Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. The first chapter of this paper seeks to explain how Chinese people perceived

    these black slaves by analyzing representations of people with dark skin in fictional and

    nonfiction sources from the fifth century through the Song dynasty, tracing the evolution

    of the meanings and connotations of the term kunlun

    This mysterious and poorly

    understood word first applied to dark-skinned Chinese and then expanded over time to

    encompass multiple meanings, all connoting dark skin. This chapter examines the

    meaning of the term kunlun in nonfiction before and during the Tang; fictional tales about

    magical, superhuman kunlun slaves from the Tang fiction compendium Taiping guangji


    Free PDF:56 pages

  2. From my research, and personal experience.


    We/I exist on multiple time lines.


    Once I can thoroughly 'grok' this, then I, can work with it...


    Elusive...[like nailing a chunk of jello, to a wall]


    Non-linear 'time pendulum', swings forward, backward, and side-to-side


    I can 'connect' to my past, future and present 'alternates' [side-to-side]


    I look in a mirror, and shatter it to pieces- I exist in each fragment, now




    I scatter the pieces, but, I am 'still there, but in different positions'


    In meditation, I summon 'My Selves'...


    I choose/Will-- to 'tap into the consciousness stream of 1 of my future selves'


    Once I establish a 'link', I siphon from that Golden Body~


    That is my best teacher, because He/She(?): knows best, of what I "need"


    Should one of my selves, pass me, as I walk down the alpha highway ... 'we know'...



    [the meeting, of mind(s)]

    • Like 1


    I've been posting up a storm over at ................................ nobody is interested, either in the forums or in


    :) I know the feeling... :)

    When I was having Kundalni problems, I'd have crawled across a mile of broken glass for one good

    sentence from someone who knew what they are talking about. I'm not joking or exaggerating.


  4. The intent behind ball holding position in Kunlun is to strenghten the central channel energy to ignite the spontaneous movements. (Though I can see one can end with "ball of energy" in some cases even without such intention eg. if sitting in that position for longer time.)


    Btw. original kunlun 1 (yigong) doesn't even end with hands at dantien (at least not in the yigong dvd), just intent to store energy in dantien.


    Without revealing too much of the technique, with due respect to the authors:

    This is my source-


    "Kunlun The forgotten practices of self-awakening".


    By Max Christensen with Chris Tittle


    5) Position your hands into a holding-the-ball posture






    Other than Jenny Lamb's DVD, I had no idea Kunlun had a video out, also lol

  5. I was reading older threads here, and I noticed some people were experiencing minor(?) hauntings, after doing Kunlun


    I use Kunlun 1, and I have a feeling I can offer some suggestions. :)


    This is only my personal opinion and in no way to be misconstrued as me taking sides- pro or con :)


    I have practiced Ritual Magick for close to 40 years [Even published 15 Books on my experiences :) ]


    So I have some clues lol



    Without going into specifics on the Kunlun technique, itself...


    When you are in position, practicing level #1...your hands...


    They are forming a 'Ball"....in the book, it even says [paraphrased] using a ball holding position


    If you are actually visualizing a ball, or just assuming a 'ball holding position' - your hands have chakras- and do release energy into a ball shape, [or 'pillar'] during this practice


    I actually rely on this 'tangible' Ball, as I lean on mine, to relieve pressure, with my upper hand- [it helps because I have some Rotator Cuff damage from my MMA fights]



    Kunlun works very well...


    It creates a large stream of magnetic field(s) around/'in' the user

    --Now, what are you thinking about, or what is bubbling up in your subconscious, while you are 'holding the ball'?


    What is happening here, is you are creating a huge 'Thought-Form', and impregnating it with your "Will', or 'Fleeting Thoughts'...





    Upon completion of the practice, right before you place your hands on your Dan Tien - you 'Release This Ball' -- "Momentarily" - without [possibly?] ever thinking about 'Your ball just floated away'...


    Everyday- you are creating these large 'balls of energy' - with whatever thoughts they are carrying - & they start to seep into the physical structures.


    They can visit people in their dreams or cause 'Poltergeist phenomenon' - i.e., crackling sounds, etc.,


    So what to do?



    Lineages all carry 'Egregores'


    Neither nefarious, sinister nor ominous- they 'just exist' as a multi-generational, unified conscious current- & when you are initiated- you are 'spliced and wired' into this 'stream/current' of energy...


