Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. You are not the first to point this out.


    Drew claimed this in a number of posts.


    Funny how [your] energy seems to come down my crown right now...


    This is a Buffet for hungry ghosts, and for their handlers...


    When I first started posting on this forum - I immediately offered to help anyone who asked me


    I got an email from a female [won't mention names] - and I gave her psychic self defense advice [what she asked for]


    After this post- she promptly deleted herself off my friend's list - which she originally initiated


    [some people get spooked....]


    My offer, still stands :)

  2. Interesting, you seem to frame this as negative entity of sorts. i'm curious, what in my post made you think that something like this could be influencing me? you say i might be "ensared" by it, as if i'm not aware of its presence...


    It wasn't something, you said, in your post.


    It is something I 'felt and saw'...



    for all i know you're right. i'm at a very chaotic period in my life with all sorts of struggles...occupational, interpersonal relationships, sexual, you name it. Everything in my life is chaos right now...my mind. emotions and life perspectives are all over the place and i can't seem to find any stability.


    Qi practice is powerful.

    However, sometimes, when we 'experiment' with various techniques, we are left 'vulnerable' until the residual effects from prior practice, 'levels off' [bleed-throughs can sometimes occur]


    These 'exploits' can compromise the security of our aura.


    Coupled with: personal/emotional/financial energy 'displacement' -- your 'bio-field' is like 'Braille to a blind person'. [Can't be seen, but can be read]


    it's just weird you were able to pick up on that vibe from a forum post...


    Not to 'stroke my ego'... but those 'exploits' - can be 'felt & seen' -- even on a Forum -- by a 'retired guru'. ;)


    Forums can carry Egregores.



    A forum, such as this one - is a place where some individuals can receive a "Transmission/Shaktipat"... there are no finite boundaries once an individual has 'transcended time & space'


    Likewise - black magick & vampyrism can also run amok on occult forums.


    That is why I posted the article I wrote:

    Tip For "Haunted" Kunlun




    How many readers, start to yawn, after spending sometime reading this forum?

    Like your energy got drained?

    There are active psychic-vampyres on this forum

    [some are deliberate]


    This is another one of those times when Time & Space was Breached...



  3. does anyone here practice solo cultivation, ie: masturbation without ejaculation/climax? it's basically tantric sex/karezza without a partner, from what i have gathered.


    i'm interested in this because i need to find a middleground, i went through a "totally celibate, cultivate energy without having sexual thoughts" phase, but it was way too impractical and almost unnatural. I've gone back to normal masturbation (with climax) and that too, has been pretty unfulfilling.


    I can't stand the neurochemical hangover after orgasm so i was thinking masturbation without climax might be a good path to take up. You get the best of both worlds...sexual pleasure PLUS the vitalizing effects of retention.


    it sound good in theory, but has anyone tried it? i've heard you have to stay in th 50-80% arousal rate for this to work, so i'm going to try that to start and see how it goes...


    You have to be aware, that you 'might' be ensnared in Egregore(s)

    Explained Here:

    • Like 2

  4. Format isn't working for this post:

    Pictures, & Article, etc.


    My Article Here:





    Coils In Your Mattresses, Box Springs, Automobiles, Recliners, Desk Chairs...



    The Coils that YOU Lie on, Sit on, Sleep on...all Conduct Energies.

    • You lay in bed, and watch TV, while talking on your Cell Phone...

    • Your Microwave is on, and you are sitting on your Sofa...

    • The Laptop, lying on your lap, while resting on your Recliner...

    • Sitting on your Swiveling Desk Chair, looking at a Computer Screen...

    • Day-dreaming, [Alpha Level] stuck in traffic, Sitting in Your Automobile's Seat...

    • Doing Your Chi Practices, either sitting on the end of your Bed, Recliner or Desk Chair...

    These Coils, are Antennas, Receivers... like Capacitors, storing the Energies, all around you



    These can cause EMI


    [ElectroMagnetic Interference]



    and other Energy Distortions.



    Prana, Qi, are also... Waves.

  5. I'm been doing some thinking recently. It seems to me that almost everybody says that having a kundalini awakening,,,,,,,,,[snip.....]


    Terminology can be misleading.


    Kundalini 'Arousal' can make an individual feel as if the "Enlighten Trip" has been Initiated.


    However, that Arousal, is just that...an Arousal.


    Now, said individual, starts to tell his family/friends/neighbors/TaoBums:


    "Hey My Kundalini Activated and Now I am Uber-Human!"


