Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. I'm very surprised by the responses in this thread. [...........]

    So, DNB, KevinCann, Old Green, Josama, perhaps your reluctance to develop the third eye has kept you in a delusional state which is why you are spreading fear and danger signals about developing the third eye???



    I wanted to give personal advice,...

    to this particular individual- not to a whole audience.


    I have been reading this original posters threads since he popped up on this forum a few days ago....

    Here is a little insight on this poster, and thus- my reasoning for warning against he abruptly open his third eye:


    Lindelani Mnisi's Profile

    Member Title:Member

    Age:15 years old



    Colored Font is my emphasis:



    Posted 25 July 2012 - 07:12 AM

    I joined this forum to get stronger and learn new techniques(prefebly teleportation and best way to open my third eye). How does this forum work anyway?



    [Wants to open his third eye and doesn;t know how a forum works.... :) ]


    Am i special?

    Does this just only happen to me or is it average?

    Am i destined to change the world with this power or is it just average? Please answer, i must know




    What up erybody

    Posted 23 July 2012 - 11:37 PM

    Hey erybody, I got attracted to this site when i googled ki ghosts. Can't wait to learn everything i can about chi and other spiritual things. I'm 16 and do all my web browsing on my phone and no my parents don't know that I'm into chi cause they'd either taboo it or disclaim it and forget about it(they old fashioned).





    He is ONLY 15 years old.

    Lives with his parents, who are against this.


    Right there, I sense calamity...


    Judging by his prior posts... I get a sense, he might be headed for QiGong Psychosis, or Meglomania


    I thought it be wise- if he was more grounded and rooted _first :)


    He's 15 years old - he should experience mundane life first...because he is set for PUBERTY now - which means- those hormones will escalate his advancement- quickly


    That's why they keep the Red Phoenix so guarded- smashing open the 3rd eye quickly, might have dire consequences


    *Also, I was his age when I experienced my gifts...and I went through hell... so maybe, I might relate to him on a more personal level, too :)




    Apologies to the original poster- :) didn't mean to single you out and put you on the spot- but I got called on my actions- and maybe, indirectly- this will help you to see opposing arguments

    • Like 2

  2. Thank you Tao Bums, for all the Insights


    The Full Moon is coming up in a few days, and this is when it is usually strongest.


    Now that I know this is common, for some, it helps eases minds - though my wife has seen me do some very weird stuff over the years lol :)

  3. Hi DNB,

    Are you full of awarness and knowledge upon return from such meditations?

    Becouse if not it could be something I recall my teacher mentioning -- suspended animation.

    It happens even to yogis that have many expiriences and are able to enter real samadhis. He also mentioned that this is easily and often for deep state of realisation and meditation.

    Some yogis take upon practise of jada samadhi and manage to spend long time under ground and similar feats.


    Here is a part of the article by Swami Satyananda on samadhis which is interesting:


    'Trance, ecstasy or suspension of consciousness is not samadhi. Samadhi is sublime equanimity. There are many wrong notions about samadhi. According to some, samadhi is a state where one's body becomes petrified and looks like a stone. The pulse rate slows down and the metabolic process stops. Suspended animation is the greatest science which has been mastered and perfected by Indian yogis, but it is not samadhi. In the state of suspended animation, or jada samadhi, there is no awareness or knowledge. The stock of subconscious or subliminal impressions remains unexhausted and dormant.


    Samadhi does not merely mean a state of steady posture and total unconsciousness. A person who has been able to make the conscious and subconscious forces dormant is really commendable, but that has nothing to do with yoga and the ordinary person. If the state does not exhaust muscular, emotional and mental tensions, if it does not bestow peace, power and enlightenment, if it does not remove your complexes, conflicts, schizophrenia, psychological disorders etc., it is not samadhi.


    What is samadhi then? Can everyone achieve samadhi? Is samadhi total awareness or complete forgetfulness? In samadhi are we conscious or unconscious? Is samadhi total suspension, forgetfulness, unconsciousness, total inertia, or is it absolute consciousness, total awareness? The mind is a bundle of mental patterns of awareness. When every pattern of awareness has been rejected and annihilated, what remains is the ultimate form of consciousness. Here peace is experienced within.'



    And if it is a deep state of meditation or chi kung, than as previous poster mentioned body massage is the thing to do to bring you back to physical.


    Anyway it is interesting to read your vibrant contributions so far on TTB.