    [Magick Lodges have these "Egregores", as well]


    Your 'power balls', will feed them - should they be hanging around.


    Sexual energy will also feed them - and feed your 'floating ball(s)'


    Suggestion [again, just Advice]:


    Banish what you have, that's pre-existing [you can find them with dowsing]


    ...Then- (re)absorb them into your Lower Dan Tien


    Whatever 'residue' is hanging around- mentally and physically 'clear it', with a deliberate technique.


    You can also 'put them inside an object' - crystals, magickal tools, etc



    I can give you advice, if you so choose- Email me




    After you are done with the Kunlun Level 1 hand position- before placing your hands on your Dan Tien- *Will* the Ball to "Stay" -


    Compact [mentally or physically] this Ball, between your hands and make it small enough, concentrated enough... to be "Felt" and "Pushed" into your Dan Tien, as you are grounding your energy back into it [placing your left/right hand there, as the instructions state]




    You are empowering and causing shape - to your Lower Dan Tien


    You will feel the improved difference, after a few days




    You can deliberately "Empower" that ball of energy with a 'Sigil' and launch it 'off into the ethers' -- to perform a task, for you... :)


    Leaving Charged Balls of immense power, to float around, on their own accord- daily -- growing, and assuming a consciousness [all their own, eventually]- ...whatever 'damage' they do - the creator of them, is responsible...

    • Like 4





    I have no clue what the difference is between K symptoms, K arousal, K awakening... ppl seem to throw them out interchangeably. I don't think it really matters to tell you the truth.



    In your particular case, it matters, much...


    An Arousal means the Kundalini is no longer dormant, just kicking around. The symptoms it causes might eventually subside.


    A Full Blown Awakening means it will not go away, the Kundalini is here to stay- and will likely cause you further 'distress', until it does what it wants to do.

    The symptoms, though, lessen to a degree- it is always "Evolving"


    If it is Awakened, either you will bend to it, or it will break you. No 'in between' - sorry.


    [i had mine Awaken in 1991]

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    I am not a spiritual person in the slightest, just a normal dude with normal ambitions like making money and chasing women. I don't want to deal with spiritual things which can take a long time and is not guaranteed to work, so I'm looking for a one time, quick, permanent fix.

    Certain this is Kundalini?

    If it is - this is an Arousal, NOT an Awakening, and the symptoms might subside on their own. Using drugs might turn it into a full blown Awakening...


    The solar activity might be aggravating it- cut down on exercise and eat heavy foods during the acute flair ups

  8. When I was a kid, I got beat up a lot.

    Racially divided area, and I also had many emotion and mental

    problems [briefly mentioned on my other threads].


    Started power lifting, but as it was taking a long

    time to develop size and strength, I also delved into Martial Arts.

    I combined what worked- I always thought I invented Jeet Kune Do :)


    Living in NYC, there were literally hundreds of used book stores, and most of them had boxes of expired magazines that they just gave away. I would load up my backpack with muscle, Karate, KungFu and

    any other magazines with covers that seemed related to my needs.


    ;) Important Note: They never freely discarded Playboy magazines


    Once Bruce Lee etched his mark in Hollywood, I found less and less free Karate & KungFu magazines.

    The articles in the Pre-Lee era, contained fountains of flowing Chi information. The Post-Lee period stuffed magazines with movie posters.


    I knew there was gold in those Chi instructions. Again, I was just an early teenager, and really couldn't disseminate what was most useful, but I practiced many of those Chi techniques.

    Some did not do much good, reflecting back - my Testosterone was not yet, a bubbling fountain.


    As fate would dictate, though - I did make use of a few quality practices.


    The names of these "Oriental Exercises" [Political Correctness wasn't invented yet] have long been forgotten, by me.

    However, I still recall quite a few routines. [Asperger eidetic memory, thankfully]


    This one had a drawing of bubbling fountains, with huge, golden men [immortals, I presume]


    From them, freely flowed the liquid gold, which is captured in an ornamental vase. The vase, pours out, into a diamond/square cut out, through top of the head.


    Where the Chakra locations are, spinning wheels holding cups, capture this flooding essence. As they capture, they turn down, spilling towards the front, and release to the next waiting wheel of cups.


    Process is repeated until the flood reaches the groin.


