Disabled Not Broken

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Everything posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. King Arthur - Daoist, Alchemist & Bender

    Thank you
  2. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    Egregores: http://dao-jones.blogspot.com/2012/08/egregores.html
  3. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    You've mentioned the "egregore' before but I can't find the other posts right now (and not actually looking hard enough, forgive:-)) I was wondering for quite a while whether the 'tapping in' to some kind of 'entity' (for example an archetype, for example a deity of some kind) brings ALL of the 'stuff' associated with that deity to a person whether the person tapping in knows about them in detail or not. Whether the result is highly dependent on the individual's understanding/ideas of the deity. You know, the fun questions:-) In other words, let's say I'm attempting to 'incarnate' 'Diana the huntress' (the kind of thing I don't do these days) and decide to 'tap in' - am I going to end up with ALL of Diana's qualities or just the ones I think she has (dependent on my prior understanding of her)? I'm all for using my own imagination, not so happy about it being used, if you see what I mean. Here's an Example: Isis became Ishtar and Astarte Then the church [Easter] made Her into a Male Demon -Ashteroth So, if you are going to invoke/evoke an entity, you want to assume the 'Godform' of it... by locking into your psyche, those intended attributes/archetypes-- so you 'dial in' the right one Sigils, the entity's 'signature' - is useful in that measure Like for instance- Lucifer Lux - the Phosphorus LightBearer, or the evil 'devil' satan- which now exists on the astrals due to fear and misinformation if satan wasn't real back in the day- he is now So if you invoke Lucifer- lol which one do you get? Basically - learn as much as you can about the entity, prior Create some kind of tangible attachment to this one -sigil/drawing/poppet[doll] -incense/color coordinate Visualise what it looks like to you how it speaks how it feels mantra/name - call to it in a vibratory voice that shakes the astrals and impregnates it --so it becomes heavy and descends make it real Allow you and 'it' to share the same 'space'
  4. You're younger and can type faster lol
  5. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    Western Magick incorporates a lot of Qabala, Tree of Life. [too] Much Yahweh dogma [for my taste] Tetragrammaton YHVH/IHVH work- Much Hebrew [he's a nasty demon Egregore lol] It is all Yoga and spiritual gymnastics- tainted/colored by the mage's *will* Chaos magick, no rules everything goes. One can blend Lovecraft/Necronomicon fantasy- and it will still work because of the Egregore(s) German Bardon is an offshoot -- sort of on England Lodges Golden Dawn with a twist of Fire and Ice Saturnalia Magick Lodges [their golem was Nosferatu] Old Witchcraft was Shamanic Wicca was made by Gerald Gardner- who had Aleister Crowley make their Book of Shadows Enochian is advanced, and can be dangerous to the psyche Vodoun uses raw primordial godform streams/currents Each of these magicks have Egregores- which allow the tapping into their own unique flavor/current --And each one I mentioned has many more facets to them [very generalised on my part] Bardon is good, [for beginners] but some of it is greatly exaggerated That new book I'm writing: "ChiCraft": is ideal for what you're asking. It will be a free pdf download when it's done. It will teach how to use your Chi, for magickal purposes High/Low end magick(s)
  6. Astral problems

  7. Entity/EMI/Telekinesis Alarm: Easy Construction

    Might sound a bit cheesey --but... If you have this contraption, sitting on a table, over in the corner - without being in the crossfire of air conditioning, vibration, pets, or window/door vacuum/drafts... & It is 3AM.. and this thing starts screeching... You wake up, and check it out-- you can tell... something "just isn't right..."
  8. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    Rather than poking fun - open your mind and research
  9. Ritualistic Magic? Whats the point?

    I have been a Mage for over 35 years. 4th Generation Strega [italian Witch] I wrote 19 books on it. [All Free PDF Downloads] http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/SaToGa I am currently writing a new one called: "ChiCraft: Bridging Eastern Chi with Western WitchCraft" There is Low and High Magick * High Magick is the exploration of the Higher Self, and the path to Ascension, Enlightenment * Low Magick is getting Love, Money, Healing, etc - fulfillment of the Lower self
  10. Empower Your Chi Practice *INSTANTLY* With This Easy Visual

    Welcome Let us know if you detected any differences? --Thank you
  11. This is the latest intricate crop circle to appear overnight in a British wheat field. The mysterious pattern resembles the ancient Tibetan Buddhist symbol of an 'endless knot' - a complex loop of lines and circles used to illustrate the eternal flow of time. The symbol has many meanings but because it has no beginning and no end many people who follow the religion say it represents the wisdom of Buddha. http://www.dailymail...-landscape.html So - if anyone knows who these "2 drunk college kids are, who fashion these"... I'd like to hire them to craft some gnarly pictograms on my front lawn... <insert sarcasm face here>
  12. Empower Your Chi Practice *INSTANTLY* With This Easy Visual

    Bonus! Visualize yourself Inside a Crystal Pyramid. The Piezo-Electric properties will greatly enhance your Chi Experience... Don't do this visual-- with the Bar Magnet over head, though Too much Magnetism may give you the "Kunlun Effect"...
  13. Has some good insights by Yogi Bhajan Not sure who Yogi Bhajan is... When a guy has a "Sufi" or "Yogi" prefix- before his name, ...always makes me throw up my whistles horns and red flags lol so...caveat emptor not sure why they have drums in the background- is louder than his voice lol
  14. If you can make one of those in my yard- I will personally dress up as a Pink Power Ranger, and you can video tape for YouTube
  15. I know one thing... I am a Tattoo Artist- and to draw a Celtic KnotWork on someone, is extremely difficult... Making something, like this, in a field- without bruising the actual grain ... ?...maybe using light, sound, magnetism, diatonic ratios, w/sacred geometry spoke about it in my books
  16. sorry - unable to fix my original thread title-- seems DailyMail automatically added the URL in with it
  17. 3 Shamanic Videos

    Take away from this...that if you ever choose to become a shaman... become a shaman who never sacrifice animals. Animal sacrifice is never necessary Abrahamic Religions LOVE BLOOD. ....And BLOOD SACRIFICE is STILL being DONE TODAY in the Name of yahweh This keeps that DEMONIC EGREGORE ihvh/hvhi Alive A raw fresh chicken egg can be substituted in ritual personal magick of course, so can sex No one should EVER be Harmed for magick purposes
  18. 3 Shamanic Videos

    Thank you.
  19. Ripped dan tien

    Not ripped - put your left hand over it, then right hand over that. [Lao Gong points] Breath in deeply/Yin It will heal in a few days
  20. King Arthur - Daoist, Alchemist & Bender

    Thank you -- much appreciated
  21. King Arthur - Daoist, Alchemist & Bender

    He was the Head Naga