. Thus, control over a pattern's opposite (or near opposite) allows control over both. Law of Connection: Every action is an energy exchange. To have power over something is for it to have power over you. To oppose something is to maintain it. Two opposites each contain the essence of the other. Law of Personification: Any concept, force, object, or phenomena may be considered alive, to have a personality and to be an entity. Any concepts, forces, or objects, which manifest as entities, can and should be treated as real beings. This makes interaction with these forces easier to envision and carry out. These beings (patterns) can also be viewed as objectified aspects of ourselves, but it is useless (perhaps even dangerous) to take this attitude while actually dealing with them. Do not be fooled just because something is only the personification of a pattern of energies. You can be described this way too. The Law of Invocation It is possible to establish internal communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the communication process. The Law of Evocation It is possible to establish external communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be outside oneself during the communication process. Law of Interfaces: Power exists in the interfaces of things. These are the between places that are not entirely one thing or another. (see VIII: Law of Association) Traditionally, these places include caves, grottos, towers, mountains, beaches, wells, crossroads, and cliffs. All the chief hourly changes of the day are considered powerful. These are dawn, noon, twilight (sunset), and midnight. Likewise, the solstices and equinoxes, the pivots of the year, have always been very important. There is a medieval legend that if a woman wished to become a witch she need only remove her clothes and stand between the high- and low-tide marks at the seashore. Law of Words - Symbols of Power: There are words/symbols (keys) that are able to change the inner and/or other realities of those using/perceiving them. These sounds do not necessarily need to be consciously understood by those using/perceiving them in order to have their effect. One view is that these keys have accumulated power through use (attention) over thousands of years. Others would say that there is an intrinsic primordial connection (resonance) between these keys and the forces or concepts they represent that goes beyond human design. Many people believe this about Sanskrit, claiming that it is the original root language of humanity. Many such keys are names, though the meanings may have been lost or forgotten. Many magical tools require symbols to be inscribed upon them and/or words to be said over them during their construction and/or use. Law of Magical Names: In magical systems, a name is the thing named. This is to say that in some way, there is an analogical correspondence between the name and the thing named. There is a connection created by shared structure. To know the true name of a person, place, or thing is to have complete control over it. Of course, you could never command something to do anything that was not in its nature, but to know a thing’s true name is to know its nature. What most people consider to be a name is really (in magical sense) only a label (see XVI: Law of Labeling). This works because a name is a definition as well as a contagion link, and an association (if you call something by the same name over and over, that name eventually becomes associated with the thing). This also works, because knowing the complete and true name of something means that you have achieved a complete understanding of its nature. Law of Labeling: When you label something, you exclude information about it. This is because the thing becomes obscured by other information stored under the label for the thing. If I were to say, “I study magic,” this would immediately bring up all the associations and stored data under the label “magic.” Some people would think of a stage magician; others would think of Satanism, while still others would perceive of the study of magic in terms of historical data. Yet none of these things may actually have anything to do with what you or I might mean by the word “magic.” By symbolizing something, you impose the deep structure of the symbol system used on the way you perceive the thing symbolized. People tend to believe that they understand something when they have a name for it. This is called nominalization. It enables people to take very ill defined concepts and continuing processes and talk about them as if they were concrete things. The problem is that frequently even the users of these terms (names) do not know what they mean. Nominalization is an important tool. However, we must realize when we are using it. Law of information Packing The more information contained in a symbol, the more general (vague) it becomes. The more specific a symbol system is the more information is excludes. Law of Pattern: Information can be viewed as a measure of the unpredictability of a message, that is, the number of variables contained within the message that must be accounted for. The more variables in a message, the more information it contains. In any system, the most probable state of an object is rest (dispersion of available energy). Since most systems tend toward entropy, the least probable state of any object is potential growth. Thus, we can think of the degree of order