    Said individual's family/friends/neighbors/TaoBums... really notice No Change.




    So, now - family/friends/neighbors/TaoBums... question Kundalini, and if, it is really, something 'that awesome'....


    A Full Blown Awakening [Not an Arousal], is a whole new ball game.


    In My Opinion/Experience, A Full Blown Awakening is Extremely Rare.


    Most who experience A Full Blown Awakening, are either Solitary, and don't tell too many people... or they are in a nursing home/sanitarium, and don't tell too many people.


    An odd thing, is... usually a Full Blown Awakening "tags" people, and others, who also, actually had a Full Blown Awakening can 'intuitively grok' each other.


    In MY Opinion... I have not "Noticed", too many...


    [i'd also be willing to bet - that the Urine Sample from a Full Blown Awakened Vs. an Aroused, would be, very different. The Former, might be close to a diagnosed Schizophrenic patient.]

  6. I am going to give you some advice...


    I was hesitant to say this before, [on your prior Kundalini threads, looking for assistance] - because this will be Controversial.


    If you have awakened Kundalini, like you say you do, and you want to squelch the heat and bad side effects...


    Then, purchase the ''Kunlun'' book by Max Christensen




    [--or maybe someone here will give you the technique, but you are better off reading the whole book, yourself]


    As a last resort, if you are still looking for Ibogaine, or other drugs, that I believe, will hinder you.


    Kunlun Level #1 , IN MY OPINION- slows down Kundalini surges


    It will not "kill" it, but allows you to keep it 'on the shelf'- for perhaps, a later date.


    [almost in 'limbo' - working behind the

    invisible/tolerable scenes]


    You will be working on your central channel- more or less bringing cooler energy down the 'central core' of your body


    There is a lot of disagreement on this... but, This is MY Own Experience



    The heat, turned to cool, and felt like a total Alchemical change


    In your case, as you state, you do not have much to loss


    In this instance, you might actually be gaining...


    [& I assume, you are NOT doing any Kundalini practices to allow it to get stronger -- if you are, HALT them, prior to doing Kunlun]

    • Like 1

  7. Well thanks for the advice guys. I'll do my best to keep it to heart. Oh and DNB, i practice ki blast and other variouse ki techniques, so i'd blast down any ki ghosts i dont take favor to nor would i yell out i see them if they were my own. Id use em to excel in concentrating in class.


    Well im not sure about a mystical experience. It just feels right in my soul.


    Im gonna start training on astral projection then, so i can properly find a guru. Oh and just for you guys to know, i live in South Africa


    Well im gonna use ki ghosts to speed up training time. Oh and one last thing. Is it just my imagination, or is there a cloacked human fiqure with a white owls mask at the foot of my bed, please tell me its just my imagination.



  8. The strangest thing happened to me. For the past few weeks, whenever i tried to meditate, or even sometimes just closed my eyes. A brown wolf would attack me.


    Totems guide...


    Do me a favor, please?

    [You added me as a Friend,,, so let me be a friend]

    Check out this link - if you like it, try it... ok?




  9. Hi DNB :)


    Not only do you seem like a travelling salesman for siddhis, but you seem to have the mistaken notion that you can convert the astral body into a golden body or a diamond body. You know, I've never heard of that and I've read many many books.


    About the healing, you are either an authentic healer, in which case, instead of talking about it you would have healed Mike (the ibogaine notion) after healing yourself, or you are a feeble mind trying to convince yourself and others that these things are possible through developing the astral body.


    Although all the things you've mentioned are some of the minor siddhis realized by most competent Buddhist practioners, they are a side-effect from a true path. They serve to convince the mind that it is progressing and also to help separate the authentic teachers from the wanna-be's.



    Perhaps you could tell us more about him, since you have developed your astral body into a golden body and are capable of discerning his karma, his past lives, his present life and future ones.. If you are going to talk the talk, then you better be prepared to walk the walk.. Prove it to us.




    I am finished with this debate.


    I have stated my opinions.


    You have stated, yours.


    Now, let This Thread stand,...


    As a Testimony & Witness, [to my initial argument],...

    that "Forcing Open the Third Eye, can lead to Qi Psychosis.




    Hi DNB :)

    Just one last question.

    Towards the end of my afternoon meditation a man appeared to me in a vision, fairly fit, about 34 years of age and completely bald (or head was shaved). The eyes were dark. Of particular note was that this person had a small elongated orb of golden light above the head.

    Was that you?