    Thank you for your encouraging words :)


    When I am "gone", I see flashes of people, places, that I have never seen in my waking conscious 'memory'.


    Sometimes visions [prophetic and a couple of cases of confirmed 'time travel'... but never any instances of bi-location]...


    Most times, like I am just glimpsing people in their daily mundane activities.


    My Rottweiler is usually sleeping, and he cries in his sleep, which this might be causing. I believe this because in the past I have inadvertently appeared in others dreams in my household during my mediations.

    I have a Ball Python in my Temple, where I do my meditations, ritual work, etc,. and he is most active during this time, though prior he is curled up


    ... So I grok, something is definitely going on


    Most of the time, it is like suspended animation.

    Immediately after regaining Beta state, my joints/knuckles/spine/neck [etc.,] all pop, as if I have been sleeping 8 hours

  4. DnB-- I love your posts! I haven't posted here in a long time, I pissed some people off I think, because I started getting visitors checking me out at night. I've been lurking here for several years though.


    As for the breathing, I have experienced the very beginning of ceasing the breath. I only mention it because for me it is a natural phenomenon; I have done very little ' mediation', but can easily extend my breath to one per minute. I read once in a book by B.K. Frantzis that there were great health benefits from this- I have to wonder though, what this means that I can do it so easily.


    I've tested my ability to alter my heart rate, and can naturally alter it by about 10 bpm or more, up or down. Thus being without the valsalva. I just ' drop' or 'raise' inside, I dont really know words for it.


    When Im alone in a quiet place, I've been able to stop my breath briefly, the 'thought' that "people have to breath" caused me to take a breath, though I felt no urgency what so ever.


    It reminds me of a documentary about sun gazing, 'Eat The Sun' I think, and the loss of appetite and supposed lack of need for food.


    I suppose I have my mother to thank for any of this natural ability Ive held onto, she's always supported me. We used to play the number game, I got pretty good at guessing the right number.



    Anyway, I'd be curious to see what your blood oxygen and end tidal CO2 are when you are in that state. But I wouldn't worry, some of us are just where we are with this stuff, 'science' be damned!


    Thanks for reading:-)


    Thank you for the kind words :)

    I seen ''Eat the Sun'' and have done sun-gazing-- kept it up for awhile, but I started thinking it might not be healthy to pursue it for much longer, as I was going for about 15 minutes and my body wanted more.

    I feel the same benefits from visualizing looking at the sun- which is a technique gazers do on cloudy days


    I only eat once, daily, anyway- so anymore and I might disappear lol


    B.K. Frantzis has some good books


    Congrats on your success!


    ...& night visitors? If you want to talk, privately, Email me :)


    Thanks and welcome back!

  5. About 30 minutes into meditation, my 'waking consciousness' is gone.


    Recollection of 'anything', is almost work to pull back

    [sometimes, more difficult than others: i.e., around Full Moon]


    If I am doing a deliberate practice, I can follow it with no problem


    But if I am not following a 'self-imposed, guided direction, [NeiDan],... within 30 minutes, I am completely 'far off'


    Approx. 20 minutes into my meditation, & My breathing, as it slows down, is practically not even noticeable...


    My pulse is extremely faint as well...


    Add another 10 minutes into that, and breathing is gone


    Sometimes, I can 'view myself' from outside, very faint recall, and there is no breathing, none. [this conscious stir then pulls me back]


    Upon coming back from [Delta/Theta?] Alpha to Beta - there is just 'darkness', as if I am pulling back from being unconscious


    Sometimes, I will feel a deep throbbing in my head, pulsing [no pain, ever]


    There is no 'blueness' nor 'redness' to my skin/complexion after a mirror check.


    I am not out of breathe, no heart palpitations, etc


    My wife is a Registered Nurse, and also can reach high altered states, but nothing close to what I achieve - and it is worrying her...


    I just say "if I appear dead, hide my body for a few days before the morgue is called" :)


    Should she actually 'test' to see if I am not breathing, upon entering my 'aura-space', I 'feel it', & it starts to stir me, which of course, disturbs the breathing cessation


    [i am not sleeping lol]


    I know Yogis can do this, and shamans, etc.,


    But before I classify myself as such [want to separate this from an ego stroke]...


    Anyone else experience this for a long stretch?