in a system as the amount of energy in it. Pattern as Information: Information as Energy = Knowledge = Power... The more information you have, the less energy you need. Understanding brings control. The more that is known and understood about a subject, the easier it is to exercise control over it. Some people have defined life as negative entropy because it evolves, i.e. develops greater and greater complexities of pattern. In this sense, the universe becomes more intelligent every day. The Law of Self-Knowledge: A mage who does not have knowledge of himself does not have knowledge (and therefore control) of his own magic. This law is one of the reasons evil magi are very rare. A dedication to "evil for evil's sake" is usually due to a lack of introspection and awareness of oneself. The Law of Identification: It is possible through maximum association between elements of oneself and those of another being to actually become that being, to the point of sharing knowledge and power. This is the law that controls most lengthy or permanent possession phenomena. Law of Intelligence: Any pattern of sufficient complexity will act intelligent when treated as an entity. A pattern more complex than ourselves could be said to be more intelligent than we are. (Law of Personification) Law of Cause and Effect: A law applicable to scientific as well as magickal studies, the Law of Cause and Effect is simple in application. If exactly the same actions are performed under exactly the same conditions with the same results, the same results will be expected during any future occurrences. Most spells involves so many variables, that controlling or even understanding them all is impossible. The key to magical success is learning which variables are the most important, and how to keep them constant. Law of Karma Though Karma is an Eastern term, this law is loosely used by many people to express the 'as you sow, so shall you reap' principle. A generally unheeded aspect of this law involves the exchange of energies. We should never expect anything for nothing, although the exchange need not always be in kind. A gift of money need not be repaid in cash, but could be rewarded in a way which is appropriate to ones means or talent. A simple healing prayer said in deep sincerity may be equal in energy output to a rich man's gift of a thousand dollars. The Law of Dynamic Balance: To survive, let alone to become powerful, one must keep every aspect of one's universe in a state of dynamic balance with every other aspect. Extremism is dangerous. An extreme being becomes so associated with the extreme aspect that they lose the ability to avoid that aspect at all. This is another reason evil magi are rare, as continuous association with pain or death will cause a magus pain or death. This is also why good magi, especially healers, tend to live a long time. The Law of Perversity: Sometimes known as Murphy's Law, if anything can go wrong, it will, and in the most annoying or disastrous manner possible. Magical associations sometimes operate in the reverse of what was desired, and meaningful coincidences are just as likely to be unpleasant as pleasant. Even if nothing can go wrong, some element of the universe may change so that things will go wrong anyway. Emotionally healthy magi have less problems with this law than others do, as the magi own subconscious mind is probably a major perpetrator of this law. The Law of Rebound: A superior force will always rebound a lesser power. In other words, striving against a practitioner or disembodied energy that is stronger or more adept than you will cause whatever you project to return to you in addition to the force of the one singled out for your ire. The Law of Equalities: When two equal forces meet, one will eventually give way to the other who then rises in status as a result. This Law is echoed in the natural laws of science and may be clearly evidenced in particle physics. The Law of Three Requests: This law designates how things do or do not work, according to one's degree of adeptship. If, upon issuing an occult summons, a student finds that the result is not correct, then the right to issue the summons has not yet been earned. The Law of Summons All requests from the subtle (magickal) dimensions are repeated in triplicate. At the first utterance, the conscious mind is alerted, the repeat engages the reasoning faculties, while the third statement makes direct contact with the psyche or soul force. It is an aspect of the mystique of the sacred three. The Law of Challenge: All visions, dreams, sources of inspiration, suspicions, in fact anything that would appear to issue from beyond the bounds of rational, logical thinking, should be challenged for their validity. Be aware of the subtle line that divides your personal reality from the nominal reality and inspiration from delusion. The Law of Balance: Everything should function according to its own frequency or at its correct level. Sitting for hours attempting to move a table with psychokinetic energy, when the same effect can be produced by giving it a slight push, is a fruitless task and waste of energy. This law also governs the stability necessary for the function and correct expression of energy at any level, in particularly in the field of disease and healing. It denounces excesses of any kind, demanding that the physical body be treated with courtesy because it is host to many other life forms.