    Hi :)




    That picture is exactly what I saw after the meditation, later that night, and the next day too. After a while I could even see the tunnel that leads to you.

  10. Hi DNB :)

    Just one last question.

    Towards the end of my afternoon meditation a man appeared to me in a vision, fairly fit, about 34 years of age and completely bald (or head was shaved). The eyes were dark. Of particular note was that this person had a small elongated orb of golden light above the head.

    Was that you?







    I am finished with this debate.


    I have stated my opinions.


    You have stated, yours.


    Now, let This Thread stand,...


    As a Testimony & Witness, [to my initial argument],...

    that "Forcing Open the Third Eye, can lead to Qi Psychosis.

    • Like 1

  11. Hi DNB :)

    You know there is an old expression: "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig loves it".

    So let's get down and stinky, shall we?

    You don't seem to be acknowledging that age is not a barrier. I've said what I said about it.




    Let me help you out with this:

    In that post, you said:



    You know, there is another old expression. "Those who know, do. Those who don't, teach." This of course does not apply to authentic gurus/lamas/Buddhists/Taoists.


    Not only do you seem like a travelling salesman for siddhis, but you seem to have the mistaken notion that you can convert the astral body into a golden body or a diamond body. You know, I've never heard of that and I've read many many books.


    About the healing, you are either an authentic healer, in which case, instead of talking about it you would have healed Mike (the ibogaine notion) after healing yourself, or you are a feeble mind trying to convince yourself and others that these things are possible through developing the astral body.


    Although all the things you've mentioned are some of the minor siddhis realized by most competent Buddhist practioners, they are a side-effect from a true path. They serve to convince the mind that it is progressing and also to help separate the authentic teachers from the wanna-be's.





    I get your point about teaching dangerous practices. To me, ignorance is dangerous.


    Red Phoenix is not a third eye practice. It is a third eye and crown practice, very much similar to kriya spinal breathing or targetted bhastrika. And yes, you would be responsible. An authentic guru or lama takes responsibility for his/her students. But that implies certain abilities which apparently you don't have or have mysteriously forgotten about which is exemplified in how you behave.


    When I first learned Kunlun, during one meditation, I saw a vision of a land of water (one big ocean) with a red sun in the sky. As I attempted to 'go there', I saw Max standing there waving his finger at me, saying "You are not ready to go there yet". So I pursued my practices and eventually did get to that planet.

    When I did 10 days of Buhta Shuddi mantra (108 recitations which took 2 1/2 hours), my guru manifested a red rose for me in the astral plane as a sign that I had completed my initiation and shaktipat.

    The point is, an authentic teacher/guru will meet you on the astral planes and guide you. It is something to experience. If you are as advanced as you seem to be by your writings, you should have no trouble taking care of your students from the astral planes. Yet, you balk at the idea and spread fear and confusion.




    Just hold on a minute. I'm not selling irresponsible teaching or practices. The sources I quote are not occult nor are they flying by the seat of the pants. The references are from valid teachers and teachings, with authentic teachers/gurus who stand behind their practices. You are trying to make is seem like my links are dangerous when they are not. Proper practice with correct understanding from an authentic teacher is the key...




    So wouldn't you have the intelligence to make your students sign a waiver too if you couldn't attend to their needs remotely through astral travel? What? Not quite there yet? I too signed the waiver. It was quite theatrical, wasn't it?




    Perhaps you could tell us more about him, since you have developed your astral body into a golden body and are capable of discerning his karma, his past lives, his present life and future ones.. If you are going to talk the talk, then you better be prepared to walk the walk.. Prove it to us.




    I am familiar with Mike's case. You are just spreading more fear here. Mike didn't arrive at kundalini through spiritual practices at all. And, in Mike's case, spiritual practices aren't going to help much because 1) his state precludes him from performing practices to the required level of efficay and 2) Mike isn't interested in spirituality, and 3) I think that Mike doesn't believe any of this stuff and is very reluctant to let anyone inside his psyche, like an authentic healer.


    Mike needs an authentic healer/guru/lama to ground his kundalini and give him a hand. Perhaps you could? There are a few people here who seem to talk big but do nothing. I pray for Mike, that's what I do.




    Don't put words in my mouth. I never said 'force'. If you can't understand my point of view, the need for proper instruction from authentic teachers and teachings, there is not much point in even talking to you.