    I'm not talking for a couple of minutes - I am talking for a substantial amount of time that medical science would deem 'brain dead' from lack of oxygen


    [i don't want to involve physician lab rat tests, etc]


    Hoping for some feedback :)



    From a traditional Tao standpoint, what path(s) are taken by the jing-transmuted yang energy

    after it has been stored in the lower dan tien for a while?


    The opening of the Jen-Mai and Tu-Mai Channels...


    The comfort you are experiencing now maybe Internal Baptism Ching-An

  7. Hi DNB :)

    The various methods which describe the tummo practice have a first step of a sort of alternate nostril breathing. The purpose is to balance ida and pingala, the left and right channels. You can tell if you have succeeded in this by checking that you have equal breath flow through both nostrils. If the flow of breath through one nostril is greater or more pronounced, you will not be able to dissolve the left and right channels into the sushumna/central channel. If you practice tummo without first having the ida and pinagala balanced, the heat will not enter the central channel and will flow on the outside, producing bodily heat. Or even, it may well flow into ida or pingala (the left and right channels) producing cold or heat. This is incorrect practice.


    Actually, just the practice of clearing both nostrils so that the breath is flowing smoothly and evenly through both nostrils is a practice in itself. Normally the predominant nostril breath flow changes from one side to the other every couple hours throughout the day. If you catch yourself at that point when the predominant nostril is switching to the other, it is very easy to collapse ida and pingala into the top of the central channel at the third eye by gently breathing inwards through the nose and 'sucking' inwards while putting your tongue on the palette and rolling your eyes upwards.. Otherwise, you do the alternate nostril type of breathing to clear and balance the nostrils before practice..


    The method of tummo is very interesting. There are five pranas/winds in the body. When you breathe in you gather prana at the navel chakra. When you perform a root lock (tightening the orifices in the bottom torso, it causes the apana (downward flowing prana) to reverse and be drawn up to the navel chakra. By silently swallowing, you are then mixing in another type of prana (vayu). Then, by holding your breath, focusing on the navel chakra, along with the root lock, this mixture of different forms of prana combines and produces heat.


    The next step is to take the heat up the central channel when gently exhaling and this causes blazing. At first it is a small flame that ignites. Later, the flame grows and produces more heat, the heat rises up the central channel and melts the red and white kundalini drops in the heart and head chakras.


    It is interesting to note that all of these texts: "The Clear Light of Bliss", "Bliss of Inner Fire" and "The 6 Yogas of Naropa" take the heat from the navel directly to the central channel, bypassing the two lower chakras!


    It is said that it is the heat in the central channel that loosens the three knots/granthis.


    So, yes, I agree. If you have not opened both nostrils and balanced the left and right channels, or if you do not take the heat into the central channel, you will experience external heat and possibly adverse phenomenon.


    Also, don't take the heat into the kidneys. Learn proper technique.







    I've used to practice Pranayama, but many years ago broke my nose [lol approx 12 times/MMA] - so I have a Deviated Septum -so deviated, it's bloody devious ;)


    So when I get thrown a slider from the Universe, I try varying techniques.


    I utilize Pore Breathing [magick technique], and bypass some channels and directly fill them with the pore breathing. Breathe directly into nadis, chakras, etc.,


    I've done Red Phoenix before I learned it, however, breathing through all 3 third eyes and the other 2 Dan Tiens @ same time.


    g`Tummo [again, per your great instruction] : I can do via the Pore Breathing the 5 Elements. Can do it per tertiary system, or full-on. Inhale fire, water, etc.,


    If I am cold, I make my body a red balloon and inhale fire element - the room will also get noticeably warmer, and others can feel it too.

    If one gets really good at this[these] techniques, Djinn, or salamander Elementals {fire} may show up :)

    • Like 2


    To what extent should we 'heat up' our cores?

    Just my personal experience--


    If you ever plan on raising your Kundalini.... and you deliberately 'add more heat'... it will catch up to you, should the Pingala be excessive


    Like sticking a Habanero pepper in your third eye ;)


    Also, sometimes anger issues flare up... i.e.,: "hot under the collar"

    If the Kidneys get overly heated, high blood pressure may become a factor, as well...