  8. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Laws of Magick [& Life...] Law of Worldview: The world we perceive is actually a mixture of the nominal world (the Tao, the objective reality that is unknowable but which underlies all that we think we know) and ourselves (the subjective). Changing your worldview does not change the eternal, real world, but it does change the world you perceive. That is, changing your worldview makes real changes in the world which is real to us. (Law of Reflections) Because there are an infinite number of ways to perceive the world, there are also an infinite number of worlds we may assemble without awareness. The true underlying reality is unknowable to us as long as we retain our worldview of separateness and self. You can become one with the universe but you cannot step back and observe it, because you are in it. You cannot observe a phenomenon without altering it by your mode of perception. There is no such thing as an independent observer. You participate in creating the world by perceiving it. The Law of Personal Universes Every sentient being lives in and quite possibly creates a unique universe which can never be 100% identical to that lived in by another. So-called "reality" is a matter of consensus opinions. The Law of Infinite Universes: The total number of universes into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena could be organized is infinite. Anything is possible, though some things are more probable than others and so are easier to enact. According to this law of magick, we live in a world of our own creation as well as an underlying or “real” world. Both worlds are real in as much as both affect us and our well-being, but the world you create through your perceptions is constantly changing based upon both the real world and your perception of it. Only your own personal world may be altered willfully. A good example of this is the use of positive affirmations. By convincing yourself of the possibility of change, you bring that change into being. True immersion in the *real* world would remove any desire to change the world. You might ask why you cannot live in the *real* world, and I would have to say you can... but it is the world we go to when we die. So, you can visit for short periods, but not stay, unless you are ready to move from this plane to the next and leave your body behind. If you should manage to dissolve the illusion of separation from the nominal universe, you lose the ability to observe or alter because you have acknowledged your part in it. Since you cannot live in this *real* world all the time, affirmations, meditations, and spell-work are still valuable tools to reshape the subjective world you must live in. Attempting to alter reality immediately removes the observer to the mutable universe of perception and creation. It is only in the universes of our finite perception that changes may be put into effect because they are mutable, warped copies of the underlying universe which exists independent of our thoughts and perceptions. Because the number of possibilities in any individual universe are infinite, so to are the types of phenomena you can cause through the application of will. However, since some phenomena are more probable than others, some will require less energy should you attempt to put them into effect. For instance, it would be easier to create a pig than a flying pig. It is also difficult though not impossible for two (or more) people to agree upon the same phenomena. Creation of phenomena is easier with one observer (the self) and becomes successively more difficult the more (outside) observers are included. Should you manage to obtain the cooperation of other observers however, either in suspending their expectations or in focusing their wills on a joint project (through agreed upon symbolism), the bending of reality to the Will becomes easier than with only one observer/mage. The Law of Worldviews is a valuable tool toward understanding the nominal universe and affecting the subjective universes of individuals. Application of this Law allows the creation or dispersal of energy in the form of phenomena through our selective perceptions and acceptance of possibility. If you believe you can see and communicate with fairies, angels, spirits, etc, then you will be able to by application of that worldview. If others share that worldview, they will be able to function partially within your world, and you within theirs. Shared perception creates a shared world through which you may affect each other. The shared world will become more real based upon the number of believers in that world. Thus if three out of four people believe enough in the presence of a spirit, they may be able to empower that entity to appear or cause phenomena the fourth non-believer may experience. It is not that we create a non-human entity (though it is possible to do so), but that we allow ourselves the option of perceiving it where others may prefer not to allow it into their personal worldview. --Application of the Law of Worldviews It should be possible through the application of this Law to affect your general environment. First you must ask yourself what phenomena you wish to experience. What senses are you most comfortable experiencing? Of all the senses- sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell- which do you favor? Perception entails all the senses, including the psychic ones, so the phenomena you shoot for does not necessarily have to be visual or clairvoyant. You can try for clairaudient phenomena, taste, touch... whatever appeals to you. Start with phenomena you are comfortable with and move on from there. Start small. Like meditation, control and mastery of this Law will take time