    No, this thread is now about your bullshit. Your spreading of fear and ignorance. Your propping your ego up on a pedestal so that others innocents and unknowers can stroke your ego and give you some sense of meaning, belonging and authority. When in reality, if you were capable of doing everything that you have implied in your other posts on this forum, your approach would be entirely different.


    Just so you know I mean you no harm, I only hope that you examine your mind and see how it is functioning.





    Now that is something to strive for. Isn't it?


    Be well.




    No, this thread is now about your bullshit. Your spreading of fear and ignorance. Your propping your ego up on a pedestal so that others innocents and unknowers can stroke your ego and give you some sense of meaning, belonging and authority. When in reality, if you were capable of doing everything that you have implied in your other posts on this forum, your approach would be entirely different.


    I am finished with this debate.


    I have stated my opinions.


    You have stated, yours.


    Now, let This Thread stand,...


    As a Testimony & Witness, [to my initial argument],...

    that "Forcing Open the Third Eye, can lead to Qi Psychosis.

  12. Ceasing one's attachments to their afflictions at the root, why not? But only if you've also dropped the attachment to non-suffering :lol:

    "what the bleep do we know" movie- shows how the body can get addicted to chemicals related to drama, suffering, etc


    we create circumstances to ensure a steady flow of these chemicals, or we start to withdrawl


    what qi practitioners and magi have known for ages ;)

  13. So, the next time you are in the breathless state, have your wife take your pulse..



    Should she actually 'test' to see if I am not breathing, upon entering my 'aura-space', I 'feel it', & it starts to stir me, which of course, disturbs the breathing cessation


  14. Hi DNB, :)

    Apparently we all act according to our belief systems, however varied they may be.

    Your main argument or justification for spreading fear and caution is because the poster is 15 years old.

    Is that valid? Aside from the fact that I started learning about spiritual practices at a much earlier age, let's examine your belief.




    Greetings Brother :)


    My main argument consisted of two factors -


    Age being one of them = he's 15


    And my other criteria, was based on the posts he wrote,

    [which I Also Included/Quoted]



    This is a Forum, which means everyone, gives Feedback, Based on their Own Personal Experience and Opinion.


    After all, Opinion is the gateway to individual, subjective reality


    Here I will Quote from something I posted on one of My Own Threads:


    Each one of these 'sub-categories' would be taught on a 'Merit system' -- not all of my students would be taught everything, due to the simple fact, that some can easily abuse/misuse these systems.




    However, your post is not beneficial for learning, does not present a positive attitude and does not help people. You said:


    "Once the 'head is cracked open'... a straight jacket is not too far behind "


    It is not right to misrepresent truth because you estimate that the audience is too young, not capable or in some way not worthy. Your statement is more a reflection of your own state of mind.


    We owe it to our children that they learn proper techniques, correct understanding and establish themselves in true knowledge.




    If I decided to teach him, let's say,...the Red Phoenix, I would be laying down My Own Karma = [Responsibility], should he have a bad experience.


    He stated his parents were "Traditional"


    Let's extend this scenario to a possible conclusion:

    [This is Very Logical Scenario - In My Opinion ;)]


    If he started having bad visions, his parents would probably think he was on drugs...and maybe say "I told you not to do that stuff"

    Now what?

    His parents take him, maybe to a Psychiatrist, because he keeps seeing "Ki ghosts" [that is how he found this forum, by Googling "Ki Ghosts" (sic)]


    Who's responsible?

    Who's getting "Sued"...?

    Who's Karma is on the line, here?


    If I went to Court, with a print out of the links you provided... what would happen?

    [i would lose lol]



    Of course, this is the Western World, not China, [or India, etc.,] and the mind frame in the Western world is not geared for Indigo Children.


    And then there are indigo children.


    And then they are using third eye opening to help blind children in China.

    Unfortunately, the videos are not in English..




    I am an Asperger, which many consider Indigo Children: I went through hell


    When I signed a Release Form to Learn the Red Phoenix- 'crack open the head'...The Release Form asked if I was "18 years, or Older'....

    Why? :)


    In USA, if a child acts up in class ["Help! I see Ki Ghosts!"]- the police are called and he is cuffed and maybe tazed.


    As I quoted, above: each of my students are taught on an 'Individual Merit System'


    My spiritual intuition, tells me the Original Poster, is not ready for "cracking open the head"


    [To remind you, there is a frequent poster here, who is seeking answers for his Kundalini, which is destroying him...& wants to know, if Ibogaine will stop it. Things have a way of going wrong]


    Quote from Original Posters Tao Bums Profile;


    Lindelani Mnisi's Profile

    About Me

    Im basically an immitature and curiouse teenager


    "immitature and curiouse teenager"....I guess he is saying he is "Immature and Curious"...?