    Waddling in a pool of white water, right below the groin, the cups now refill with this [bottom] liquid light, and scoop/move back, upwards, to the rear of the body. [refilling the cups, up to the crown]


    Basically, the Governor channel pulling up white light, while the Functional channel is flowing down with golden elixir, from the Immortals.


    The mixing of the two liquids - in the pool, creates [2 opposing vortices] bubbling fountains [similar to the Immortal's]. These ascend through the central channel- as red and blue dragons [this description does no justice without the pictures]


    Since the passing of those years, I have recognized many previously [free] released techniques and practices, re-packaged in costly DVDs and Books, and redistributed to the mass commercial market.


    Some of the 'pet favorite techniques' I have seen mentioned in threads on this forum, are some of the re-packaged and re-distributed.


    Slight alterations, here and there, with a dose of "Lineage Transmission/Shaktipat" thrown in.


    [beware who 'lays energy' on you- those lineage egregores are real, and some will feed on unsuspecting auras]

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  9. Later on, incorporating a Mirror (Skrying), Tarot, IChing , etc - are used as Portals.


    -traveling through them, to reach a destination-


    I am 'ending this' -- Here @Ghost-Gongs

    I have noticed Various Currents & some Egregore Affiliates:)

  10. Visualize eating a lemon...your body 'chemistry' reacts


    Your mind can be fooled


    In dreams - your dormant body 'jumps' as 'it' watches 'yourself' fall...


    This is a technique in various occult schools - some call it Path-working... [it can be done via Qabala --Tree of Life]


    There's a whole sub-culture of extraordinary modes to attain unlimited heights


    I will share just one:


    This practice will appeal to some, and enable spontaneous Astral Travel/Projection/Remote Viewing


    Some are naturally more adept at this than others, either way, practice makes perfect




    This is a simple example:


    Standing QiGong... take your stance


    'feel your body'... the weight against the floor - how every muscle is supported - what the mind holds, and how the Qi flow interacts with it


    watch yourself in a mirror- at all angles - keep this to memory


    --Now, go lie down, or sit in a chair...


    Visualize yourself, getting up (make it real) and walking to your familiar place of usual practice


    Assume your position, and recall how it felt prior, and how it looked it the mirror


    Important- Do not watch yourself in your mind's eye-- rather, 'be in the position', and see what your standing practice body would see, feel


    Utilize all your senses


    This is your Astral/Etheric/Doppleganger/Bio-Location Body


    As you are Practicing your Gong, bounce slightly, sway - feel how 'this body' reacts to the physical setting


    To your surprise, you will feel the Qi moving


    This will incorporate quick links to Shen, because it is not the physical body being used (or is it?)


    [Much debate :) ]


    Once you 'notice' your dormant, physical body is also feeling the Qi flow- your consciousness starts to click back and forth to 'both bodies'


    It gets tricky figuring out where these feelings are stemming from


    Eventually, the consciousness transcends to 'one unified body'

    [we have many bodies, our consciousness visits them, individually or collectively]


    Taking this exercise to it's 'projected' natural conclusion, one comes to understand the sky is the limit


    Long Range Attainments & Goals:


    You can be sitting down, riding a train - & practice this, standing up... next to you, eyes open, [Alpha State/Level] and perform an 'Astral Horse Stance'..


    This "Body" you are training- like any muscle - gets stronger through practice and Time.


    -- Diamond, Gold Body, Immortal Body - the Body that lives on after physical death


    With practice- long distant healing can be attained


    Giving Shaktipat to someone at a distance


    Chakra work is enhanced- and many hidden conduits and ganglion of 'energy plexus' reveal themselves (there are more than 7 chakras- the ancients knew of 7 planets, and liked keeping things in patterns of 7)


    Telepathy, melding your thoughts with another...


    Shapeshifting...Assuming transferred consciousness to organic life forms...


    [many more...]


    Spirit World visitation, Inter-Dimensional Bleed-throughs, Time-Lock 'play'...


    [Each one of these 'sub-categories' would be taught on a 'Merit system' -- not all of my students would be taught everything, due to the simple fact, that some can easily abuse/misuse these systems -- i.e.,: getting into another's dream world, and/or Vampyrism(s)... Seminal Retention and keeping your seed: 'not feeding "Lurkers"... gets it's roots, here :) ]


    Your mind can be fooled

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