and patience. Meditation is in fact a very useful skill in correlation with any application of Magickal Law and should be mastered before attempting focus the will on a particular goal. Try not to force your reality to capitulate so much as anticipate the phenomena you attempt to manifest. Trying to force a change, attempting to dominate your reality, forms a subconscious belief resistance to your will that really does not exist. If you try to force change, you are saying you expect the universe to resist your attempts, but if you just expect something to happen, it will as matter of course. The application of this Law is limited only by your imagination. Law of Attention: The more one seeks to support a given law, conclusion, or worldview, the more evidence one will find. Worldviews have inertia. Since we create our world each moment (see I: Law of Worldviews), we are constantly maintaining our worldview. This is done by means of a recursive internal dialogue of words and symbols with which we constantly edit our perceptions. By rearranging our attention, we rearrange our worldview. Law of Synchronicity: Synchronicity is a term invented by Jung to describe meaningful coincidence that cannot be described by the law of cause and effect. They are events connected by pattern (meaning) rather than time. (see VIII: Law of Association) Some interpret this as an ongoing and developing dialogue between the perceiver and the consciousness of the universe. Two or more events happening at the same time are likely to have more in common than the merely temporal. This dialogue is overt to the degree the perceiver is receptive to (or aware of) it. There is no such thing as a mere coincidence. Law of Unity: Everything is linked, directly or indirectly, to everything else. Every phenomena in existence is linked directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present, or future. Any perceived separation between phenomena is based on fragmentary perception or understanding of the phenomena. Law of Relative Truth: Every statement is true in one sense, false in one sense, and meaningless in one sense. This is a function of one’s vantage point (worldview). “Nothing is true. Everything is permissible.” It is possible for a concept or act to violate the truth patterns of a given personal universe and still be "true," provided that it "works" in a specific situation. Law of Pragmatism: If a pattern of belief or behavior enables a being to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, then that belief or behavior is "true" or "real." If it works, it is true. The more successful a worldview is in fulfilling the goal, the more valid it is said to be. By this definition, few people are completely insane. However, by the same definition, very few people are entirely sane either. Law of Paradox: No worldview may encompass the whole world. Two models (or “laws”) may conflict with each other and still be true in their proper context. Two people may experience the same event yet perceive entirely different occurrences. Rationality is limited by the intellect; the world is not. The world is not bound by the confines of our worldviews. The trick is to switch from one model to another as it becomes appropriate. (Law of Pragmatism) Law of Reflection: As above, so below. The microcosm is the macrocosm. The part contains the whole. One of the most common and widely applicable axioms of magick, it is reputed to have originally been written on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus. Every speck contains the image (or pattern) of the entire universe in the same way that a cell of the body contains the DNA of the entire being. Each person contains the cosmic image. When the inner image is tuned (brought into resonance) with the outer image, a change in one will occur simultaneously with a change in the other. To perceive one is to perceive the other. This is the basis of the mantic systems such as the I Ching or Tarot Cards, and the basis for the belief that humanity is created in God’s Image. The universe is within us and without us. Law of Association: If any two pattern have elements in common, the patterns interact through those common elements. Thus control of one pattern facilitates control of the other(s), depending upon the number of common elements involved (among other factors). The more the patterns have in common, the more influence they exert upon one another. The Law of Similarity: Having an accurate physical or mental representation of something facilitates control over it. A model, picture, or other representation (voodoo doll) of your target gives you power to effect the target. This is sympathetic magick. The Law Of Contagion: Objects or beings in physical contact with each other continue to interact after separation. Everyone you have ever touched has a magical link to you, though it may be pretty weak unless the contact was intense and/or prolonged. Naturally, having a part of someone's body gives the best contagion link. Anything once in contact with a substance, person, or object may be used as a “witness” for that substance, person, or object. Example: Use of hair or nail clippings in a voodoo doll allows the magi to tune into the person like a radio receiver. This is “homeopathic magick.” (see IIIb: Law of Unity) The Law of Abundance: This law expresses the attraction of like for like, e.g. money makes money, a fear is an unrequited wish, etc....As it is associated with non-conservation, in the olden days it was referred to as "The Miser's Dread". The occultist who is down to his or her last dollar is advised to go out and spend it, for an energy spent attracts a similar energy. Law of Synthesis: Two or more opposing forces or concepts may be unified in a force or