    Tibetan_Ice... you feel it is wise for this Teenager to force open his Third Eye?... Seriously?

    Again, this whole thread is about THIS Particular Young man, to which You say:


    Hi DNB, :)


    Your main argument or justification for spreading fear and caution is because the poster is 15 years old.

    Is that valid?

    However, your post is not beneficial for learning, does not present a positive attitude and does not help people. You said:


    "Once the 'head is cracked open'... a straight jacket is not too far behind "


    It is not right to misrepresent truth because you estimate that the audience is too young, not capable or in some way not worthy. Your statement is more a reflection of your own state of mind.


    We owe it to our children that they learn proper techniques, correct understanding and establish themselves in true knowledge.



    • Like 3

  15. Someone Emailed me, and asked me why I always use the colors red and blue


    Red & Blue can be used for cross correspondence in Western based Magickal systems


    Jupiter is blue


    Mars is red


    On the Tree of Life/Qabala, Chesed is Blue and Red is Gevurah


    Chesed= the building force of the universe.

    Geburah= tearing down force of the universe/Entropy

  16. Cool esoteric stuff. You should get a Personal Discussion Page and make sure this and other how-to posts are kept in a single place where they can be worked through. You've got some fascinating techniques.


    Thanks for sharing them.

    Thank you, that was very cool :)


    I'm glad to assist others


    Now that I have this knowledge, if I can't share it- what the heck can I do with it? LOL :)

  17. I've had similar-ish phenomena from longevity breathing; breaths over a minute long I am not really able to feel sensation of breath (or to be more explicit, not feeling any air move through the passageways)...heart rate etc need to drop low enough for those things to happen otherwise the cranial nerve feedback loops engage and simply present a 'glass floor' that is damn near impossible to pass through otherwise. I described here and here about the some of the resultant effects that coherently and harmoniously arranged energetics are able to produce that go on to sustain the body while "the breath" transitions into something more along the lines of respiration, subtle though the difference may be it gets to be substantial when you really start peeling back layers of the onion. As such I hesitate to use the word "breathless' since it tends to imply retention of breath, which IME is a very different thing than bringing all of the body's processes below certain thresholds where neural activity and resultant feedback-cascades drop to a very low, attenuated state. In such a state one experiences no hypoxia because respiration is still taking place, deep and "breathless" though it may be. :) Dont attach or worry, so long as you are maintaining awareness with this you'll be fine, your body isnt going to just shut down on you, its not like you're consciously trying to leave it behind or something. ^_^


    I tend to leave such things for standing practice, since its relatively more active anyway. A good deep abdominal breath naturally primes the organs so I tend to not spend a lot of time in seated meditation on that aspect. For bones I love the white skeleton, in fact master Nan Huai Chin said that tremendous progress can be achieved by just that and anapana. But anyway, 'utter and complete stillness' doesnt focus on those things, it is mostly harmonious anapana. The focus of your awareness determines - 'actuates', if you want to consider another term - the practice on an experiential level, which is why it is so important to maintain awareness even when in 'utter and complete stillness'; for awareness is part and parcel of and not productively separable, imho. Separate the two and you wind up with the 'dead tree Zen' that master Nan has also mentioned. Pay too much attention to the priming of organs, sinews, cavities, bones and such, and such things ('feeling out' via the neural pathways') generate neural activity that ostensibly promulgates manifestation of thought-stream-energy on some level. Not that there isnt benefit to doing such things in practice, there absolutely is, but part of 'strategy' and 'protocol' dictates that certain things should be determined ahead of time with regard to the progression of a meditation session. Even if one's intention is to simply sit and let whatever may arise, arise - that is still a 'strategy.' Feeling out that stuff is awesome and beneficial, no doubt - but haha...I dont recall who said this, but basically all methods are unsustainable and are to be dropped eventually. (Even if it is in a waxing/waning context.) :)



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  18. Wonderful!! It's good to ascertain experiences but don't be too ready to sound the trumpets (to yourself, in terms of inner subtlties) because "the spoils of war are lost in celebration".


    It is a good indication, but it's not that big a deal~ that's not meant in a negative way at all!! Just keep it up without harboring any kind of expectations. There's a whole world of wonderful mystery to explore :D

    Thank you, and yes- I see it all, as diversions


    My goals are higher reaching ;)