    Your aura will 'carry this'



  9. I've had quite a few of these experiences, and like yourself, was very reluctant of 'fully letting go'


    After a few times, I started getting 'De-sensitized' to the 'almost dying' feeling... [or maybe at the time, I just didn't give a dang, anymore]... & 'went with it'


    When your 'inner mind' has the preconceived conclusion that you will no longer fight it when it comes - the actual 'non_death', is pretty anti-climatic


    To Completely be "Poured Out" is a prerequisite to being "Completely Re-Filled, Again")

  10. In Kundalini yoga traditions the point is made, that the sexual energy is a dual-purpose energy.

    It's also the drain plug.


    If you don't do anything else with it, excess energy gets converted into sexual energy.


    Now Kundalini is a hoglet. She not only grabs every last ounce of sexual energy if She can,

    She converts subtle biological essences such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and various other

    things She harvests from the nervous system and body. These components are required to bolster

    the physical nervous system, to prevent the energy component from frying your brain.


    If Kundalini goes far enough and you fight it, and blast semen all over the room, and if She's

    stubborn enough, you will eventually feel burning all over your body; you will experience brain

    damage. I'm not joking. I've helped answer letters written by people who have done this to

    themselves. Hell, I almost did this to myself when I was much younger.


    Now, I must say, you are triply screwed, from your perspective.


    Once Kundalini pierces your heart, she is unstoppable. Just like you want sex, She does too;

    and she gets her Freak on, by boning 'Shiva' in your heart and your brain. That is as low

    in your energy system He will go to meet Her, until stage 2 or stage 3 of an awakening.


    The other responders are right; you can pile on heavy food, nasty meat, etc.


    If you are really hard up for sex and want to spit in Her face (that's your business, it's not

    my business),


    you can at least practice semen retention and whole body orgasms. You can eventually get where you

    can have lots of sex and still retain semen. This will also build up your sex drive. There's also

    some good Tantra out there you may want to read. But she will still steal every last bit of both

    the energy and the physical essences that she can. You might only be able to have sex once a week.


    In a grim way I find this funny. There are tens of millions of people in India that would cut off

    their left nut to get what you don't want.


    I know a hundred Americans probably, that would give away their house to the poor to have what

    you don't want.


    I myself obey Her implicitly.


    Good luck my friend,






    Any ideas ?

    This is my opinion...


    Been dealing with Kundalini for over 21 years...


    You are playing Tug_of_War..........and YOU are Holding BOTH Sides of the Rope


    You are your best friend, and your own worst enemy


    Eventually, this rope you are playing with, will either....


    • bind you
    • hang you
    • or be an escape ladder to the heavens


    No matter what you seek, externally


    Is temporary


    Stop jerking your Rope


    • Like 5

  12. DnB! good to see others speak of such things! i have yet to use such balls in my Qigong, but Magick is another story ;) haha. what lineage of magic do you practice? or are you an eclectic?

    Qabala, Egyptian, Sumerian/Babylonian, Solomonic Grimoires [Goetia, etc.,], Greek/Roman, Gnostic, Chaos, Some Vodoun, Psychotronics/Radionics - RHP and LHP ..

  13. http://lovebliss.eu/Meditation.htm

    Kundalini awakening


    This meditation has several stages to be performed in the following order...


    A. Feel the perineum (area between genitals and anus) and sense that on the in-breath energy moves up a few inches and on the out-breath moves down again. Do this for about ten breaths.


    B. Sense a ball of energy an inch or so above the perineum. On the in-breath expand it and on the out-breath simply let go. Do this for about ten breaths.


    C. Sense energy radiating in all directions from the root center just above the perineum. Try to get a sense of continuous flow. Do this for as long as you go deeper and deeper, - or if possible merge in bliss. When you reach a plateau, go to D.


    D. Now center your attention on the top of the scull. On the in-breath and also on the out-breath sense you are allowing the energy to rush up your spine to the crown. Do this for about ten breaths.


    E. On the in-breath sense energy rising about an inch out through the top of your scull. On the out-breath sense it going down again about an inch into the head. Do this for about ten breaths.


    F. Sense a ball of energy at the scull, about two inches in diameter. On the in-breath expand it and on the out-breath simply let go. Do this for about ten breaths.


    G. Sense energy radiating in all directions from the crown. Try to get a sense of continuous flow. Do this for as long as you get deeper and deeper, - or if possible merge in bliss.


    H. Sense energy radiating from both the root chakra and the crown chakra. After a while the two will merge. When you reach a plateau, go to A and repeat the steps.



    CAREFUL! I was trying this one out...it might just release, for some of you!

    ***Careful what you wish for!





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