concept, which will contain both the original opposites. This fusion will produce a new pattern more valid than its constituents. That is, it will be applicable to more levels of reality. This new pattern may not be a compromise, but instead may be something completely new. Law of Duality [Polarity]: Opposites can be defined only in relation to each other. Any pattern of data can be split into (at least) two "opposing" characteristics, and each will contain the essence of the other within itself. The "opposite" of a pattern contains information about that pattern by providing a definition of what the pattern is not. Thus, control over a pattern's opposite (or near opposite) allows control over both. Law of Connection: Every action is an energy exchange. To have power over something is for it to have power over you. To oppose something is to maintain it. Two opposites each contain the essence of the other. Law of Personification: Any concept, force, object, or phenomena may be considered alive, to have a personality and to be an entity. Any concepts, forces, or objects, which manifest as entities, can and should be treated as real beings. This makes interaction with these forces easier to envision and carry out. These beings (patterns) can also be viewed as objectified aspects of ourselves, but it is useless (perhaps even dangerous) to take this attitude while actually dealing with them. Do not be fooled just because something is only the personification of a pattern of energies. You can be described this way too. The Law of Invocation It is possible to establish internal communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the communication process. The Law of Evocation It is possible to establish external communication with entities from either inside or outside oneself, said entities seeming to be outside oneself during the communication process. Law of Interfaces: Power exists in the interfaces of things. These are the between places that are not entirely one thing or another. (see VIII: Law of Association) Traditionally, these places include caves, grottos, towers, mountains, beaches, wells, crossroads, and cliffs. All the chief hourly changes of the day are considered powerful. These are dawn, noon, twilight (sunset), and midnight. Likewise, the solstices and equinoxes, the pivots of the year, have always been very important. There is a medieval legend that if a woman wished to become a witch she need only remove her clothes and stand between the high- and low-tide marks at the seashore. Law of Words - Symbols of Power: There are words/symbols (keys) that are able to change the inner and/or other realities of those using/perceiving them. These sounds do not necessarily need to be consciously understood by those using/perceiving them in order to have their effect. One view is that these keys have accumulated power through use (attention) over thousands of years. Others would say that there is an intrinsic primordial connection (resonance) between these keys and the forces or concepts they represent that goes beyond human design. Many people believe this about Sanskrit, claiming that it is the original root language of humanity. Many such keys are names, though the meanings may have been lost or forgotten. Many magical tools require symbols to be inscribed upon them and/or words to be said over them during their construction and/or use. Law of Magical Names: In magical systems, a name is the thing named. This is to say that in some way, there is an analogical correspondence between the name and the thing named. There is a connection created by shared structure. To know the true name of a person, place, or thing is to have complete control over it. Of course, you could never command something to do anything that was not in its nature, but to know a thing’s true name is to know its nature. What most people consider to be a name is really (in magical sense) only a label (see XVI: Law of Labeling). This works because a name is a definition as well as a contagion link, and an association (if you call something by the same name over and over, that name eventually becomes associated with the thing). This also works, because knowing the complete and true name of something means that you have achieved a complete understanding of its nature. Law of Labeling: When you label something, you exclude information about it. This is because the thing becomes obscured by other information stored under the label for the thing. If I were to say, “I study magic,” this would immediately bring up all the associations and stored data under the label “magic.” Some people would think of a stage magician; others would think of Satanism, while still others would perceive of the study of magic in terms of historical data. Yet none of these things may actually have anything to do with what you or I might mean by the word “magic.” By symbolizing something, you impose the deep structure of the symbol system used on the way you perceive the thing symbolized. People tend to believe that they understand something when they have a name for it. This is called nominalization. It enables people to take very ill defined concepts and continuing processes and talk about them as if they were concrete things. The problem is that frequently even the users of these terms (names) do not know what they mean. Nominalization is an important tool. However, we must realize when we are using it. Law of information Packing The more information contained in a symbol, the more general (vague) it becomes. The more specific a symbol system is the more information is excludes. Law of Pattern: Information can be viewed as a measure of the unpredictability of a message, that is, the number of variables contained within the message that must be accounted for. The more variables in a message, the more information it contains. In any system, the most probable state of an object is rest (dispersion of available energy). Since most systems tend toward entropy, the least probable state of any object is potential growth. Thus, we can think of the degree of order in a system as the amount of energy in it. Pattern as Information: Information as Energy = Knowledge = Power... The more information you have, the less energy you need. Understanding brings control. The more that is known and understood about a subject, the easier it is to exercise control over it. Some people have defined life as negative entropy because it evolves, i.e. develops greater and greater complexities of pattern. In this sense, the universe becomes more intelligent every day. The Law of Self-Knowledge: A mage who does not have knowledge of himself does not have knowledge (and therefore control) of his own magic. This law is one of the reasons evil magi are very rare. A dedication to "evil for evil's sake" is usually due to a lack of introspection and awareness of oneself. The Law of Identification: It is possible through maximum association between elements of oneself and those of another being to actually become that being, to the point of sharing knowledge and power. This is the law that controls most lengthy or permanent possession phenomena. Law of Intelligence: Any pattern of sufficient complexity will act intelligent when treated as an entity. A pattern more complex than ourselves could be said to be more intelligent than we are. (Law of Personification) Law of Cause and Effect: A law applicable to scientific as well as magickal studies, the Law of Cause and Effect is simple in application. If exactly the same actions are performed under exactly the same conditions with the same results, the same results will be expected during any future occurrences. Most spells involves so many variables, that controlling or even understanding them all is impossible. The key to magical success is learning which variables are the most important, and how to keep them constant. Law of Karma Though Karma is an Eastern term, this law is loosely used by many people to express the 'as you sow, so shall you reap' principle. A generally unheeded aspect of this law involves the exchange of energies. We should never expect anything for nothing, although the exchange need not always be in kind. A gift of money need not be repaid in cash, but could be rewarded in a way which is appropriate to ones means or talent. A simple healing prayer said in deep sincerity may be equal in energy output to a rich man's gift of a thousand dollars. The Law of Dynamic Balance: To survive, let alone to become powerful, one must keep every aspect of one's universe in a state of dynamic balance with every other aspect. Extremism is dangerous. An extreme being becomes so associated with the extreme aspect that they lose the ability to avoid that aspect at all. This is another reason evil magi are rare, as continuous association with pain or death will cause a magus pain or death. This is also why good magi, especially healers, tend to live a long time. The Law of Perversity: Sometimes known as Murphy's Law, if anything can go wrong, it will, and in the most annoying or disastrous manner possible. Magical associations sometimes operate in the reverse of what was desired, and meaningful coincidences are just as likely to be unpleasant as pleasant. Even if nothing can go wrong, some element of the universe may change so that things will go wrong anyway. Emotionally healthy magi have less problems with this law than others do, as the magi own subconscious mind is probably a major perpetrator of this law. The Law of Rebound: A superior force will always rebound a lesser power. In other words, striving against a practitioner or disembodied energy that is stronger or more adept than you will cause whatever you project to return to you in addition to the force of the one singled out for your ire. The Law of Equalities: When two equal forces meet, one will eventually give way to the other who then rises in status as a result. This Law is echoed in the natural laws of science and may be clearly evidenced in particle physics. The Law of Three Requests: This law designates how things do or do not work, according to one's degree of adeptship. If, upon issuing an occult summons, a student finds that the result is not correct, then the right to issue the summons has not yet been earned. The Law of Summons All requests from the subtle (magickal) dimensions are repeated in triplicate. At the first utterance, the conscious mind is alerted, the repeat engages the reasoning faculties, while the third statement makes direct contact with the psyche or soul force. It is an aspect of the mystique of the sacred three. The Law of Challenge: All visions, dreams, sources of inspiration, suspicions, in fact anything that would appear to issue from beyond the bounds of rational, logical thinking, should be challenged for their validity. Be aware of the subtle line that divides your personal reality from the nominal reality and inspiration from delusion. The Law of Balance: Everything should function according to its own frequency or at its correct level. Sitting for hours attempting to move a table with psychokinetic energy, when the same effect can be produced by giving it a slight push, is a fruitless task and waste of energy. This law also governs the stability necessary for the function and correct expression of energy at any level, in particularly in the field of disease and healing. It denounces excesses of any kind, demanding that the physical body be treated with courtesy because it is host to many other life forms.
  9. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Thanks Also... were you asking me, in general, to share ritual results? I have, many many times- on various thread replies... they all get glossed over, --- I guess, because, either: -no one believes them -or they didn't see them... cause they were throwing bloody elbows @ each other lol
  10. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Thats the purpose of this thread once we can figure out who is all on board - we can start doing minor rituals- share experiences-- Q&A, then move on to bigger projects - together... First small ritual, will be scrying past lifetimes People, will get an idea, what 'archetypes', might be most easily aligned to, that way
  11. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Yes, you may be on to something there Personal testimonies- are very tight-lip in magick A Magick Axiom is: To be Silent- Hippocrates This the reason I wrote so many books- to reveal what goes on beyond the secret veils Seriously, too- some [many] magickians-- well, they have personality differences- their inner makeup, is usually not very socialable it is a lonely path The success rate of ritual, can sometimes be very misinterpretted by the 'profane', too A lot is chalked up to 'coincidence' Hollywood theatrics are lacking in magick the whole good vs evil- hidden masters- illuminati death rites - that stuff is made-4-TV.... magick can be boring-- that's why they invented 'ceremonial magick'
  12. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    To the mages out there- this is really essential info... and you rarely see this , - even in some primo magick forums [i've been in quite a few] Along with those Planetary hours = check this out. I have used this technique in the past, and it works very well. http://books.google....id=X-f_PAAACAAJ Software- for easy work without the book: http://www.originalf..._calculator.php
  13. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Decanates show up a lot in magick. 72 Goetia/Book of Howlings Entities 36 x 2 = day/night also Shemhamphorash- the [72] name of yahweh side note- Anton Lavey in his 'Satanic Bible' series- loved using the name: SHEMHAMPHORASH!... never having a clue what it was lol
  14. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Linear- yeah,- maybe "just a year" under your belt... But, as you 'remember' the info.- you just start 'groking'-- and then it becomes "wow, how did I know that stuff".. people, who have a connection with the esoteric arts- usually carry it over from past lifetimes... Some have a natural affinity, to maybe- Druidism-- then have past life recall to living in that 'age' Now, it is only a matter of time, before the memories start finding their way to the front Your aura is different, from how I remember it, when I first started posting here, 6 weeks ago......... so it is working. Your frame of mind/spirit also climbed up from being 'down' to 'empowered' - so that always helps too lol
  15. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    http://dao-jones.blogspot.com/2012/08/egregores.html Egregore: An occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egregore ------------------------------------------- Egregores can be Created Deliberately: Magickal Lodges & Lineages: Magickal Lodges: Read My Free Magick Book Here: 'Lineages' will be discussed in a Separate Thread Egregores can be Created, Without even Realising it: Religions create Egregores: Servant/Slave < Master [yahweh/allah/jesus/mary/saints/apostles/disciples/followers/Gods/angels/demi-gods/avatars,etc] Video Games: People give much Energy to these. Teens have Testosterone surges/Puberty-age [Poltergeists created by PSI] Movies: "Mini-Series"/Prequels/Sequels.. "Twilight" Egregore/Current can tapped into... by Vampyre fans. Sexual Energy Feeds Comic Strips: Children, imagining they're "Spiderman"... The Astrals are full of Comic super-heroes & villians... Nightmares that can surround you, and even greet you, when you close your eyes in death.. If they were never successfully neutralized... Porn: A lot of Energy Feeding goes into Porn *Especially if you are under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs *Partaking in what Your Culture Considers "Taboo:. *Using it for a Mystical Experiences [sex Magick/Qi Exercises/Tantra] Music/Musicians/Rock bands, etc., Sound can feed it, even more [as can, millions of teenage fans...] Psychedelic Plants/Mushrooms, etc They have an ancient consciousness, all their own Objects/Talismans/Amulets/Books/Grimoires...even, some Occult Forums... can 'harbor' Egregores...
  16. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Like many esoteric forums- if it is bigger enough, been around long enough, and has many members-- it develops an Egregore Uni-consciousness that is 'people-made'...but not necessarily- 'people-friendly'...but 'people-fed'..........either way
  17. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    After we get feedback/replies on this thread [not sure if anyone is reading it lol] we can lay out an easy and safe *Scrying ritual & Once we can get viewers, posting results from the skrying/scrying Ritual.. we can explore how important Chi is, in ritual success- by manipulating it for *YiGongKunlun Candle Burning Magick... [My sole Invention ] *also- banishing the residual energies that linger and can 'haunt' *also- psychic self defense- keeping your aura strong against other's /psychic vampyrism 101 [as well as damage done by impregnating/transmissions/initiations/shaktipat (by the UnQualified) ]
  18. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Inanna descent myth, is one of the Pagan ways to keep this knowledge alive, but Hidden/Occult [tarot cards do the same]
  19. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    If this thread goes anywhere- i.e., people discuss it [staying within the mainframe of the subject]- the first 'Ritual" will be scrying... There are 2 ways to scry: Looking beyond the mirror, as a portal or Facial Distortion- watching the facial images 'change' A dark mirror should be used. a turned off TV or computer monitor can also be used, but not recommended Until this is discussed- Get a Penny, & push into the soft spot on the forehead/3rd eye area-- it will become stuck. This teaches one to relax the facial muscles. Any stress will cause the penny to fall off. This is also a good tool, to fight stress/tension headaches
  20. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    We are deliberately eliminating 'religion' - so whatever ritual tools we are using- will only be extensions of ourself [no need to carve Hebrew letters on them, etc] We are stripping off all the religious connotations - so it is not heavily patriarchial/yahweh/tetragrammaton we are not mixing traditions- which becomes 'Chaos Magick" [thus, the chaos] Earth- a quartz crystal Air- a feather Fire- wand/flashlight is better Water- a cup Spirit- a battery
  21. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    Study the info provided previously on this thread & apply the Middle Pillar exercise [if you do not follow a chi circulation regimen] The ancients numbered the Planets as 7- what they can view in the sky. Thus, the concept of 7 Chakras were also born. Mixing of [eastern] traditions brought us Yoga, Sex Magick, Tantra- and some confusion. Kundalini, - actually Descends from the above [sphere- thus Middle Pillar]... the physical body 'sensations'... mirror it, reverse [similar to how the brain/eye see- reverse] The theory of the Middle Pillar exercise: energy flowing down to keep kundalini from going up- is corrupt The Sanskrit symbols on the chakras- are not really there [culture mixing].. chakra themselves are ganglions of nerves where a storehouse of energy intersect. The myth of the Pineal Gland being the whole power center is also erroneous... Complete development must entail the entire hyperspatial connection/bridge: pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, and the amygdala
  22. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    lol don't abandon me! you know your stuff Besides can't have a Q&A thread without other people lol *also... can see 'energy streams' from your posts.... 3-4 weeks ago, caused a shift, around you...[?]
  23. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

  24. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    Belial and myself, go back, a long time... [chronicled in my diaries/grimoires =books] Illuminati, is amongst us Magickians hid [thus: Occult!] the Secrets... from the Profane [Non_Initiated] for a "Reason"... Couple of hundred years ago- half of us, on this thread- would be burnt to the stake, by the other half... Ironically- all the myth and fallacies being thrown around- were actually started by the Magickians of old... -- Nothing sells Mystique better, than historical labyrinths, consisting of small lies and short spurts of truth... [think about it...] All you mages- channel that fighting energy lol, & post here: http://thetaobums.co...instruction-qa/
  25. Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&A

    theurgy ..... is a practicing magickian... and will be a valuable asset -- to have posting on this thread